J. D. BRÙBKLR NI., 5130 .1. D BRUBKE~L 15LTN46-4tP FURNITURE. SPRAYINC Aime wicker furniture à retnlgerators. We use lacquer-dries bard. and faut. Winnetka 3185. 1SLTN447-4tp WILMETTE EXCPRESS. Diy Trips to Chicago, light hungand pick-ups a speclalty. 1452 Wilmeute Ave. Wilmette 2897 16LTN48-4tp BLACK SOIL Humus CINDERS Gabriel Rosset WlnùétkS. 3689 15>LTN48-ltp OPToMETRIST 85 yrs. experlence. Byes fitted properlyr. 3rolken lenises replaced, frames repaired. JOSEPH F. KUSS 804 Elm st. Wlnnetku. 3671 15A-LTN35-tfc 17 GCNERAI. EPARIN S.. Wilmette Fix-It Shop WB FIX ANYTHING. RADIOS, Ë;LEC-, trical appliances, door belle, house, wiring, etc. Prices very reas. Ail. work guar. 1330 Central, Wilmette 1330., . 7LTN474t si BMliIDINS AND MREPALI Remodeling & Modernizing &LANNEI> AND EXEtCUTE1> BT SOMEONE WHO KNOWS HOW A a bathrooWD or recratioi rom Rmodeling ofete ohomue All under <me.. eontract By coInptent designIer and builder P1H A long or short terme arranged L. T., MGINNIS-20 years on N. S. . 1343 Ridge Rd. WIlmette 5064 21LTN47-4tp FLAGSTONES Aise stone.. for walls, rock gardons, etc. BRICK, CEMENT WQRK, TUCK- polnting. Free expert advice and estimates cheerfully given. H.. HART WELL WINNETKA 2864 21LTN46-tfc 1TL CKPOINTING 1 s-A HýiOME INsu"àIoN CAPITOL ,Rock Wool.. Insulation Estimates Cboorfuiiy Uîven. 'HlE STANDARD LIME & STONE CO., (Factery Branch) Greenileaf 2856-Berkshire 3870 W. lC. Keunnn 23A-LTN45-4tp ais PAINTINR ANOD, ocoRATINGO Paintîng, Decorating SANITAS AND CANVASING, OL&D flors - iade M1e ne* by dùlBUeo ma-, chlnery. Our speclàlty on washing walla and .woodwork that doesn't hurt the sur- face, yet at a low cost. Our work la done to your satisfaction by a record of good reference and best mat. at lowest prices. MEL VIN WIL. 3413 251.TN48-ltp) LOUIS SKOLNIK PAINTING AND. ECORATING. IN- terlor and oxterlor. Good workman- ship. Best references. Carry compensa- tion. WINN. 258 WIL. 3503 25LTN48-ltp EXPERT DECORATINGý PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, CAL- clrining, washlng, etc., done neat and dlean. Reliable and prompt service. Good workmanshlp at reas. ceet. Quality ma- tonial used enly. Est. Furn. joseph Zack Wilmette 1925 25LTN4-l-4tp- I. SKOLNIK COMPLETE DECORATING SERVICE. Wall washing & tarchlng; paper clng. Color matching and touch-up work reas. Lowest Prices. Any size job. Refs. QUALITY WORK ONLY. Wtlmette 4288 a* CLCK REýnPAIUINQ EOUIS BORCHARIDT Wateh, Cloek and Jeweiry Repairing. Estimate free. We cail for and deliver. 606 Dempster'Otreet Phone. Uni. 0824 MME. EMERY HAS OPENED DRESS- :ý1maklng'parlor ln Brown Bldg., Suite 49.* Gowns, Coa ts,* Suits. Coats rellned, $3.0. Remod., cuttlng and lit. WiI. 927-J. 31ITN46-4tp MISS M. BOLAND) Dressmaking. Afternoon and Evenlng dresses and coats. Made or restyled. *Reerens, WUlmtte17- 31LTN45-4tp EXPERIENCED DESIGNER A N D dressmaker; also alterations; your home or mine;* work fast and efficient. Gre. 1142. 31LTN48-ltp 39 HMlE MADE FOOD PODUCTs CATERING. OPEN FACE SAND- wiches a specialty; decorated blrthday cakes; rols. Luncheons and teas. Mrs. Baker Wiluiette 4161 S9LTN45-4tp 30,000 PANSIES <iant fiowering. $3.50 per HUNDRED 20,000 PERENNIALS Good healt-hy stock. $12 per H17NDRED) Rototilling- Land scaping Speclalize in lawns and flower borders. Maintenance. Gardons loeated 3 blocks south of Wlllow Rd. on Skokie Blvd., S('HROEDER GARDENS. Northlield CALL, WINNETKA 3945 42LTN48-tfp THE BEST: IN L.andscaping Products Shore .rroi Iete Maintenance service Expert lawn w'ork.. lnts - Fertilizer - Drlveways ident Wlnnetka 3612 52LTN47-4tc Don 't let this changeable weather foot you. Suddenly the real Spring will be here to stay and you'll want to Ixe golfing or fishing, but you'll have work to do in the garden or aro und the house. Cet the work done now!- with, help, from the people who make this, page A DIRECTORY TO -HOME COMFORT ,EWMAUI« A N D REM AU&XIjobsln building line, magdatio;-ver40yrs. but Deoratng- a r & Exterbor. 1 E 2418 1 26LTS4-itp1 i YEARS' 1I freée. .1 *ACT OR M. OKMA N DAVIS 7792 72LTN48-4tp WEED-FREE RICH BLACK SOIL 1 yd., $2.25,; 2 ydse., $4; 5; yds., $9. Sample on request., Phoneo.Ijniersity 5816. 52LTN47-*tpý LANDSCAPE S E lV 1CE, IN ALL branches. by day work 'or contract.. Est. 20 years on North. Shore. FRANZ KRENN Maintenance.. Nursery ýstock, black soli, tree surgery, spraying, good grass seed miitures, fertilizer and mzanure. DriiVo- ways made or remnodeled. 1036 OAKC ST. WINNETKA 2435 52LTN47-4tp Rellable Landscape and Gardon Service . Deslgnlng"- Maintenance -,Artlstry, Comrpoete stock c f grdon supplies and fertilizers. Work done by exinert. R. KOHLMAIER rnGIU-A"ND PARK 3726. 52LTN48-3tp BLOW & KLOEPFER BETTER DRI VEWAYS. GARDEN, tennis court and building* materlals. Black dlrt, fertilizer and peat meoss., Phone Winnetka 201 52LTN4 7-4tp, ALFRED LINNIG McKay Nursery Company- Landocape Service Maintenance 799 FOXDALE AVE. WINN. 3fi90 52LTN47-3tp COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE. 14 YRS. ON THE NORTH SHORE. REA$SONABLE P R ICJE S. Y'RZE ESTIMATES. E V E R0REE N13 S HR UB 8 AND FRILIIB. WINNETKA 3858. S2LTN4-ttc COMPLE¶'E SERVICE. LANDCAP- ing, Gardenlng; Materlal and Sup- plies. Trocs trimmed and reoved. We guarantee satlsfactory work with oui, modern tool equipment at reas. coit. Call evs. Wl. 3478. 52LTN48-ltpý SPlant Your Evergreens and shrubs now. Also soul fertilizers, grass seed, and black dlrt. WiI. 3073. 52LTN47-4tp 1