ý *tdLino Fnf $ 38c: SCOTTSSJ 8 -roUis 49c t, TRIPLE. COATED PORCELAIN ENAMELWARE White wîth rcd triM., irst quglity cooking utensils.ý Regular $139 sipeciels.ý 6 qf. Cover.d Pof 3. qf. Seoss 9 Ca ý eamessTou Kemfe 9 cafr~qf. Ovil Dish Pou 1->ps. Deop Saucé Fa. *1** S&Cap Coffee Moker Reiflar $4.0* aine! Ras a ébe hbelite tray and, l straluer elotks .*Bd a Ise sugar and temner. SIieeiài.......... Poilsb~ed anid ground Iiiside. Bega. iariy $1.19. Speeiafly prteed for Buyers' Days. WhiIoIf600 last.............. ..S.,79 WIt&h eat Indieni lite handies, cagti with cord and plu ebroiininpiated. blak bako- ummnuni grids Ail $23 Gernaine Enter >rise DRII'OLATOR &-cap ize. Ijeatproof yitreous hal ehina, ehoire of Star model or Florai dlesign model. Made to eilu B for $1.19. Specli.......8 , reg. 89e ........ ;e, fl-Ioch disauet.y, Si gai. mdie, S1 .27 WILMETTE LIFIE SCOT TOWELS -Scot Waldorf 1.50 gea rilg Tis sue, 6 irolis 10 ROLLS 49C Our,