Do .Y..u.Wat. EXCEPTIONAL LAUNDIERING c'ad FAULTLESS DRY CLEANING? Nezv' Trier High school's debate 'teams,ý which are leading the~ local forensile ge, are shiowui j» ishis picture takën fore the "Echocs." animal pulctiont of the -sentior. class. Bernie Photo In the frontrow are. George Yetter, Clifford .Goodman, .Chester MacLean (coach), Richard Lehman, and Robert Gruhn. In therear row are Marshall Reagan, Peter Oliver, HIerbert SýteIn- berger, Wilcox Hodglçins, Joe Graf, and Bfob Matthems. Gruhn anid Goodman, negative de- baters, won a. dehate against Proviso High school at New Trier on 'Monday. Grubn and Lehman were to appear at Proviso Friday to speak on the subject: "Resolved that the serveral states should adopt the tinicameral legisiative system." The debate league, ini which the local boys are starring, includes high schools in Cook county and -in north- ern Indiana. North Shore Sehool for, Policemfien, Is Suggested A school for policemen, staffed by members of the bureau of crimni ibi vestigation of the federal departmnent of justice and simîlar authorities, and maintained cooperatively by the vani- ous North Shore communîties, was suggested this week in a letter to municipal officiais 1>3 Raymond Ows- ley, commnissioner of police at Lake Forest. Assure yourself, of th. finesi in I aunderlng, and odorlesadry -cl.antngj combned with c.p.ut hand pressing., One roufen,n One pickup end One deflv.ry will faie icave.of ail vour noeds. C-ediTodaly! WINNETKA 2050 GREAT WESTERN LAUNDRY, CO., Office: 890 Linden Av. Postrnaster Herbert L. O'Connell bas received from the Treasury de- partment of the United States a re- port on the sale of Savings bonds, in which the' standing of local post- offices is given. The report covers a period of one year, fromi Septemnber 1, 1936, to and incl Uding August,31, 1937. During that time the sales by the Wilmette post FOUNTAFN %IA tear, TM Sis y@ur oppoudi.supb quai5Iy, imiesi mrvdIuosdi Ostermooe's finest manufacture 1506 ! I Wimseka