Read The Want Ad \X/at Cie cLéstrojs, 'iquI )eaU2 rk s Staff Photos Thfese photographs uere taken.Friday of Iast üwek at the Skokie Valley camp of the Civziliait Conservation corps diirig the celebration rnarkinqi the 1f 1th- anntiversary of thse corps' establishmbèpt. So great wýas t/w responise w thse invitations for'tise "Pretvieu" on Fric/ny that tzco large miess halls had ta bc opened: to,,accommùnodate the visitors. Upper left: CaPtainv Harold Snel-of Hubbard Woods, E. J. Lundin, prin- cipal project superintendent, and John McLaren, liason officer between the Army anti the National Park service in the sixth corps area. Upper right: Captain Douglas B~. Ponigratz and Captain Harry E. Cooper, hotb of the army reserve, trembers of the camp staff. 1 Lower left: Chaplain Mark G. Paul- son of the Skokie camp chats with station. Lower righit three Winnetka offi- ciais1, William K Moulton, village presitient, George B. Caskey, park supritedetanti Herbert L. Wool- hiser. village manager. Inset: George R. Young, Glencoe vil- lage manager. GRANDSON4 15 GUEST by Postmast&er-rnest Krelutgefl,, te record was flown on United's over- night Mainliner sleeper to SanFran- cisco, where the second eart of the transcription was matie. on Treasure Island, scene of the 1939 WVorld'sS' Fair. Departing from San Francisco on the, China Clipper, the, record . will stop over at Honolulu,,Lonidon, Ber-, lin, eio de Janeiro, Havana,', Miami, anti finally Washington, D. C. At each ofthese stops postal anti avia- tion officiais will broadcast a brief salute to the twentieth: anniversary- of Unitedi States air mail, transcrib- ing'their message on the globe-circ- ling plate. The complete transcription will be presented formally to Unitedi Stat es Post Office Departmeflt at the ton- clusion ,.of its. trip and i the collection of messages f romn foreign citie5 will be broadcast over a coast-to-coast network. EarI Thulins Are Parents of Twins Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thulin, 635 Ridge road, Kenilwortb, announce the birth of twin boys at the Evanston hospital on Thursday, Marcb 31. One' of the babies has been nameti Charles e22 Cwmei rlnnotka 868 1; in the engineer- Ge.i is now touring an, frc to retiirf home Monday. I