wuh*Otte and Park avenues j, H. Gockel,- pastor SERVICES Sp. . toay--SlZth Lenten service- 9:15, a. mi-No service at this hour ,iext Sunday, 9.30%_ m.-gunday uchool sudBiblýe 0:5a.., M-Sunday chool clanso for eilidren of tlree té*fIve ye are. la. m.CnfirmatIofl service. # ..-Rea-unlon service. S.ni., wednesday -- Sacred song pervice by choir, with -Loilta Bertlint. The order of serv ice. for this evenlng'.z Lýentn service wili inlude: preliudebMeditatiofl Religieuse ........ .......... Schutze Anbm-ODarkent We"........ ..............ant.12 offertory-Reverle.........Torgussen Theo Sernon-"The Word of the Conqueror'.............ohn 19 :30 potlude.-*Throhled Upon the Awful Treet"........;Choralgsatflge, 1769 T he confirmation service at il o'clock on Sunday rnorning wilicontain thé- fol- lowing:* 1î PreIude--Rietrrt .....Palestrina Introit "Stfld Out Thy 1Light" ....... .........chmauck My Hart" ....... .NéIiiger *Dr. Wifl.E. Busch Offertory-'All G1ory,- Laud, and Honr' ..........Tenchfler-Bach ThSronr"....'Shall 1 Do With Je--us?" ....... Matthew 27 :22 I -The Confirmation Vow. Týht ,elghteen members (if the thil- Il'dren's confirmation clasa. are: Elaine Brandt, Ellen Burns, Gloria Dushain,- . Dolores Jergensen, Ruth Knobel, El- frieda Lau, Helefl Marken, Mildred Marken. Bety Meyer, Rosemal7 Ruse)', Lois Wiciman, RaymndriAnderson, Rilchard Garey, Nicholas Engels, George . Gckel, Richard Heeinannf, William Matthews, Richard "rrqgô. Tht members of the sdult confirm'ationl class are: Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Druirmolid, Grace Drummrnd, Mrs. R. <btschow. On Sunday evening at 9 'clock the anriual* re-union service willi ho held, during whlch the roll of the confirmation classes of the last ton years will be ý called. Thei order of service iill Include the followiiig: Prelude--Praç,-ludio . .Guilmaft-Warren Solo-"The Palmis........... ...aure ,Offertory-Reverle.......... De Pauw The Sermoýn-"«Thiflt Are We and On Thy ide"......iChronficloS12 :18 Roll Cal a nd Repetltioin of Confirma- tion Vow Potlude Po5tlude in F .. .. Guilmant -- ~ for .the Communion The Chure)' achool mee-ts Sunday mornlngis at 9:30 o'clock. The High Sehool Epworth league wifl meet Sunday, evening at 6 o'clock. The lintermediate Epwort4i league meets Sunday evenlings at 5 ok Theta Upsilon Rho wili mee*t Sunday at 5:-30 ocëlock. nhe Woman's G.uild, liqmeeting today ,(Thursday) at the church. Tht after-1 noon session, at 1 -,30 will cointinue the Lenten ftetreat.whlch was so effec-tively1 presented at the March meeting, supple-.- mentlnig the *sopiritual enrichmnent, pro- gram. belng emphasfied by the pastor durlng the Lenten periôd. AUl women are lnvlted tri attend this hour, of in- spiration. Thé Chorus crhoir wIll meet for re- hear >sal tonight <Thursdayv) at 8 o'clock sharp in the Junior room. The rehearsal next week wili ýbe held on Tuesday eve- nIng (April 12). The.Fifth division wiIl entertain their huabanda at .the borne o f 'NMrs. Paul Rensch, 915 El$e, nth stret on Friday evenlng of this week. Letflen Ni oi-da3y servicesa re beiag Jfr-là each dlay- frorn 12:10 to 12 :40 at the Chicago Temple. The Library Guild of Garrett Biblical [Inqtîtute ýwill present 'Mary Ellen Chase ln, '-Past Literary Standards for Preszent Readers" >on Saturday, April f4, at the ,Firs- Methodi.et c.iurchý in Ev-anstron. The Spring Runmage -ale wiil be hel ( ,May 19 and 20. Articles may he brought to the church at any time. Ail woraPen of the church are urged to devote an hour of worshipi with Its theme, "-The Cross," on Thursday, April 14, at 1 :30 o ,clock. "The Cross in Drama, *Music, ' and Poetry" will be prsenttd by 1the- Womnan's Missionary soçiety. There wlll be two spécial evening serv- Ices, during Holy Week. The Services of Holy Comm*union wilIl be held on 'Maundy Thursday evening, April 14, at 8 o'clock. Every member will wish to be ln hiE or her place that evening. The service on CGood Friday night, Aprll 15,' wjll'be la the form ot a mus;ical. .service ,With tht minister- and choir part.irlptiilg, St Augustine s Dr. Hubert Canreton, rector Sunday, April 10, ls the Sunday be- on Palm S-unday. Kenilworth Union Dr. Herbert L. Willett, mînister Dy- WiIeétts subject. for ÉPalm $Un- day, Apnil 1 0, wi 1l be "The. Victonyof.- Defeat,"' tht sixth oft'a series of Lenten addiees.