Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Mar 1938, p. 48

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toC Here ()n Satirday afteýr*nooni, April 2, at 2 'lc the Jack atid Jili I>Ilave rs will present at thie wt)tlaii's Club> of Wilrnette, the Iast of their' series Of plavs fo~r this year, ý"Sleeping Beauty." Thîe story,-k one Which:.is familiar tho cveryonc, whether youing or. oki, and has1 long been',a favorite with eve rybody.' tit elîs of the Christcnfing of a beautiful Princess; andI how., wlhcn the invitations arc ment out to the fairies to corne tothis Christening, the :Blac'k Fairy k flot. invited. 'But she, in' her wrath, cornes iieyer the' lcss, and. whc:î ail the otiter fairics give Bcauty lovely gifts, %lie also gives lier a lîresent. 3ut .thie îrescnt of the Black lairy iï noi a happy one, for sh'c decrees that on' lier fiftecnth birthday, I3eauty *will 1w pricked by a spinniniç whee t,' and die. The good kind fainies cati- mîot e-tireiy unclo this cvil wish, but * 'licy do inlodify it. Andi su, on lier if- tccti birthiday, Beauty, whiein she pricks hierseif as forctold, docs not- die, but slccps for one hunidred years: It is a cbarming stôry, and onc * particularly weIl adapted for youtig audiences. The costumes in the Jack and uit iproduction arc very Iovelyý. and the drarnatization'by Marie Agiic, * Foley, who also directed thic play, il, one wtîiclî ail will enjoy. Lorraine Scbuster, wbo lbas bccn tfi Wilmette ini many' other plays, - iii' cluding 'Raggedy Ann," The Magic Fishbon e," "Toby Tyler, -is 1)layiitW, the tile role of Sleeping Beauty. Thc cbarining prince who -cornes and wakes Beauty at the end of the hiut- dred years is being played by Jackic Chalbeck. Tickets mnay be secured front Miss lZebecca Fitch, at the Home Owniers' association, 1155 Wilrnette avenue, or' fntMrs. Harrison Storrns, chair-, mian of -the childre,î's plays commîit-' tee of the club, or the memnbers. of lier cornmittee: Mrs. R. D. Taylor, Mrs. Otto von the Hoff, Mrs. Arthur Stanten1, Mrs'. Carl 'Lovgreîî, Mrs. t", - '-t,' UN i îll of Glencoc.. ai the irù;(ht, and A iss Jane Waidner of flubbard Woods -;tdli proumenîade down the Navi' pirr I lo theIcarooni ai ils end, Fridav cveinyi of titis i'cck. alt iue <trshiow prc'viezv, and again on the o>ening doy, NldAv,'pril 2. Tlaeir loivers ansd costumes. and the table at wchich thvc.i will l'r e 'rqed., carry, qufi e -01d ChIicago" msotif of flhe opening doy. Garden Club fo Spend Day ai Flower Show ~heithe ,nepnihers of the (ar Orgànizes Committee, for Symphony Tickets for Carnival for Maternity Center While arrangements for1 th2e Carnival dinn.er dance to N., held April 30, at the Drake hôtel. are beinig completed, the Nort11 Shiore auxiliary of, th e7 ChicagO Maternity center already is Iooking forw*ard to next year' s admliinistration. More than sev- en hundred invitations are be- ing issued 'for the post-Lenteni benefit party which -will 'climax the endeavors of this , \.ars bîoard for the benefit of tii" ro choose 'the si'ate for electioti at the auimial meetin g ini May, '.Mrs. Earl J. Cooper, president,lias' appointed the norninating comnrittee. Mrs. H. Laniont Dalton,- chairînan,. will cali tht e enîbers of lier conîittec to- gethier ini the tîcar future to surVe V the list of mnembers with an, eve for- those-to carry on the successful.or"- ganization which has distinguished the ' Northî Shorte-auxiliarv of tlie <enter in- its five years of -existenlce. 1Froni Wilmette is Mrs., Court ToeI and froni Gleîîcoeý Mrs. TIhomias B., Siuîgletoti while other rnernbers of the coîîîmittee itîclude Mrs. J., M\acr.-egor- -Fraser, Mrs. D. L. Storniont, Ms >Sainriel Lang, anîd Nrs. Ephraim S. Lo Clark,al of Evatîston. *Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Ralph Huck, and 'Mrs. Ray T. Johnisotn, co-cliair- ii .of the party, will attenîd the board meeting of the Chicago board hf' the Maternity center on Wednes-' dav ' March 30, to report. on theprog- ress of the party. On .Tüesday, April ..Ms Huck,,aîîd M\rs. John- son have called a meeting of their coîîîbilned committees, the finance and social, respectively, which comprise *the ticket comfmittee 'for -the' paty.. The meeting wilI be held at the home of. Mrs. Huck, 918 Judson avenue, ofEvatiston at 10 ini the morning. 11,JC 'h ...lii " t. . .1u m l to drive theint ast, and 'wilI. speîîd tmo weeks there. The fotlowing Frn- day her son, *jack, will fly' east bo join her, whenit is vacatioti coin- mences at New Trier High school, asid together they will drive home.. Hostess l'o Reading Circi. The Readinîg circle will mieet Mon- day, April 4, at 1 o'cloclc at 'the home of Mrs. A. J. Coburi, 915 Liliden avelnue. William tA. next 'week. :nixUi Iue lsdày Mis s Cassie Empfield is speiîding this 'week of spring vacation froni Grinneil college with bier parents, the D. P orter :Empfields of 915 Greenleaf avenue. WILMETTE LIFE

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