Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Mar 1938, p. 52

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Impersonator, Mim'ic, Act- and Hobo Reporter +o B. .1 Club Tuesdày j f~ The regular monthly mieet- ing of the Woman's guild of the Wilmette P a r i s h Methodist' churcb will be ,helà, on 1Thurs- daApril 7,. commiencing at 1 o'clock in the morning., The af- ternoon sessi on at U.:30 o'clock will cointinue the Lenten, Re- treat which was so effectively preserited at the March meet-, ing. The general sewing chairman, Mrs.. N. A. Boo z,, wiil me et with the divi- sional sewiniz chaîrmen in. the moru- ing, ýMrs. Luchla Tucker, Mrs. Staver: Mouiding, Mrs. Paul Hardinan, Mis john Petty, Mrs. J. ýC. Martin, and Mrs. W. N. Waidner, and, the othcr members of the six divisions. Trhis group is conipieting a very splendid ,piece of wor>ç denmonstrating what àbi ity c o u pi 'e d with perseverence and a reai heart interest cari accom- plish. Dôzens of small articles wili accompany a ift of flfty weli-made shirts for tbeeLake Bluff orphanage. At 10:30 o'clock Mrs. A. L. Fuller wiII preside over the executive board meeting and a complete attendance is urged as matters of importance are to be discussed, among which is the spring Rummage sale on May 19 and 20, Mrs. Horace Young andi Mrs. C. Roîi Smith are in charge of this *event, the proceeds to be dividèd be- tween the six divisions taking part. Mrs. M. C.,Greigg will present details of the annual spring luncheon to be held on Ma y 5, arrangements being ini charge of the five divisions. Luncheon wiIi bc served by the sec- ond' division, of which Mrs. Harold 0. Hayes is chairman. The afternoon session at 1 :30 o'clock wiil continue the Lenten retreat. Sup- plementing the, spiritual enrichinent prograin being ; emphasized by the pastor during the Lenten period, graphic phases of the inner life will. be woven together with music and poetry, providing, it is hoped, an. *hoiur of inspiration to which ail womn- .- ýë-_ A W "Excruciating"' is the w\ord for ber. So say those fortunate enuhto haveý heard Elyse Joy entertainer at the next mieetinig Sof the Neighbors of ,Kenil%\orth lié, to 'be held, at the Assemhlv 1hall, April 5. Miss Jo s cal.e "Hobo. Reporter of America." and it is her experiences -as such. whc sewilgive in her 1owNv inimitable rollicking nianner ai 2:30 on that afternoon. Speaking of Miss ýJoy, Thé Record. of Stockton, Cal., s aid, "Her appear- ance Tuesday was nothing short of a' riot. It's- lier keen trièk-of observation and her rubber face that she ran twNist into a thousand shapes." Borti a mnimic, at eighteen Miss joy F rank P.utjitoti> was a star reporter, and. later becanie 'd 3ears, is -the beautifiii princess, the one of the most competent newspaper ich Lorraine Scheter u'ill portrai' foi, women ini New England, serving on wd AUi Players give "Sleepi)lg Beauty" several leading dailies. But along 'OR Saturday afterptooe,' April 2; ait te with -ber newspaper work she (le- afterizoon. Thse Performnance is sunder veloped into a most capable actress ttee of the Wlomali's Cluib of Wilmiette. of genuine quality and originai, ity. Indeed, originality, backed . up by a: lively and engaging personality, is the keynote of her entertalument. lier Park Ridge Sckool Girls unique experiences as a newspalter Benefit by Sewing Day of the continent as ahobo reporter, Ci have given ber an apparently inex- The Park Ridge School for Girls, haustiblefndo.stresie f to whose suipport inany -of the fed* thein thrilling . personal, adventure. eraed ollelis cubsconribteisThese she tells with the cleverest of eratd wnîe's lubsconribte, 15imipersonations. to be the. beneficiary of the ail-day Spring is in the air and all one sewing meceting hieid under auspices needs now is an excuse to laugh. Butý of the philanthropy departmnent of the appearance of Miss Joy seenis to the~ WNon-i's club of Wilnmette Fnr- assure- those able to be present nlo day. April. escape from a gay delightful after-, inviatio 's xtened ta,,noon ful of laughter. An ivitaftiagise nteedto the The chostess for the- tea follo,.,iig woren f te illge crneto hewiîî be. Mrs.. Cedric Smiith, .assisted club* for a day of sewing and have by. the social cothmittee.-M.W. a bot luincheon at noon. Memnbership in the club is not a requisite for attendance at the phîIl aa the, very fine prograni, that arranged, orne which all mei urgçd "to 'corne and enjoy." ~Ladies' Aid Meeting of The next meeting of the Ladies' Aid n society of St. John's Lutheran churcb rc will be held at the cburch at 2 o'cloclc Thursday, April 7. UVI oJi UDom ciuU)s, wili the arrang ements. n- ways and meai [en year. Mrs. Hu Lnd pleting a remn 'il- prosperous ye mi- important conr of projects to ad( wnîcn puts on c. club's building WILMETTB LIFE Sleeping her s/cep of one-hundrn heroine of tisat age-old fairýy story whs srort/s shore childroit, u'hen the Jack an ar tise last play of their cîsrrent .seaso Wilmette Wonan's club ai 2 in the auspices of the zways and merans coiiini. Club Members and Guests to Tour Museum on Fridoy The evening tour of ruemibers of the Woman's Club> of WiI-' mette andl their husbands and guests through the fanmotis home and museumi of George H1arding, 4853 Lake avenue, Chicago, Friday night, April Il' is to be an informiaI affair wher e the groups wîll arrive at 7:45 o'clock or after. and be conduct- cI.ver ress, a

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