BAMBOO UP HOLSTERED P O IR C H furniture: settee,ý arm chairs, $10. Radio-phonograph, '$. 5-piece bedroom iset, siprings and mnattresses, $30. Glencoe 1341.171L48-tp, PING PONG TABLE, BANJO, VIOLIN, Victorian walnut secretary, Chippen- <ile a rm chair, round inahogany table.. 279 Linden' St., Wlnnetka. Wrinn. S315. 171L484ltpi CHEAP, XN GOOD CONDITION.. 6 burner, -3-oven Lorraine gas range. Als;o large Ielvinator refrigerator. 456 Eider Lanie. Winnetkca 1816. >7L4t DINING ROOM SET il ýPIECES, $50.0; bedroom set, mahogany,. good condition, $35.00, Wilmnette 4244 1 71LTrN4 8-ltp WALNUT. DINING ROOM SUITE: TABLE, 6 CHAIRS AND BUFFET ALL FOR $25. WIMTT 57 FURNISHING 1IN C L ÜD1 N French divan, rugs, Hoover vacuum cleaner, baby's crib and scale. Wil- mette 2985. 171LTN48-ltp 2 BROWN MET.AL JUNIOR BEDS and mattresses.. In good condition. $6: each or two for $11. Winnetka 2157. 17 1LTN484ltp GAS STOVE, BUFFET, ODD TABLES, chairs, sofa, matching chair, book- case. beds, lamps hina. glassware, misc. Items. Winnetka 373. 171LTN48-ltp GAS STOVE, FINE CONDITION Biroiler et top; Lorraine oven regula- tor; $25. Double bed, box spring, and matt., $15, ping pong table, $8. Wilhette 2789. 171LTN48-ltp ONE SOLI!) MAHOGANY 4-POSTER ANTIQUE DOUBLE BE!) AND DRESSER. ALSO QDD TABLES. KENILWORTH 179. 171L1N48-ltp PAVENPORT, CHAIR, TABLE, DIN- ETTE SET, WINDSOR ROCKER, CONSOLE TABLE, SMALL DRESSER, RUGS, ETC. REAS. WINNETKA 1957. PORC H GLIDER, $5; SPRING COT, $2; Victrola, $5; vanity, $7; lamp, $1; r da'~nprt,$3; end table, $3. Glencoe 1307. 171L48-ltp LARGE SIZE ELEC. REFRIG. AND- Junik Dealer- Go1drn offre oua market for. BOOKS, M%"AGA'ZINES, FURNITURE, PAPER, RAGS; and' pays higheît prices. Cali Wil. 5426 or ýWIl. 481. 1 74LTN4 7-4tp North Shore Salvage A&RE YOÔU MOVING OR, CJEANING .house?.,Don't throw away or give away your excess baggage such, as rags, papere, books, mage., fiarniture, brie-a- brac. Top prices. Winnetka 1522. 1 74LTN48-4tp Junk: Dealer Phil Schumnan WilI buy turniture. bath tubs. old iron, washIng machines, any 'kind «f junk; p)ay best prices. Wiimette 744. 174LTIq48-4tp WE ILL BUT TOUR flOOKS. ALSOý private libranies. Will oeil. 17 4LTN4 8-4tp LARE SAFE WILL BE GIVmN TO anyone paSring cartage charges. Cen be seeri at 747 EIm St., Winn. (Vogue Cleaners 'store.) I76LTN48-ltp LEÇkAlNOTICE On and after this date I wili not 'be. reeponsible for any debts other thaâ those contracted for by mYself. Harrison A. Sieren. Wilmette Wo man Directs French Club Performance Under the direction of Mrs. Olga C.Rtsso, 2022 Beechwood avenue, Miniette, a cast of twelve. bas been rehearsing for the last two months "L' Institute de Beaute," the three- ?ýct play by Capus which will be given by the French Club of Evanston when- the organizatiofi mêets Mônday, April il, at 2:30 'clock at the home of Mrs. Hariey Clarke, 2603 Sheridan road, Evauston. Mrs. Russo bas also ne- a a rranged parts of the play for pro, Iduction purposes. jThe stoi-y concertis a young man who gives up a sound busiess in nrirtg follnw his. inclination for 19%b8 , December ai, 1849, ev"l.. 19508. o spem eci,lR ,D«eenber 31, ther investigation he uiscoe.u i 