Phi Meeting Apr. 8 Mrs.- Henry Penfield, 410 Da- vis street, Evanston, will open, ber home Friday," April, 8, to the N6îrthý Shore Alumnae of 'Alph a,-.Phi for a one o'clock l1uncheon meeting. Mrs. William E., Schweitzer of .,kenilworth is*chairman of the IuncIi7 eon. committee for the day. She is to be assiste.d by. Mrs. Harold. H. Anderson, Mrs.. Al1vin Bowe, and Miss Frances Holgate of Evanstoni; Mrs. Norwood Burch of Keniilworth; *Mrs. Arthur D.- Chigren and Mrs. J., Walsh Baldwin of Winnetka; Mrs. W. C..Jones, Jr., and Mrs., Leroy G. Shtnof Glencoe. Preceding, the p r o g ram which -promises unusual excitement, the, nominating committee, headed' by Miss Frances Cutier of Wilmette, will present its report. Miss Emily Carlisle of Evaniston will preside at the meeting. Miss Patty Oliver, an Alpha Phi of the class of 1935, who is now dean of women at a smnall cqlIlege ini the, south, took a nine-months cruise on a freighter last year accompanied by ber brother-in-law-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brander. From start to finish the trip was unusual, exotic. They sailed from California during the. searnen's. strike, passed cU~ustoy iJLmeIIÇ,aUIIisiana zoo. ,In order to overcome the natives' 1 1,erstition and -resentmnent about. h vang their sacred snakes captured and taken out of the country, the travelers' had to secureý the services of. a Chinese servant of the En glish. rubber planter -who was the host of the travelers dpring 'their hunting expedition at Sinàgapore. Throiagh the courtesy of Mrs. Bragder, the tense moments of the The National Council of State, Garden Clubs, of which Mrs. O. W. Dynes of Hinsdale, chairman of the Chicago Flower show, is president, will meet in New Yorkc City during the week of May 16. The Hotel .Roosevelt will' be headquirters, for the convention which will be attended by. delegates from ail states. Partial plans for thé meeting are. as follows: Monday morning, committee meet- ing; Tuesday morning, m eeting and reports from states; at noon dele- gates and officers will take a bus- for Westchester for lu ncheo'n, sightsee- ing' and dinner; Wednesday morn- ing, a -meeting, then noon sight-see- ing in and around Ne* York City, and a banquet at the Hotel Roosevelt at .7 o'clock that night;. Thursday morniing,..a meeting, then à, nooin bus for Long Island, lunche-on, the visit- ing of garden.s.and a shore dinner ai jones' beach.. Friday i free for th ose reiaing for a post convention trip to Bermuda. The cruise will leave New York Saturday, May 21, at 3 luý the afternoon, members of the party sailing on the S. S. Monarch of Ber- muda arriving at Hamilt~on, Moiday, morning. The visitors witl be guests of 'the. Bermuda clubs during their stay and many interesting events iiave been planned for entertainment. They will leave on the same ship Wednesday after their arrival andc ,will.dock in New York about noon that Friday. Luacheon Chairnion of Evanst on. A ion tion of a thri be the after- 410 Davis tion picture tale of fraz heon, progra Airse. Hozeard Kerr of Wiliiicttc is .clai,'nani of the food commnittec for the scoid alînuat)Barn Jaiice of the North Shore Service leagite of the Chicago Mlaiereuft> ceitter Saturday niight, April 23, at the Vista del Lago club iii No Mai's, Land * Mrs. Kerr is also scrvt'inq0o1 the letigue's by-laws revison co-ý Sidewalk Caf. Luncheons FP.ture of Easel,Sale Following the "Springtime ini Brit- tany" theme selected. for this yeàr's Easter sale of the Christ church guild, -Saturday, April 16,. luncheon will be served that day at small tables ar- ranged in two sidewalk cafes erect- ed in the auditorium of the Parish House, reminiscent of a French vil- lage. The waitresses, working under Mrs. John A. Stephens, are to be dressed in Brittany costumes, to serve the luncheon planned by Mrs. Ralph RockW-pod and her.committec. Two hours, 12 and 12:45, have been Ralph 'Carney, 13 26 Washington avenue, was expected home early tIiis week froni a short trip to Denver. Barn for Benefit H-ow to convert a seaside club into a rustic setting is theý current, problemn of the North. Shore Service, league of the Chi- cago .'Maternity center as 'it completes1 preparations. for its second annual Barn dance. The Vista del Lago club in Nô" ýMan's Land has been engaged as thé sceie cof the party for Saturday iligbt. April .23, and the job of trans- forming it into a "barn" rests ith Mrs., Kari Palenske, decorations chairman,, and her ..comnxittee. Corn stalks,_ rustic fences, 'and charcoal caricatures of numerous farmyard fowl and animais are, among the. de- vices the commnittee wilL use to create the proper setting. With- her assistant.s Mrs. ýPalenske visited the clubhouse eaily this - veek to. survey the situation, and the group will meet again Wednesday morrning, at Mrs. Glendon Robb's home, 829 Forest avenue, Evanston, to 'conipIete its plans. Party prepartions, igeneral wllbe ,the chief item of business at a.board meeting called for Monday afte.rnooni at 2, by Mrs. Gilbert Stecker, presi- dent. The meeting will be held at: the home of Mrs. Cordon F. Fair- clough, 144 Clyde avenue, Evanston. MNrs. Jack C. Griffin, a former presi- dent, who is general chairman of the benefit, will report the latest develop- ments in party plans. The games comrnittee, headed by Mrs. Carter E. Phillips, is busy at work devising many forms of enter- tainment and will meet Friday morn- ing, April 8, at Mrs. PhiÎ!lips'. home, 1010 Hinman avenue,. Evanstonl, for a final preparat.ory sessi!on.. Possible -change1 s in the league's by-Iaws will be - studied, by the re- visions committee Tuesday morning at 10:30, at the home of the chair- mari, Miss Betty Ellis, 1723 Chicago avenue, 'Evanston. Mrs. George Har- Mr. and Mrs. E. Cohn of 1628 Highland avenue are moving about April 15, to Michigan. They have taken a farni near Detroit, WILMETTE. LIFIE