,and A périaI Gr.uput' THE SUITS emphasizing the latest tred inc- or -greens in ich iiew tones and hasoehs of blue, gray and brown. Rough and smooth fabrics featurig herringbone and striped Pat- terns. Broad shouldered models in double and,,. new three-button single breasted styles. THE TOPCO&TS featuring a particularly out. standing value i Camnel Hairs that niany meni and -young meni arc buyig ini the smart new balmaeaan style-a swagger, raglan body with set-i leeves. One of manyý new moIels ini tweeds, coverts, as well as classic camel hair. by. S axon Weave, Worsted- Ith eir spring lise!1 i timèe for Palm Si J MEN'S ...... Orringion and Church.. Open Tues., Thurs. and Sat. Eveninga APRIL 7j 1938