A '¶Pather and Son" exhibition of the work of the artist family of Albnights, sponsortd by the North Shore Art league, will open in the art league's studio at Community flouse in Wintietka with a' tea and reception on Sunday afternoon, Apnil 3. Adam Emory Albright, the' father, and. * the, sons, Malvin Marr Albrightand Ivan Le Lôr- raine Albright, will be gutsts of bhor. The, col-» lection of 'painitings and sculpture is to be on ex- hibition and open to the public until Apniîl 23., AIl three men. have made. separate and distinct naines for thernselvts in, art circles, andý are of * interest here not only for their individual. achieve- ments but because they formerly lived in Hubbard Woods and were north short people. Now they' are residing- in, Varrenville, Ili.,, a quiet town where they have remodeled old churches and inter- esting buildings into unique studios. Adamn Emory Aibright is a painter, particulanly of American country children, and is the conserva-, tive-member cf the familv. His two '.sons were crIn- cated at 'New Trier High school, Northwesttrn, the University of . Illinois. Philadelt)lia and 1 the Beaux Arts -at Nantes, 'France. Mal vin stirlied architecture at Illinois, atid -worktd under Albiin Polasek, tht sculptor, at tht Art institute. Ht bas exhibited in New York, Philadeiphia, Palhn Beach, San Franicisco, Washington, D.-C., the Carnegie institute, and won the Chicago Fountain Competition prize of $500 in 1922, the Robert Rice and Jenkins pize in 1928, the gol nedal of tht Chicago Society of Artists,, and thte William R. Frencb Memorial 'medal. Ivan Le Lorraie, the artist, bas penfected a highly individualistic method of painting tht human form in dull and leaden' colors. During 1918 and 1919 he served as officiaI ntiedical draftsman at a base bospital in France, and it is possible this ex- perience had an influence upon the developnient of bis style. Among other awards he bas taken the $500 John C. Shaffer prize at the. Art institute, where bis frequent entnies in exhibitions will be well rernembered. His work has also appeai-ed con~ secutively i tht 27th te the 31 stannual exhibitions 'at fhEýCýa negie institute. To Sung 'in Tea 'Recîtal at.the Lake ShoreA. C.1' At tht invilti club, Lawrence rector of music *0 *ncnrpp-ii;, ortn the Lake Short' 'Athletic ,voice instructor and di, okie, school in Winnetka, from tht Skokie Madrigal' Nelidoff Photo Lolita Bertling, soprano, wdll- be one of two art-isti appearing in a twilight -musicale, in the * Hwar shoo cuditorium 'in Wilmette Sim- day a! ternoon under the auspices- of the Central- L.aurel and Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher a$- soctons~4*. Miss; Bgertlijg,, j» privatc lii e Mrs. Williamn A. Zimmnerman» of Evanston, is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Adolpheus F.. Bertling of Wilmnette. Mirs. fHorweeri Hostes for Husu'cianrs' Meeting Tht New Trier Girls octet o>f which FranceýS Anderson' is the -director, and the Akeiy trio coirn-' posed of 1Franctes Akely, yj2inist; Blythe Akely,' cellis't, and Ernau Akely, pjanist, wjll give part of the prograin for the meeting of the North Shorc Musicians club Tuesday, April' 5, àt tht home of Mrs.' Ralpb Horwten, 530 Willow road,; Win-. nttka. Tht solo artists will bt Janet Lee, soprano, with Mrs. Akely at tht piano, and Helen Lercb, violinist- with Clara Maas as accompanist. Assisting theý host- ess wil'l be Mrs. Otto Geppert, Mrs. Hlomejr vr malt, and, Mrs. E. L. Lange. Viol inist At a twilight musicale in the Howard school auditorium at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon the Logan- Howard and Central-Laurel Parent-Teacher as- sociations of Wilmette will present Lolita Bertfing, soprano, and Margaret Shelley Russell, vio!itiist. Electa Austin Gamron and Alne Ream w~ill be the accompanists. The proceeds' from the concert, the lastof a« series of. tbree, wili benefit the Wilhuette Schools orchestra. Miss ýBertling bas sung in oper a, concert,> oratorio,~ radio, and musical revues, and has been à mem-. ber of the Eniglish Opera company, the Madisoni opera, and- the Chicago Civic .Opera company.- Overý thé radio she is heard with "Tht Northervers". and Henry. Weber's Sympbonette. !in concert -she has . appeared befoe maniv clubs and organizations,'and bas been soloist with th Milwaukee Pbilbarmonic, orchestra, the )Berwyn sympbony, the Woman's1 Symn)hony1 orchestra, -tht Chicago Civic orchestra,. and. the Illinois S%,ni- phony. As prima donna she traveled with a music revue, singing in fifteen dlifferent states and .in Canada. Mrs. Russeli- received.ber training at Benthiany coilege, Lindsborg, Kas., ber n-aster's degree frwmi Columbia university, and studied for two years at the Brussels Royal conservatory in Belgium, At McPhe1'son college iKansas 'and at' WillUani Woods college in Fulton, Mo., she taughit violin and- conducted the orchestra. In 1935, she went to Kuling, China. where she directed tht Kuling American School orchestra, a widely known group of 31 musicians, and taught in the music department. According to scho ol, of- ficiais, she became known for conterts in Hankow, Wuchang, Peiping, Tientsin, and Nanking, and built up the music departmnent of 'the school to. a pronminent position amnong foreign higb schools in the Far East. Ju.ne 3, 1937, Mrs. Russell concluctéd the Kuling School orchestra in' a. concert 'especially arranged' for General Chiang lCai-shek at 'bis re- quest. She came to 'the Wilmette schools, where she is now a faculty member, last fail.. Zoellner Stiring Qua.rtet Gives Chicago, Recital The Musicians Club of. Chicago is. presenting the Zoellner String quartet in a. recital at Curtiss [raill 'in Chicago at 1 :30 o'clock Monday,> Apt-il 4. The <uartet is under the leadership of Joseph Zoçlînler, Tlr. internationally kno.wn rnusiciaii, now living in Wilmette. Menibers of the quartet are Charles' Btckçley, a one~-mian ig some New' as well as a eetching ofi i.d for tht W ich a pri e House.ý troi nere, varent-Te acner or t was ne- school auditorium Suaàây alternoon., inist, a member faculty, is to 'bc red L'y the local n the Howard e at, 4 o'cloek, vAexibiuinug iret. water "Portage Point" ai-d "No drawings, "'Gladioli" and ' animal wattr celer exhi Society of Fine Arts at Mardi 19 tô April 23, 17 Elmwood avenue, Wil- North Short Art league, colons, "~Fleur de ýLis," nrtherni Dunes,"' and two "éHyacinth," in the third hibit o f the AII-Illinois tht Stevenis hotel from 6WILM ETTE, LI FE -46