Apralil , tW ecide the serious busi- ness of 1938 champion ships. Miss Eckert will compete underý the colors of the Shawnee Country club in the 100-yard free style event, and in the low-board'diving. In the 100-yard swim' she .defeated al corners and held the national .record during 1936 and, 1937. The onily per- son to better ber'time of 61.8 seconds to d ate,.is Willys den. Ouden, Hol- land's great Qlympic champion. The "School Marmf' s"9 imposing array of, champfionshîps, mrost .of .Which were won while 'she :vas an undergraduate at Northweste.rn uni- versity, are.well known to. the tank- fans of the North Shore, wbo have felt a' personal interest in Miss Eck- ert's brilliant mùeteoric rise to ber preseént aquatic. supretnacy. Durinig 1936 and 1937 she, allone, won the team cbampionship. for. Shawn ee, in the Central A. A. U. meets wben, throtugh ber individual winnings,, she piled up total points beyond those of wbole, balauced team~s. For the patsix years she bias been unde- feated, champion at high-auid-low-* board diving, indoor and outdoor, of the Central A. A. U. Throughout her .entire career-'Miss Eckart bas been taugbt and coached by ber father, George Eckert, coach of Shawnee Country club, who bas Te Discusin Subect The question of household employ- ment will be discussed at a meeting to be-' held under the sponsorship of the Ev'anston Y. W. C. A.. industrial IÇommittee at the Art Ceniter of the Evanston Public Lýibrary,. April 8, at 3 P. mi., it. was announced this week by Miss Ruth Daugherty, industrial secretary of the Evanston Y. W. C. A. The subject will be considered in al its aspects, ,from both the emplo yer's and the worker's point of view, it is stated. Mrs. Horace Dawson, a mem- b)er of the book reviewing, committee of the Evanston Womnan's club. will review "The Servant Problem"., an article wvhich apperaed. in, the Marhc issue of Fortune Magazine.' Miss Aninetta Dieckmanh, metropolitan in- dustrial secretary of the C h i c a g o Y. W. Ç. A., will lead ýthe discussion following the review byýr Mrs. Daw- son. WILL, VISIT IN WEST Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Arthur who have been spending the winter witb their daughter, Mrs. James Watson, 2831 Blackhawk road, are leaving May 1, for California where they will visit their daughter and son-in-law, Gene and Kathleen Lockhart, motion picture actor and actress. WAMDA Fer 1sf .f u ,ep.. IMMe f Il ________ B100%LET ba 14"M "- d" -e Là» De ulhg-GoW f . wew L V. Cowtb hOudbsof M i -pê PIay in.Glorjous RIGHT, NOW at beautiful hPS pr as çome àn a" ber gold and green glory at JFrench Lick. ndertewr sun's tonic rays, fields art., carpeted with bright flowers, birds are singing gaily. Every. outdoor sport, as well as indoor entertainment, awaits you. The-music of Jules Duke and bis broadcasting orchestra in- vites you to dance. You'll enjoy Glenn Paxton at the Hamn- Our Chic for beau KhInager, for istratid free )OMS.. I Long <0 irhir i F M n.,Bu M., r-i m m = [*,mm mi