3UPc.. Modern .Bedroom Suife teglarlyprIeeeýjd Bt!111-4O. Tbe .t trative ares ebc nd cheat.have lovely walnut vencers on hardwood. Large nlrrÔr on dresser, and good Iooking hardware. NiceIy flnished',$ smartly designcd aUd well .made. $5 9 30 $peclal ...................... Group 'of Modern NoveNt les A ~ ~~~n fpca ropi our attractive de. sleelarly mclli -foir $7.96. Beau- tlfully - mrathed ytops and attractiveý .vencers......................... 2. Pc. Kr ehle r Livinâg R.. Suite beaatlfuly desigueld dpriced ulier- "Ji ably iow for sncb f*ue quality............. - Kr@eU. Mr Sofa Bed Fanious Krochlcr guallty construction. Looks like a Sofaii lu thedaytlIme and by an easy operalion is transformed bIto a comfQrtable,. double bed with a specill bedding compartment. An aetual $44.75 value ............................... Foldinq Bed and lnà rprn Mattress led lu 9 1ovelY heueY eler. r twiu sise bed .guiarly $3 y.73 Sale-of Utility Chests In Ma pie and Walnut f aei 5 $14-8 MARCH 31, 19318 $32