SHIRTS in junior and youth's sizes. Wbites and fancies -in sanfor ized fabries. Customnized tailoring. .Smart st yles, beauà. tiful icolorings., $1. SW EATERS. Handsome sleeveless model in smart nov- Lelty knits. V neck. White and pastel shades. Srnail, medium, large sizes. $ ~ SUITS AND TOPCOATS $20, $25 $30. We've outdone our- selves this spring to miake:our LyttonHi, suite and topcoate the Very greatest ival. ues we've ever bad at tiiese jprieSs. The. new universitv styleS are authentic, the new patterns are dis- tinctive and the new colore are handsonle. Sizes 32 to 38. 2-Trousser CADET SIITS-1 1 *0 16.....$165 2.Knicker SUITS -10fô. 160; go *g@O *eeSeS~ .$12.95 Big Values for Little BOYS 2 Dfur APRIL 7 13 '<i