.are open ALAN E. ASIICRAFT, JR. EVANSTON for County Commissioner ENDORSE!> BY WOMAN'S REPLJBLICAN CLUB 0F NEW TRIER BETTER GOVERNMENT ASS'N 0F ILLINOIS Alan Asheraft, Jr. and hi. associates are detemiued to euit your taxes. IT CAN BE DONE! Before election in 1934, the five sitting Republican county com- inissioners f rom the country towns. proniisèd ypu, "a dn*t4ic. reduc- tion in the . st of goeernmennt oiflnot le*& tiaa ZS% 0or resiguL" Çoùnty Board appropriations have risen over' $4,400,OWQ since 1933. The countybas appropriated over $2,500,000 more 'for 1938 operating cQst than was approliriated in 1937 (figures taken f rom the Civic Federation and Bureau of Public Efficiency). Forgetting thair 'pledg.s ail five of the sitting County' commis- sioners from the country towns voted with the Kelly-Nash Demo- crats 'for these increased expenditures. 7Lts Do Sometluing About lt!'" VOTE HIGH TAXES OUT! Vote Repubican for Couuty Conunissioners. (Vote for the... 1v..) "S of- ýr 'in- Living at 620 Bonnie Brae, River Forest, Mr. McKerr lias been a mem- ber of the Board of Trade for the last 15 years, having begun as a'Mes- s engerý boy for tbe late James. A. Pat- tenpiin 1908. He bas been a director of the'board for three' years, and mnember of the Board of Trad e post. of the American Legion. Backing b-is càmpaign locally are the folloing: ' Richard Gambrili, Samuel .:Mincer,' Edward Tanner, Samuel Hiazelhurst, Herbert Schramm, *,Richard Kuh, J r., BarnettFaroli, John McCarthy, Stanley Pierce, James White, Potter Smith,, Brook Ballard,, Thomas Molyneaux, Peter Brennian, Ray Gerstenberg, 1Edward H. Bagley, William Hi. Dillon, Albert E. Williams, Eric Lampert,, Fred. Spinney and HarrySpirmey,. .p Mcerr 'bas sponsored the- "Mc- Kerr Ail Stars," semi-pro state heavy-, jweight football champions,, compost'd of many former N. U. gridstars. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS. The United States Civil Service commission bas announced open coni- petitive examinations for the follow- ing positions in the Departmnent of Agriculture: Junior agronomist, junior animal fiber technologist, junior in animal nutrition, junior biologist (wildlife research), junior èntomologist, junior entomologica I Inspector, junior plant pathological Jn-ý spector, junior poultry physiologist, and-' junior soil surveyor. The entrance sai - ary is $2,000 à year lessa a retiremeni deduction of 3M' per cent. Appllcantsý mnust have cornpleted. a 4-ye'ar coliege course with stuldies in t4he field in which they apply, except that under certain specifled conditions applications wlll be accepted fromn Senior students. Full information may be obtained Sf rom the secretary' of the U. S. Civil Service Boôard of Examiners at the Wilmette post office. Mrs. William J. Gerwe, 842 She- idan road, took ber daughter, Joan, to Blacksburg, Va., last week-end to attend a series of proms being held at Virzinia Polvtechniauc instituste Conzressman Church stated! that: Thursday, March 31, sonieone tele- ~phoned a leading north side businless man. and said in effect -"'I amn Con- izressman Church, ist o~ff the plane from.Washington. The campaizn encom- mittee -'needs' more ,money. 1i wuld like, to send a man riight over for a check. 1 want to %to back to Wash-9 ington tonie:t." Ple.imPerson*aitàr then obtainer! a check. fraui'iiilently endorsýinpt, and casbînz it ini Chxi,i'hs iiate.. Not havingbe~ni, Illin is s.ince jan. 1, becauge of contiressioia1, affairs. the conzres 1sman points ont that. he -has alwavs pair! bis own camp ai gn expenses. bas neyer soicit- ed camonailzn contributions. 'and!bas. returned every contrihution whiich ihas. been set him.. The reward.*ffrhas a twofold purpose, explained. Church,: <1). to' vrotect anv.rperson from.making po- litical contributions to -a: man Who *as late asthis, week represen.ted hlm-, self on the telepbo>ne to be Con- gressinan, Churci.; (Z) to urge the cooperation of those approached hi apprebending the guiltv person with a view to prompt prosecution. Congrcessman' Church asks those who. have contributed to the imper-, sonator either to write him direct or to communicate with his law parruer. Dean Lake Traxier, 10 Souith I.aSalIe street, Chicago. Alicia Pratt Studeints to Gi ve Dance Program The students ini Miss Alicia Pratt'sý dancing groups are preparing. for their closing program to' be given at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon, April 16, at the Evanston Woman's club. The programn is given only for friends of the children, admission being by card. A Kate Greenaway suite is one of the outstanding numbers, and an- oth.er is a tap routine, "iHigbuights of Rbythm." The concert group is pre- paring a stunning number, "Rbapso- cly." and a Spanish primitive, "Lit- aniy." Another Spanish primitive, ',Courant," is to be a dance by Miss Pratt's assistant, Reginia Ueck., Primary Election, Tuosday, April 12,1938 ASK FOR REPUBLICAN BALLOT ;,et debt. smalimer- A balamc.u buulgeL :1 u