Card Party Wili Benefit Children The twenty-sixth aninual card. party, given, under auspices of the Sunbeam ,I<eague of Chicago takes place this year the after- noon of April 19, at the Stevens hotel. Tea will be served during. the afternioon. The mainefforts of the mnemfbersofl the Sunbeamn league are devoted' to the raisings of funds for the main- tenanceé of their Ici nd.ergart.ens. -Neyer having. participated 'in. Tag days, two entertainmnents ý,are given-cach year, for this fund-raising purpose, the charityý bail and the card party. Mrs. Harry J. Srnediey is in charge.of th e latter event, 'asslsted by Mrs. Fran- cis W. Hackett. The magnitude' of the work, and the success miembers have had'in being able to finance its activityi i indicated by the. fact that' iast year the league took care of ten thousand' children in its kinder- gartens. Tkree members of the Northg Sho cetter, Mrs. Pred'W. Ringley at the center, and Mrs. Paul Wiiam Cittie, t*kp- far* tAUY *V t a li/UI<bfll< Uro North Shore members acti veiy htel ljor the rbeni t fter cene working in the* interests of the commi.tee, Mrs. Schroeder is pubiicii party's success are: from Wiimette, i a o hospitality. The picture of the. Mrs. Phiiip H. Newman and Mrs. t-'css taken bv a frieuid of that organiz joseph Zoeliner; f rom Keniiworth, nmette, utho miakes photography a Isobi Mrs. Irwin L. Porter, Mrs. Albert C. Buehier, and Mrs. William Wieland;' from Winnetka and Glencoe, Mrs. Clyde S. Blair, Mrs. Kenneth K; JDuvall, Mrs. John J. Brossard, andWinnetican Represents Mrs. Duane L. Peterson. Peiin nOsrc Tickets~ for the benefit may be purchased from any member of the Mrs. Frank Anderson of Winnetka cornmittee. was appointed by the president of the Just this week Mrs. Blâir was host- Chicago Culture club to represent ber ess for a committee meeting and ail at the First distric t of the Illinois of the committees ýfurthéring plans Federation of Women's Clubs during for' the: bridge tea wil., have, a final this year. meeting in the 'Wedgwood room of The. final meeting was heid last. Marshall Field .and company at 2 Monday, at the Sherman hotel at 10, o'clock on April 12.ý The three host- o'cloczk in the morning. Luncheon esses on that occasion will be Mrs. was served in the. Louis XIV room Maurice W. K. Byrne, Mrs. David with a record attendance. Dr. Pres- Rhodes, and Mrs. Walter Deveney, ton Bradley was the guest speaker. ail of Chicago. The FRrsa1t stit s onoed wre auxiliary of the Chicago Maternity cleft, Mrs. Pred Schroeder, Jr., in the ri are elated these days over the sale of to be giveen on April 30, at the Drake klrs. Rin.qtey is a mpeimber of the social iy chairmaii, autd Mrs. Cutier is chair- ese three active inembers of tihe auxiliary zation, Mrs. Harvey A. Craig, of Wil- 5by. Kaskeskia tD. A. R. Jalk on Immigration L Kaskaskia chapter, Daughters of the Am~erican Revolution, is meeting Tuesday, April 12, for twelve o'clock luncheon at the home of Mrs. Ross B. Warren, 1243 East Fiftieth street, Chicago. The day is in charge of Mrs., Rossie R. Cox, chairman of the na- tional defense committee. Mrs.* John, R. Fornof, speaker of the afternoon, wiii discuss '"Immigration." Assisting hostesses are Mrs. John H. Côuiter, Mrs. Deweyv A. Ericsson., Dance Preceded by Program Meeting, Preliminary to its Cýarnival dinner dance to be-given on April 30, at the Drake hiotel. for the l)enefit- of the Chicago Ma- ternity center, is the program Meeting which the North Shore auxiliary of the center will hold April 1%, at the 'home of Mrs. George. B. Everitt, 60. Locust road, Winnetka. Mrs. -Henry Zander, Jr., well. known book re- viewer Of Kenilworth, wiIl give the progr 1am, which will follow. the short business session at 2 ,o'dlock., Mrs. Earl C. Cooper, president, -will preside. During the tea hourwvhich wiil fol- low the program, ýMrs. H. Lamont Dalton, niembership chairman, and ber conunittee, will have prospective members presented to them. The. rnembership committee -includes Mrs. Richard Evans of Giencoe, Mrs. Hai-' old Havighurst, Mrs. Arthur Lon- borg, Mrs. Herbert Mueller, Mrs. Lyndale V. Stephenson, Mrs. George Turnbull, Mrs. L. E. Waiker, ail of Evanston, Mrs. Malcolm Schweer and Mrs. Douglas F. Gelter of Chi- cago and Mrs.- Leonard Paidar of Kenilworth. .Mrs. Millard B. Kennedy is ar- ranging the tea hour to follow the program which Mrs. Arthur Priissing, program chairman, has pianned. As-, sisting Mrs. Kennedy. wili be Mrs. ,William A. MoulIton and Mrs. West- on Davie of Kenilworth, Mrs. Thoiin- as Thompson, Mrs. Philip Corper, Mrs. J. J. Johnson, Urs. B. McKee Marcon,, Mrs. Charles Odenweiler, jr., al o6f ,Wilmette, Mrs. B. H. Lar- rabee of G7lencoe, Mrs. Max Hay-7 ford, Mrs. Francis Woolard, and Mrs,. Wallace McIlwain of Evans- ton and Mrs. George. Grant of Win- netka. children are spastic cases no rent for the holding of its month- TI gke from 2 toà 5 years. The ly meetings and. no salaries are paid C agise is the p Iorganiza- to its oficers. Dl fiiW*---The---Sunbeam j AegueJI~~R Ont to .ai agroup . f gajfz !tes'tq. tfesday, ~r obg-<aIb1thhil ren ses. ~,at t *niediateiy following, the élection of hly meeting of the officers for th'e toming year wiii be ers' club of Nýortb- held, and the reports of chait-men of wili be held Frn the various departinents will be reaj chaterboue -and discussed. 'There wili be n ch p e h u e ona meet mn.gand all m ei- w l E J àTr i I '