for SmaII Wedding Plans for a stnall wedding at Christ church in Winnetka on Saturday, April .23, are being. completed by Miss Mary Jeanne Tansill, :deaghter of Mr.. and Mrs. Robert Weems 'Tansili, 1601' Tenth, street, Wilmette, who, is to' become the ýbride of Harry Sommer Vested, 'son of Mr. and .Mrs. I-arry B. Vcsted of Chicago. Following. the ceremony the bridai pty and the immediate,, member o thée fam ilies wilIl be guests at a re- ception to be hèld at the home of the Lester.,B. Knights, on Sunset Ridge road,. in> Winnetka. Miss Tansili will have two attend- ants. Uer sistr, Doris, will be maid of hoiior, 'and Miss Nancy jane Littell of'Keniliorth is 'serving 'as bridesmaid. James. William Lafean, cousin of the bride, is to be the best man, and ushering will be Wilbur L. Lafean, Jr., also a cousin, and Herb-_ ert R. Keith, brother-in-law of the bridegroom. The entertaining, preceding the wedding began on Sunday at a cock- tail given by Mrs. Perey Skillin of Wilmette. Saturday, Mrs. LeRoy Kramer will have a luncheon Party, at the Woman's Athletic club. and April 16, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hapke,, Jr., of Chicago, wiIl be host and host- ess a a dinner Party. Miss Littell, the bridesmaid, will entertain at a tea for the 'bride on April 19, and the evenipgbfr h wedding. Mr. ',and Mis. John A. Wheeler of Evanstoai will give the bridai dinner at'ïheir home. Mr. Vested and bis bride will be at home at East Cedar s treet in, Chi-. cago, following their wedding trip. in. the Gaiter sered. Photo by Juan Fujitat A blue ribboü goes to the Winnetka Weeders for their flou'er garde», the main garde» of the Ilinoais Farin house, unit ut the Twelfth Anu al Flower show staged on thte Navy Pier and open daily through thIS comning Sunday. The garde». sugýgests the Ilictoriait era, in& keeping with the ent ire ente mble. Plants of that day, stili favorites, are set outinj colorful picture. A fat- terned' planting is ie» the center of a surrolunding circu/ar brick path, grass studded. Sweet alyssurn and yellow pansies edge the fiozcer picture, ageratuni foris the next color note which is clinaxed by pink geraniams. Râ,nbler roses clirnb over a picket fence and over iron standards îpith connecting ch ai»; placed uniquely aitht/e gardeni's entrance and forrnîng a f raine for the garden, seat. The gardeits border is a grâcefui plaiitiing pi ,elloz(v Pansies,, uw/tte brgonias, ztll«/t a background of bleeding. heurts, délphiniu, u nd Eas- ter i es. Thte "Parloi-" of the farnhous, looks ou nto t his qlarden, and tJîro.ngh its windows a re scei quai» t John Rogers gron ps;. an oil lam.p, and a stere- opticon on, the "par/or, table." T/isfs eaturc is donc by ftche wv Garden club. 1For thte entire Farni hanse unit, representative of the Centra)lStates, region, the, judges gave the only silver nedal azoard of the Garden Club of M/injois for one of thte regional units. They gave. this aîcard. in corn,,endation, of the splendid ooertion shoîw by h arions e.rhibiting clubs ini crcating the harmonjioiU whole.. Juniors was f or Mary Crane L, 1 iss j3 eau in nonor - their daul 4 the, trst ýter, Joan. Commences Busy Month at Shawn e Commen 1cing with a billiard exhibition Thùrsday night%.of this week,ý Shawnee Couritry club. is looking. forward to, a. mionth, filled with activities of inany kinds. The club> wiIll serve its usuafll)buffet supper Th ursday night, and, then at -8 o'clock Da- vid McCandless,,former amateur_ chamipion, wilI play -a brilliant exhibition miatch for the benefit- of the' guests. Saturday night of this wveek, 'Shawnee will have its April fôrmnai party. This will: be a regular dinner dance, and, Jack- Chapmant and ýhis orchestra will provide the music. --Be4c.auseof the spring iolidays,.the dances for ýiung people ýwill be held dtrIig the week this month; rather than on Fridays and Saturdays. The junior High school dance is *to be îxext Tuesday on April. 12. Johnny Ketter and his orchestra will play for this party and also for the Hi gh school and College hop to be held on the following evening, Wednesday, A,,pril 13. The second ini a series- of Twilight mrusicales sponsored by the. club is announced for Sunday aftertioon,. April 17. All the plans for the pro- gram have not been completed, but during the afternoon Agnes Frank wiIl present a group of ber pupils in a tap and toe dancing exhibition. Afier the programn a buffet supper ivill be served, and in the evening thiere will be dancing to mnus ic sup- plied by Henry Lishon's orchestra., TWo-in-a-Day Parties Methodist Guild Prolect -One of the, primary objects of the I 19T to mrri Leonard Franke, 1524 iElmwood [c- avenue, had as bis guest last week- er- end Bob Siebold of Momence, Ill., ep- who was having bis spring vacation. )on The two boys are friends, and. Leon- of ard is a student at New Trier High School. WILMETTE LIFE