Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Apr 1938, p. 66

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Remcde, Lowos $3 95 Ne INNESpRINSië ~oMoffress toe " ",'ThéWS SLruMD SU4OPe 1%Shemam Av.e ua V OL BooKrsEoP UlLIERAIRT CARIPI Stationor Y for (aàhoA "The preffiest Ebs$.r Cards Ilv. ever sen"-wo hear if *v.ry day. 1aI A .i. A. . andc Ti s tnglaiui. Ellen Pasco and Susan Pengilly. the two *vomen, born of Cornisb fisier people and reared among the hardsbips, and anicient . superstit ions, of an ancient land, bave witbin tbemselves tbat qim- pi icity and nobility of 'character which often rises from sucb an enviironmient. Theiýr ,story, compressed inito. the coin- pass of forty-eigbt bours, bolds tra;,edy and pathos,_ dignity and intensity. Per- spective is given ta tbe novel througb the, background of the old romance of Tris- tramand Iseult, against wbich it is, set and which, througb its appeal ta the imagination of the chief character, proves the n'oivating force of ber behavior when faced with tragedy- and'sorrow. Miss Chase knows. the coast of Corn- wall as well as she knows ber native Maine-the setting 50 successfully, de- scribed by ber in Silas Crocktt-and At-a little of the, charin oa, ber nu ew story lies in tbe accurate and beautiful descriptive passages about Cornislb scenery. Bring Oui New Journal, LUife of Helen Keller At a recent meeting of the National, Education association, held in Wash- ington, D. C., Helen Keller was given Hcrvey Allen, thé author of <'An- thon y Adveèrse,'. hluis ,chosen the Civil War *as the setting. for' his neu, novel, "'Action at Aquia," pblîehed lhis spriiwgby IPartw& Rinehart. "The Long Tomorrow" Chosen by Book Club Evelyn Voss Wise's The Long To- morroev bas been selected as the Cath-' olic Book çlub choice, for April. Itwill be published by Appleton-Century' on. One, can nardly- xpect awriertoa e peat such, à success as tbe latter, and, as, a matter of fact, Mr*. Allen doesn't try to repeat it. This- timie behbasturned aside ta en- tirely new subject mnatter. Discarding the pic aresq.ue novel, he- takes up: his- t orical fiction and uses- a Civil War. background, and> a Peunsylvania and Virginia setting. On ýFurlough Colonel Nathaniel Franklin -of tbe 6th Pennsylvania -Cavalry is on« furlough, the firsii several years. He finds life at: bis borne village near Philadelphia changed since the War, and because lie is a bachelor witb no particular ties to hold bim, decides ta spend the. re- mainder ofbis leave rambling about the countryý-side..on Black Girl, bis band-, someé mare. First, before leaving Phila- deiphia and setting out upon 'bis -waii derings, b. twys a paçc of toys. There follows a'series of adventures -a visit ta former Président Bucbanan, the reorganization of military discipline in a town given over ta complete <le- moralization, tbe friendship of a youth Who attaches bimself ta tbe Colo$nel and wisbes to enlist. Finally, with bis raw recruit at bis side, Colonel Franklin returns ta bis régiment stationed near Aquila. ItwsA Pack Of Toys Itwsfor cbildren in a Confederate ~eyes aiofthe souI -flotcia uUL 1JVaI- greeted him, set about bettering trhe lot ing througb ber beart-in the name of of bis neigbbors. Finally he saw bis the Natioal Education association, and dreamn realized in a cooperative cbeese witb the authority- vested in me as its f actory wbich brought prosperity to the: president, may I present ta you tbis key countrysicie. -symbolic af tbe bighest bonor in the It is, into tbe bargain, a first novel. power of this association to bestow Mrs. Wise, wbowsbogtu nMn the key of bonorary life membership .owsbogtu nMn in the largest organized body af. edu- nesota and knows intimately the scene* *hp %.. i&...irh uilive. ai ber story, says that Father Pierre witn tnîs xamily, and the participatin af ail of tber in battle wbicb later takes> place at Aquila make up tbe last haîf of the book. Plot, action,:anci character- ization are aIl found' here, while the first half of the novel is essentially a travel story. The two parts, leave a dis-: jointed impression, and scarcely bang' together as a unit. COMPARE OUR RATE £AND BAVE go To suaiswia1 4 4ilo u>iui>ganiiuasaloon and the Dawdy bouse, ununese ChOT ~ does, bow radio killed a dictator, wby and Indians andi unscrupulous folk who CONSUMERS C EI O F radio belps democracy, how the de- mined for gold beneatb their neighbor's BAS CRIlCAQO AV«-. *tz. s tectives lost Trotsky, bow radio regi- bouses all play a part in tbis-perbap s ww MMs. . SAuTI N mSY@u ments a nation, how a broadcaster tbefilrst-story of a cbild's. lufe ini early Iescaped Franco'sbombs, etc.Clfénà FRAMING Prames Repied s»d Reglded IAil the award winners from

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