ouaim P'FFnb 'M lc b, f g Ma O RI1PUCES ARE 900TID ON THE, MARTàS -EST * ft@RIDA iule ORANGES& ..........2.... doz. 49id CAiIF. NAVfL. sEX"TR SARGESZ ORANGES» 0 6,04 a 0 a à a. . .0 0,0 0.0. . . .0 aa*i.dOzu 3 9c RiP. LUSIMI Ibs DROCOI .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. Ifor 29c RUSH.~kii 1E NeEN . i. I 41 ORISWNAIP LARGem INCHES ASPARAGUS . .. .. ............... bun. 59< w OREEN 8'hANS. . .. . 0.0. . . a 0 0 9 ..2.. .qts. .1 9c ALLIGATOR PEARS 0.00 00 0 0 a a0 02.for-3 5c HOw d.oy hOUpII gteaspoonfds M.a -@und of S.owort Cof..? *75* Eacla one-a delicieuis cap> Now: Low 1 -1b. cam 35c Perc-Drip or Sikx Grid 'lXPlui tc'bor .m y . * e e~ * e *:* e g. e e e e e bu&ee 99 44/100% U IVORY SOAP...I SMPLIN 101LET TISSUE... @OR TOuLET AND càiN LUX TOILET SOAP. * e e e e e e e *'e e * * e * -e e e e * e e e. e e * e e e p g e e e e e e e .. ee ee e ee e op e ee e se ee.e...ee.e...e..ee.. Large 213c Lpr * *2.2c Lre 2.3c "rue 3 bars 2 7c 4,ros 31 c 4 bars 23c q e Sc5 24-1b. bal. 85c, More andi more Jev- anston a ndc North PRIX W'IIuse > 420 ý.L.METTB LIF.E I e e e e ~ *eeee MOc