195 -ad o spec,àlaseeesnt war-_equally poor lighting was handicap- rants payable out, of inetallmente go pig- students throughout the. cc>iitry. notedbelow'. h Payment .wili bu ruade -theo hth Tiscndition was flot only, injurlfl Wilmette State Bank, Wilimette,'linoie young eyes, but, as scientific esiearch or by the Village Treasurer. Village Hall, bas proven, -was'endangering s tudents' Wimtte, Illinoie, to whom bonds and healt h and enérai welfa re. warrantsshoùld be t.orwirded for col-eF lectlon and endorsmet of the, under Trhe pro:)essor,. a member, of the noted'paymente. Illuminating, Engineering society,, a, fROCM AND AFTER 'MÂT 10, 1938, SAID BONDS SIIALL BE PAYA2BLE nonprofit service organization ccupy- IN PART ON DEMANI3 AND ýNO FUR- ing'somlewhat the, samne position in THaER INTEREST> WILL ACCRUE ON the electrical wùrld that. the Ameni- THAT PORTION 0F. TuE PRINCIPAL, can Medical association. occupies ini AMOUNT 0FP THE. UNDER NOTE!)ieicl irle,1ecmeine -std in BONDSTO BIE PAl!) IN PART. FR011 eia-cîce,ýbcmeitrsei AND AFTER N[AT 10 1938 NO PUR- developiing ightinig equipinent- which THER INTEREST ShAL, ACCRUE would give both a good quality and. a ON THAT PORTION 0F THE PRIN- CIPAL AMOUNT OF THE ]mUNDER good quantity of Ilight. The net resuit NOTED WARRANTS TO BU PAl!) IN wa sa set of specifications and fifty- PATL. .fouir igid :requirements which à'a Iapi INTEREST' COUPONS DUE .DU- auatrdbancoenms CEMBER 31 - 1938 AND) ALL SUBE- ninfc-e yaycnefms IQUENT COÙPONS MUST BUE AT- meet before it can bear an I. E.,S. TACHE!) TO BONDS RECEIVING certification tag. PAYMENT AS NOTED BELOW.________ $pecial Per Cent of <*EIÂ STAK?8 IMAY 2 Assessmnent Pro Rata Pavrueft Londôn-The opera season at Co- NO. Inst. on Bonde vn adniil pnMy2 c 213 10 25 - zn adnwl pnMy2 c 249 10 6 cording to John L. Downîck, manager 250 1 ' 10 of the Amnerican Express T ra vel1 264 10 50 service, who reports that it will last 285 7 27 seven weeks. During that time Sir 62257 9 9 Thomas Beecham, Wilhelm Fart- B3ONDS DUE DECEMBER 31, 1940 liewl cn Special Per Cent of wangler, and ErichKibr llcn Assessment Pro RataBPaymeflt duct a large repertoire of German No. Inst. onBod and Italian operas is. now planned 270 9 '7ad a num~b'er of famous opera stars, 285 8 10 ancui LotLem lA y 62257 10 1 1udingLotLemnA y *BONDS D~UE DECEMBER 31, 1941 Konetni Kerstifl Thorborg, Benja- Special Per Cent of 1 n Assess3nt Pro Rata Payument Inino G li Lauritz Melchoir d No. - Inst. onBonde Richard Tauber, have already been 270 10 enagdfo hesasn 285 9 27eggdfotesasn 62257 il 9 C RD OFFTE AçE BONDS DUE DECEMBER 31, 1942 Mrs. Joseph Schildgen and famlly wish Pur Cent of to thaflk their friende anid relative for Assesmen Pr Rat Payènttheir xiany expressions of sympathY ex No. Ins. o Bods tendeti them In their recent bureaveiluft. 985' 10 2 - 62257 12 9ue u BONDS DUE DECEMIBER 31, 1943 el______________ Special e Cent of am n sW ihý Assessmefit Pro Rata Paymeflt No. Inst. on Bonds a dSL E W R 62257 13 9 e BONDS DUE DECEMBER 31, 1944 ~ Pro e,* the entine il be covered tton and the into place. il 7 1939 HAhRY W. Compti Perfect C( ot a 'Ipand -,Job. l". r*ucbcp r . - 1