an exnhiiton. 111e answer is really. simple and can be explained in a few wofrds. Most Of the people of the several vil- lages and. the studenits, of New Trrier; have seen the, various interscbolastic teains .play such -as track, basketball,. swimming, and se0 forth, but only a, small number of these see their sons, and in the case of the stut- dents, .their. frienids, The inter-school gaines are aIl very interesting but -the parents begin to think.that such ac- tivities would prove: beneficial for their chidrçn., and since. there are so few boys, on a teatn that it is impos- Lehle Photo sible to give athletic Fred Hemche, experience to al the fellows. One offlet But they are quite wrong, for New Trier lias one of the best intra-muraV programus in the state and affords every student an opportunity to take part insome athletic contest. Each ad-I Thé'- ni" of 'the' r of Dr. an, -Orcutt,, Mrs. Robert Wilson. Shfe came to the United States ini 1892 and was married the following year to Thom- as McKinney. He passed away in 1919. A former resident of Evanstort for 35 yrears, where ýshe bad been a charter member- of the United Pres- and a 'member of the Delano Community club, she bad lived in Kenilworth for much of the >past decade. Buri.d at RoseLlil Funeral services were held on Mon. day, afternooni at the Scott-' Evanston with Interment at Rosehili c emetery., She, is survived'by, a daughter,, Mrs. .Edgar Moore of Independence, Mo.; by two brothers,' William R. Wilson,. with she had made her home, and Sain Wilson of Chicago, and by three sisters, Miss, Jane Wilson, also. of Kehilwprth;ý Mrs. Chai-.les A. Hoff- mnan of Evans ton, and Mrs., M. A. Newfman of Toulon. Samuel Hoth, Form er Wilmette Policeman, Passes A way at Home Samuel Hoth, retired Wilmetté police- mani, passed away Wednesday niorning at bis home, 1704 Wilmette avenue, after an illness of ttiree weeks. *Funeral services will lie held on t- Tis only applies to games where. teams are needed but then there is left badminton, table tennis, handball, horse shoes, and many other individual sports to be handled. These are planned for the boys who are interested in theni and they May sign up for anything they, wish to play. A schedule is then made up and the boys must find their op- ponents, play them, and later turnt in the results. In this way every fellbw] I'n conimand of'theý inaugural, planeý were C ap tai n W. E. Rhoades and First Officer James Allen. On board the ship, bound for New York, were J. K. Tyson and W. W. White, both of Highland Park. Other North Shore residents who left- Glenview on the first eastbound sdhedule w e ir e Mrs. Florence McArthur of Park drive, Kenilworth, and M i s s Olive Pfingsten of Pfingsten road, North- netka; C. M.* Osborn, Village Mana- ger of Kenilworth ; Harry C. Kinne, President of Wilmette; Henry W. Lutter, President of Glenview; George JR. Young, Village Manager of Glencoe; and Edward M. Kerr, Village Collector of Wiilmette. Others at the breakfast were: Mrs. J. K Tyson of Highland Park, Mrs. R. F. Ahrens of Highland Park, Mrs. Mr. Hoth, who was born in 1870 'in Nules Center, Éerved on the force for 14 years (1908-1921). It was in 1919 that he shot and killed a b ank robber after a long chase through the village streets which ended with a gun battie in the 1600 block on Walnut avenue. He is survived by his widow, Mary; by two brothers, John and William; and' by two sisters, Mrs. James Estes and Mrs. Henry Meierhoff of Wilmette. n n~vanson;A4 L'A. 14.1 Manager of Win- Jack Randail, 912 TweJitli street,, bas been awarded his numerals for the freshman varsity swimming team atthe UniversitY of Illinois. m8to9 P, to o