A Carlos Photo Mrs. W. P ea,1521 High- land avenue, Wilmette,ý anflounces the engagement of. her daughter, Helen Eliiabeth, to Lawrence Clark, Buckinaster, soit of Edwin S. Buck- ,naster. of 117 Br-oadway, Wilmnette. Miss Regaet graduated fron tte: National College of Educattin. Mr. Biukaser, a .ngber of Beta Theta Pi. fraternity, wâs gradutated *fron Northuwestern& university last Jume. Thte iweddiig u411 take plate lutte 4. Bridge Luncheon First of Parties for Bride Mrs. Louis Raggio, 610 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth, will be hostess to the Seabury guild, anid Mrs. Burt Crowe, 234RaegrodKeiwth will be hostess to the Anderson guild. The Ste wart guild. will. meet with Mrs. Willard Schoeneck, S55 Ridge. road,,Ken ilworth, .and 'the. McLaren guild with'Mrs. Val Smith, 1320 Cen-. tral street, Evanston. The Whitehouse guild is toý meet at the borne of Mrs. William F. Clark,. 944 Michiganavnu, vanston, and the Griwl guild witb Mrs. Henry Smith, 237 Cumnor road,ý Kenilworth. 'i Part 0/ THE% ),RNue HENYCLTTO &SONS WOMEN'S SHO)P. .Sbe .'anaid Church ...EVANSTrON * e COttOfl Ckeu&~i P'ark wIIo 1is ) UC 1h41 %pii4j in Rogers Park, to George W. Kon- schur of Chicago. .Miss Bettinghaus' party, given dur- ing her vacation frorn Lawrence col- lege at Appleton, Wis., was the firsi of number of events planned in honor of the bride. One of tbe guests was Mrs. Donald Becker, who flew frorn Boston on a United Air Lines plane Tuesdav of lastweek.to arrive -in time Sportswesa! 704 Uiurch Street 'r, M.L Gollge Shop 714 Churoh Street Evanston (J t Td.phooe: IJhoefyviIb aloi