quaiir c tic bo i . * ,.tiic bc LA VVSwL*t masand methods of national de- fense., Brigadier-General Philip B.: Pey- ton -and the offilcers and enlisted mnen- of the garrison thisweek invited the public to be present. Amnouace Program Captain Paul B. Kelly of the l2th brigade, publicity officer of the Post, announced tht:following program: 10,a. mn.-2 p. m.-Moving pictures In the post theater, four performances, showing "Life O'RiIley," cavalry school activities, and 'Cadet Days," life of the cadets at West Point. il a. m..-2 p. m.-Exhibitions by the infantry, cavairy, field artiilery, and enast artillery, showing, the different types of arms- and equilpment, rneans Of employment, and' manner of living- outdoors. 12 noon-l :45. p. :m.-Mess.. A special luncheoni wili be served to a limited nünmber at. the field kitchens for a noMinal fee. 1-1 :45 p. m.-Demongtrations; al mneans of communiceations by the brigade> headquarters organizations; a battalion aidl station by thie medical department; army supplies by the quartertuaster.de- partment; defense against chemical warfare by selected personnel from al units. HorsmanhipExhibit Otheèr afternoon activities are to * include: a'concert by the third field artillery ýbaund: horsemanship exhibit in. thé posýt riding hall; school for bakers armid cooks; an exhibit of brea'kiig camp: smnall .arms firing; infantry training on the target range; formaI guiard mnotnting by a1 corn- pany of the second infantry, the third field .artillery bad; and the post bugle corps; and mounited review. * A drilL tcam and a band from the Great Lakes naval training station at North Chicago will. demonstrate mnethods of training on the parade grounds., Governor. Henry Horner is ex- pccted to be present at the exercises * and wil hle giveni a governor's salu 'teý of 19 gars as soon as, hé enters thej reseri ation.1 The ,vest and south gates wil bel open to visitors whio will be directed to the parking areas by the militaryV YMCA CAMP .The Hon. Harold L. Ickes of IlIubbard Woodsr, e1retry of the iuterior, k'ho has been iinvited to be the giicst of the Skokie volley camip of the Civiliant Conservation corps at the fif 1h a»iniversary cele- bra lion this 7veekend. Wilmette Woman to Show Baltie, Films NIrs. E. D. Yarian, of 1021 Central avenue, Wilmette, will show her col- ored travel films of Sweden, Den- mark and Norway at Mlle. Mathilde_ Ernestine's Beaux Arts salon of the Medinahi club, 505 North Michigani avenue, Chicago, Sunday, April 3, at 4 'o'clock. These films will be given, with a travel lecture by Mrs. Yarian,. who took an extended tour of thèse countries last sumimer. MNadame Elsa Soderstami-Kensting, dramiatic mezzo-soprano and Isobel de Marco, prize winning. pianist, will furnish the usual concert given every Ores for Separate groupa for young- er boys under watebtul ýeye of cabin mothers. FTine stable of pontes and horses for ridinkg and .in- struction wlthout extra cost. Flnest of expert, under- standing_ couniselors, nurse and gênerai staff., Hot and, coid running water for: showers and miodern, sanitary toilet facilities.. HERE~ is the perfect vacation for boys 6 to 1 5ý years-plus the, safety and comfort that, parents- ins i st upon 1. Glorious weeks of ex- pertly supervised out- door 'fun, exerciseý and activity, bolster ed by tasty mneals of perfectly prepared. fo o ds and plenty of pure, fresh mnilk, cream and butter, a.nd backed 'by.nights of--- 1undisturbed s 1 e e p in c 1 e a n, weather-proof cabins means. the time of bis life for any boy. Write or Phone for free Doeriptive Polder AU the. Privileges of a Private Camp at Modeate Weeky R." HASTINGS YMCA CAMP Route 45 to Milburn,,then 2 miles west. Operated by IRVING PARK YMCA 4251 Irving Park Road-Pensacola 1070 RUYIRS' DAYS DARGAINS SHRUBBERY and, GARDEN NEEDI "SAVE .ON AMOOR RIVER. PRIVET HEDGE SÉp.rb Feata Fou a d Sa UHiAlA 4 bqLI týig rLai:.V qe 14IIULV "Unreality" will be the subject. at Scientitlc aid (parasitology), $ 1,800 the services in First Church of Christp a year, Bureau of Animal Indiistry. Scientist, in Winmette Sunday moru- Full information may be obtained ing April 3, at 11 o'clock, held in the, f rom the secretary of the U. S., Civil edifice at 1003 Central avenue. Sun- Service Board of 1Examiners, at the day >chool convenes at 9:45 o'clock. local post office. 4 tO 8 eYe, speead8 6.E*N. W O. 1 StOck uixed, doseui I WJEBOLDT'S DAVIS STREET EVANSTON 1 1