*ôé$J.TN47-tc GLENCOE RENTALS 5 BEDROOMS, 3% BATHS, OIL hoat, oi1 hot water heator, 2-car at- taçhed garage. $200. 4 4 bedrooms, 214 batha%, oil hat, 1-car garage. $125. 3 beroors, bah t.water coal. $85. Othor furnisbed and unfurnished rentais Along the North Shore. 663ANN MORELANO 63Vernon Ave.. Gloncoe 305 193LTN47-ltc WINNETKA: 717, ROSEWOQD AVE. Modern white briick bouse, fine location, big yrard. 6 bdre., 3 bu., H. W. o11 $200.00 per mo. 1005 ASH STREET. 6 ris., 1 bath, up- Sto-date cunning white sbingle.. 1.W.ý 'oii. Also for sale. $87.50 per Mo. GLENCOE: S. E. cor. Mtadinon & Gào"e Opposite Skokçie. Just redcc. Beaut. coud. 6 bedr., .3j4 baths. H. W. oil. 2-car garage.. e200. 00 per month. F. A.ý COOPER 1505 rhieago Ave., Evanston, Gre. 3030 1 33LTÈN47-ltc Tenant Suddenily Trransferred flOUSE NEWLY DEÇORAT.. ed-in excellent condition, 5 bedrms., 3% baths, on aîmost one acre. Available now. East Winnetka near lake. $1 50. INC. 584 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 177, I 33LTN47-ltc GLENVIEw FACEN GOLF CLUB. 7 i.oom, 3 bath bome, hot air gas University' 5917 133LTN47-ltp 7 Room House Rent, reaoiabie. Central 8194. 133LTN4-ltp SMAL 4 OOM COTTAGE. FUR- niace heat, gla ed porch, 2 blocks from ""and lake. $40. CÇalonr Hoilycourt 6356 atter6P.M 138tiTN47-ltc NEW 4 ROOM, STOR AND HALF bungalow. 2 bedrooms, .1 % bath, basemit, iaundry, il. W . coaL beat. $45. Call Winnetka 3258. 183LTN47-l-tp 7 ROOM HOUSE AND GARAGE. OIL heat. Provident Avenue and Spruce Street. $65 per nionth. Phone' owner, Winnetka 3,97. A33LTN47-1tpý 13is WÀ%aNgD o ô îîf-HousgS, FURNISHED BUNGALOW OR SMALL' house wanted for May 1, by, recent- ly married couple ln middle thirties, who can guarantee exceptional icare of your home and furnish ings ln return for a moderato rentai. References glad- ly -furnished. Phone us. at LAKeview 6951. 136LTN47-lte MODERN HO U SE, PRÉEERABLy Glencoe or Winnetkia. 4 bedrooms, 9 baths, large wooded lot near nehoole. Oil or coal-stoker hea*. Re1nt $9,0, apply- ing on 1-year option to buy on extend- ed, paynmcnts. Occupancy May 1. Glen- coe 1404. 136LTN47-ltp OUR CLIENT WILL PAY YEAR'S RENT, $2,500, IN ADVANCE FOR DESIRABLE HOUSE IN EVANSTON, KENILWORTH OR WINNETKA. HEXNSEN REALTY,. WINNETKA 254 136LTN47-ltc FURNISHED, MAY 1 TO SEPT. 1, or unfurnished for year from owner. Small compact house, 4 bedrooms, 8 baths, reasonable rent. Near transpor- tation. Adult family. Kenilworth 5280. Tyjpe 10tflo FIHIA Raimhiig LOCATION The location selected, witb the. aid of FUA oficials, for these homes islaa cloistered one - fully protected in every resect. On the north and south are the; lenview Golf Club and the North 0hoe Golf Club and- several thousand 2acres of Forent presorve a short distance: east.- To the west la. the Glenview school, churcli and shop- ping district. Thoe facilities not onIy add to'hokmeé values butat lso afftr Protection against encroachment of undesirable Influences. Gienview Rd. betweeon Waukegan Rd. and Skokie Boulevard Theso homes, distinctive In design, In-, clude the following architecture, Colonial Cape Cod Engliali Georgian French. nie of the tudeci are: construction features lu- EVANSTON: For the partIcular a modern well-buiit Eng. brk. 7 lue rrnis., 2% tile bis. ln Lincoluwood. Lot 70xl6O. Can be seen at any timé. WILMETTE: White frm. East Side. Deiightful.- 5 rm. home only $9,000. Mr. 1%L, I N. ýS. ýand golf course. Out-. of-town owner anxious to seil. Act quickly. Att. En g. brk. and trame hôme. 8 rnis., 4 ban., Ige. lot with trees and garden. Priced at $26,500. EVANSTON: 522 Davis St. Greenicaf 18655 HoIYeouürt 1855 WINNETKA:-1790 Eh st. Winnetka 2700 Briargate' 1896 HIGHLAND> PARK: 5 8. St. Johns St. Winnietka 1802 Hikhland Park 185 147LTN47ltc ~mo&w on asIi S. E.'WINNETKA, 6 RM. WHITE frame, slp. pcb., oil ht., for Ions than $12,500, an ittle as '$2,000 cash. S. E. WINNETKÂ, 6 Rit. STUCCO, don, oU lit., 2-car gar., for les. than $11,000, as littie an $1,500 cash. E. HIGHLAND PARK, COZY WHITE frame, 5 rmm., slp. pcb., 87-ft. lot, lovely loc., for lems than $11,000, as ilttie-as $1.500 cash. Wilniette, Ill.- A BEAUTIFUL HOME 137 WTD. To RENT-PutN. 15' FOR RENT IN EAST KENIL- SWorth at $200 per mo. Thore are five WIANTED MAY int. BY F, loveiy bodrms. 2% tUle baths, siunrn., 4 adults at least 4 bedro 011, 2 'c. gar. lst il. completely car- baths. 'For 6 mo. or 1 yr. M peted. See Box 60, Wilmette, 111. 131 SERSREAL ESTATE 14. FOR UENT--ST@RS a 421 Richmond Road Keniiworth 5288 EXCELLENTLY LOCJ 133LTN47-ltc WN ET A S7 Evanstoni to Lake Forest Ayres«Boal. 122 S. Mlch., Ha DESIRABLE HOUSES FOR RENT, 14( furnished and unfurninhed. Ahso sun- MODERN STORE IN' EXÎ nier rentais. tien,_suitabie for retail bu &ff~iTrr~,-it' ~-.- Coiored plumbig fixtures tbroughout, Ail leaders, gutters and flashinga of copper. Complote weather-stripping and copper sereens. General Bflectric heating plants-coin- *plete wlth air filters, humidification and full atitomnatie control. Triple Insulation In each housç-Bpuilt- rite-Insulite and Rock Wool. Metal lath ceilinga. Marbie fireplacos. .Two car attached garages, with sun- decks. Universjity 7777 Evanston 147LTN47-lte "SIGN WITH CUSACK" rai., H. 7 nm.,f bas.,. r n, 22 -fi ROOMS AND GARAGE~. 1Street, Wilniette., Can Uo to 5 p.m., or phonoe. W.innet 0391 LAKE coen froni Mrs. Fi a 478. 746 Eur 133L4-ltp West Wiflfetka. 7 glazed porches. Oii,,HO waterooA sweet(* i 220 asbalaneeRDM rent with option. weanÉudr rWm. Pickard weadBulr 'n.260, Ui. 444 GLENVIEW ROAD BETWIEN 147LTN47-Itc WAUKEGAN RD. AND SFKOK«IE LDÉ4LNI1 to