cVaIdI e Friday, April 8---9 to 12 a. nm.-Cen- tral-StoIp school dental clinic, Dr. C. Réel), Miss M. Greèn, .N. W ednesday, April 13-2 to 4 1). ni.- Inifant Welf arc clinic. Dr. N. G. Shav ni charge. During Speing 'Vacation there wil be ni) dental clinics. Ameeting of the dentists on thé staff 'of the 'Wilmette H-ealth, Ceniter and the ýschool nre took place oïl T 1 ursday, Ma3rch'.31, at 12 noon,, at the.Chimnleys tea room.iii Winnetka. The .purpose ýof the. meeting was to, discss nd frm lans-for the school, dental clinics this fali.. Those attend- ing the meletirig Were, Dr;* E. Christie,' De. P.» Bass, Dr.- G., Chinnock, 'Dr. C. Rb;Mrs. 1. Bliss, R.N.; Mrs. E. Stopka, kN.j, lHoward school; Miss Mary Green,0 R.N, Central -school; Miss R.. Hansen, -R.N., St. joseph school,1 and Mrs. 'M. Moore, R.N., New Trier High school. BOOK CLUB HOSTESS Mrs.. R. H. Garrett, 1420 Forest avenue, was hostess to the members of ber Book club at a reading and tea at ber home last Fridav after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Sweazea. 2041 Kenilworth avenue, their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Sweazea of 2132 Thornwood avenuîe, These LocaI STANDARD DEALERS A. G. Nordgrefl South End No Mans -Land street. wasin READ THE WANT ADS s former home PITCHERS AREO TIAINEI IOWN -un at-STA.NDARD ýOIL P