* The, ch une)'service la at il o'clock., The musiç for the chunchservice will ho as follows: Org 1an Prélude-ln* Thee la sJoy. . Bac)' Choral Preludem-ReJoJte and Sing,.,Bach Anthetn-Palfl. Branches.1.......Faune Offertory-O Sacred> Head now Wounded ... ....tBach Solo-Oly Bleed-frorftthe S. Mat- thiew Passion ................ Bach <Miss Rickman) On Easter Sunday, Apnil 17, baptisai wililibe administertd, and ne*w membens neceived into the chune)'. Those désir- Ingý to unite wlth the church, or who have childnen to be baptized are asked te confer with the' ministen or tht sec- rètary. The Sunday achool wili mneet at 9 :45. There are classes for children betwtta tht ages of kindergànten and tht high Scheel. Visitors are invited. Dr. Willttt will give tht hast of a stries of taîks in preparation for Easter, for members of tht Sunday achool, on tht subjeet "W-hy Do We Have tht Dif- ferenit Churcýhes?" Tht topic this a eek Oill be "The Communîty Chunches." > -Wilmette lia tist Wilmette and Forest av enues Rev. George D. Allisoii, pastor Tomiorrow (Friday) tht Woman'asos- ciety holda its Spning luncheon at 1 o'clock, wîth a spectal prograîn entitled 'Windows," in charge of Mr-s. George N. Lamb. Link D are to be tht host- csses. AIl members are urged te malte reservatiolis for this annlversary we k meeting. Palm Sunday la always a gala day la this chunch. There will be a proces- alonal with palmn branches at il o'clock. la which tht combined choira will lead tht children in praise. A large- group -of boys and girls will niake thein pro- fession ot tait)' and will be baptized into tht membership of the church. In addli- tion parents of littît children not yet presonted for God's blessing, are la- vited te bring the babies to the altar of, dedication. Parents of Sunday Sehool ehildnen -are urged to corne with theM. .to these services. Tht music ta as l follows: wrh issionary speakers and pigylet.- Twenty-five new mxembers wcre re- ceived at the Mldwetk meeting on Wed- nesday nlght, whioh was the 25th an- niyersary of the organization of thl-s church. First Presbyteri"an 'Ninth, street' at Greenleaf avenue James T. Venekiasen, mnister Tht Palim Sunday service will be held Sunday morning at Il o'clock. Tht min- Ister wIhlI-pneach on tht theme *Tht Sevant-King and the Christian' Vic- tory." We cordially Invité you to wor- ship -with us.- At tbt morning service new nembers wilbe neceived. Present Indications. are that,twenty-four, aew ruembens will corne into our chrch famlly, on confes- sion ot faith. an d by lettens from other churches. Thene wlll be baptims'of adults n cnfession. ThiA- l. always.. and wilI again, be, an impressive ser- vice. . Tht music for the, morning serv~ice, wil be as follows: ongan prlude. "M.%arch Triomphale," Dubois ; anthem. "Tht Palma." Faure, the choir:' solo. "RIde On, Rlide On," Scott. Edad Otis: organ poatlude, "Tht March to Calvary" <Redetaption) (Gohnrod. Miss- Erma Roundts is organist-dlrector. Paîims will deconate the chancel in thi-z service.- The, Sunday achorei will m et in ail depantments at 9 :20 o'c'lnek. -The Aduit Bible class will meet for studyr at 10 o'clok la thei chapel. -Thre will be a short meeting of the Session to necelve members at 10:0 o'clock. in the chapel. Tht new - hancel drapery, with altan and lectern covers, and tht picture, "Tht Martyrs," the gîfts of Miss Jetait Dun- can in. memory 'of her parents, ll be displayed for tht firat time ini the chapel on Sunday.-- Tht TuxIs club will mteet at5:30 o'clock In the chapel. The spcial speaker wlll be John M. Vander Meulen ot tht Preshyterian Theologeal Seau- nany oftChicago. M-. Vander Meulen spoke before a Young penple's confer- tact fast summer, and will have a fine message. All the young peple of higli chool ae wil be uwtlcome. We wlll jola with tht other churches f Wilmette la tht last of tht Union Evenig Lenten services at the Firt Baptit churh at .8 n'clock. The prech- t,' wyll h.. the RP.v hJa.m" TVneklzi-qe.h inéet t-thtýO ............. ubois service Pe*' n' Iiép - - El... Faure duing A'theni: ..ouo h o-praige y. the Pather"...... Gon wheg 4 Junioir Choir -lage a] 0 Oran postlilde: -lp rs lUiba1 Ma,,ch" -.... ... Dbos the -Bo ""UMPevenîfli The latet ftbeerles of Union Lenten T. Veil UMM WM vS *. eld this Sun4ay ove- tra ~p.SlU hppiat ocioek lu the, l'h. rpzm - - - - sages on the Seven Laut W ords f Jesus. f te PesY- )Ur, ornen are libterested ln the th rob- atertlde Session of the Chicago is-I ee il e Te Eaater servics ll . od Sun- meet mmmcd-sion "uni wlllch- wll b!e b eldlCl'esday, dey morning, April 17, at 11 il ocolr, irnens