Ainr AtO :kk... u FmmonI i% fivFiin VVii Yaried lExhibits From Local Groups Find Favot With Judg.s et Navy Pier Display The 'Northý Shore takes un- ceasing interest in the.awards its clubs receive for their exhih- its. at the Chicagko Flower show current o .n the Navy Pier fronm 10 to 10 daily, including Sunday, April 10. That show, a DIFFER- ENT show firom any of its pre- decessors, brings added honors, to clubs Of .this 'vicinity. WimteGrden Club The Wilmette1 Garden clubhbas rib- bons fo, its threcekehibits. Its Sinl garden in the North Atlantic States region is entirely ini greeni and white. A planting of white tuliçps highlights the garden itself a nd wîns a~ white ribbon o! third prize. Its bal! of the summer bouse facing the little garden is, too, ini green and white, and wins a red ribbon, the second prize. The yellow ribbon of honorable mention is on the club's white Dutch garden cart with blue wheels, its interior painted blue. The cart is filled with, laurel geraniums. The Érown o! tborns cac- tus plant from the green house o!, Mrs. Oscar Hebel wins a yellow rib- bon as well. Atlanti1c btatesreiVLAwinsicu su bon. A red and white cart decorated. in red and yellow, holds red and orange-yellow tulips, blue and white byacintbs and green. pants, and gar- den gloves. Nearby are green and red garden tools and potted red ger- aniums. The club's special and edu- cational ecibit, the presentatiofi of a *"National Shrine," the replica of the Church of the Holy Comforter, its Rectory, and its gardens with the Euoeene Field tomWb, attracts large .Are rntertained Pas$y Precedi nci Weddina I11uI3 %ýII 1dVlU UEvV Tl'eIovely home of Mrs. A. V. special awarcl for its terrace and buf- Grulin, 1010 Chestnut avenue, is going fet table in the architectural unit and to be filled to overflowiiig on April gardenof the sanie region, and a blue 20. That is, the, date pi the annual ribbon for its . 'Ducbess of North- card party o! .the Wilmàette League of umbria" cçlevia miniata. in the potted. Wo men Voters. There are only a- few plant group tal)les remninig to be sold, and those Ini Po$$ed Plant Group Who want to corne will have. to pur- In the potted plant division the Eve- ,Iiase them.promptly, the committee ning Gare club of 'vilniette, the' anhlounces. Noth Shore Garden club, and the This dessert bridge party is always, Kenilworth Junior Garden club eacb a gala. affair and the lovely prizes have won ribbonis, the former a white, an xeln ersmnsaeWe the latter, yellow. TheNorth Shore worth wbile. Garden célub bas a white ribbon fjor The -proceeds of the party are used its Andromeda.grown by Mrs. Robert bô further the league's very excellent Mandel.-j. T. . work lIl this comuniity, iîts sponsors state. Winn.tka ý Mrs. W. W. chairman oëf The Winnletka WVeeders have a blue the affair, the committee,.Mrs. A. C. ribbon for their Victorian floWer gar- ,Youniberg, Mrs. Murdo Ross, Mrs. den, the main garden in the Illinois R. Fý.Potter, Mrs. C. E. Nelson, Mrs. Farmbouse 'unit.- Their fire-tborn F. S. Rye, Mrs. W.ý D. Millard, Mrs. plant, introduced to this section -of M. L. Miller, Mrs. F. W. Merrifield. the country for -the. tin time, has a anid Mrs. C. P. Evans, red ribbon of second priz.e. Skil.Gard 0*>- Club The Skokie Garden Club oi Glencoe wins a purpie ribbon for its Virginia doorway and garden entrance, and an honorable mention for its dahlia in the Fiffh Division fo Entortain Husbands iJ'JILU JIaIL ~The third division ýof the Wilmette Winntneka Gardon Club Parish Methodist church is entertain- The Winnetka Gardeni club, for its ing the husbands of members on small garden in thé North Atlantic April 8, at a party at the home of States region, is given the puirple nib-, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Renscb, 915 bon of spécial award. Eleventh street. Mrs. C. Rollin Smnith anid Mrs. Scott Ransom are ini charge, of arrangemen1ts -and the program. Mrs. Harry Pifer and Mrs. Plans, Rummage Sale A. HLL-Cohran are planning thi. te- freshments. AIl members are urged The Woman's society of the Wil- to save the date. mette Baptist cburch will bold its spring rummage sale April 21 and 22. Mrs. E. G. A. Walter, chairman, lias as assistants the following committee: Gives Luncheon Mrs. Ifarry Kerr, place; Mrs. Robert Lascelles, treasurer; Mrs, Paul Keller, Sally Jane Lyon, 1504 Elmwood inarking; Mrs. R. A. Wolff, sales- avenue, was hostess to ten of!lber women; Mrs., R. E. Dalstrom, pub- friends at luncheon Wedrhesday, licity. March 30. Ceremony on May, 7 Miss jean 'Keithdaughter of: Mrs. Cornelia Alling KeitbI, 310 Warwick.road, Kenilwôrth,- and Robert N. Prentiss, son of Mr. and Mrs. James,,,H. Prýentiss, 511 Hill terrace ,Winnetka, who are to be- married* May 7, will 1be guests of honor at several parties durinig the next few weeks. Their- wedding . will take place at 8:30 o'clock that eve- ning at the Church of, the Holy fComforter, and a reception %viI1 be *held at the-.homne of the bri'de's mother. The first of the.prenuptial parties was given sghortly before Christmas by Mrs. Hugbston McBain of, Win- netka, sister of the bride, when sbe entertained at dinner. Saturday,« March 26, Mr. and Mrs. Elbridgc Keith of Winnetka, brother and sis-, ter-in-law of the bride, were host and hostess. at a dinner and bridge party. .One of the bridesnmaids, Miss Jane Sowers of Winnetlca, will entertain at a kitchen shower at ber home. Saturday afternoon of this weekc, aind Mrs. McBain will also bave a pantry shower for the bride, but the date for, ithe party bas not yet been set. Miss Caroline Roberts, a brides. maid, and Bert Moritz, one of thc >ushers, both of Kenilworth, will en- tertain together at dinner at the Peer Path Inn 'in Lake Forest Friday. April I&, and following dinner t1w guests will ail go roller skating. 1The last of the parties will be oit April 23, when Miss Barbara Cro*e. of Kenilworth will. be hostess at dinner at bier home- in ýhonor of Miss~ Keith and another Kenilworth bridle, Miss Jane Lundahi, who will aiso h b 7married this spring. After dinner they will go out to dance. Mr. Prentiss and Miss* Keith ba%,c flot cdmpleted plans for their wedding trip, but when they return they will m.ake their home on 1Eastwood ave- nue in Evanston. gar- mea e Glencoe. Moawar i âg o! tbe I -den club basa s etchîng in . the. ic:coast regioi, 'a of'e~i g775$ofl 's ait th er h0N5' 1 Win n r.McJni CJU9NI <tirpe 'Monaay ntqM t o Snorth Jter thai Mir. Mcunkin did. LIn. The committee now bas tickets on sale. for a card party it ý is giving oný May 4, at the Womnan's club. WILMBTTE LIFF