One of the most interesting recitals.of the spning season is sched- uled for Monday evening, April 18, wýhen Leonard Kruipnick (above) *brilliant young cellist, uill be heard. il, the Chicago Woman&s Club theatre, 62 E. llth street. Mr. Krupnick, a graduate of New Trier High school and for niany years a resident' of the North Shore, is at present a member of the newly-founded Indianapolis Symphony orchestra, con- ducted by Fabien Sevitzky. Previously 1ew as principal cellist of the Chicago Civic orchestra. Mr. Krupnick began his musical ed- ucation at the age of 10 years, studying under Daniel Saidenberg, former prin- cipal cellist of the Chicago Symphony orchestra; Naoùmn Benditzky, ceIlist with the Cordon String quartet, and. Georges Miquelle, principal cellist of the Detroit Symphony orchestra. Last summer he was a guest artist with the Cordon String quartet and also appeared as a soloist with the Hartiford Symphony orchestra. Previously he was a member of the facàlty of Rollins College, Winter Park,' Fia., where he made numerous concert appearances and was principal cellist of the 'Central, Florida Symphony or- FASIIOLEKLTI , 44 -âj,- anew fIotterer from our Autographed Hat Bar! It's of fur feit and turns srnack off your face in a most, youthful manruer and then for a brght touch of sophistica- tion it adds a flowing veil-or if you prefer it's equally smart turneci down as a bon- net--rî many Iovely colors. d~h I Mrs. W. L. Lilja, a former Mil- waukee Downer school friend of Mrs. George L~ Panushka., 1041 Forest ave- nue, recently spént about five .days here as the guest of'ý Mrs. Panusbka. Mrs.' Lilja's home is, in Minneapolis. shades, EDGAR A., STEVENS Ince. Evanston I35c- and 50c Edgar A. Stevens, [n. Evanstcon I