Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Apr 1938, p. 10

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wii. preach a spécial 'eua-6ot-te-year I erinon. The boys andi girls wiii, re- 4Eiv gft copies of "JIbe Book of Act, frhieh v111 bd psed lu the pastor's -taîkae Wuitb the eilidren, during the sprlng. k<swoomers are cordialiy luvitedt t this; Wrorship service at Il o'clock. The Chureh sehool ln, receiving uieuy îev schoiers anud more cen be accom- ludtt.Excellent work le being done lual departments. The Aduit claes le brcSting by the leadership of Prof. Charles S. Braden cf Northwestern. Al Plesses meet et 10 a.m. Suudays. *The Womensesociety le, holding .a spring sale cf *gooti 'uséti cltblng àend vkther materiais, this. veek., ThursdaY and FPriday, et 1149 Wiimette'avenue. On SundaY eveulng, the SOth eniver- sary of the Firet ýBàpt1et Church of Uvaeston viii be observeti vith e 'hie- torieai pageant et 8 o'clock.. Wllmette B1aptiste are cordially Invitedte t attend. The Chicago Baptist Sunday School WunoiImeets ?buraday eveig, ,Avril 29, et the Second Baptist church. The principal etidreas viillie by thc Bey. Louis Il. goéhler of. Normal, 111. Additional -applications are being re- celveti for ,the group of uew niembers to b. e ol>6ed et the 26th anuiversary Communion Sunday mornlng, May 1. P1amiles are Itivitedttemalte tht. their *churcli borné ln Wlmstte. Union Charch Dr. Herbert L. Wiliett m1ilter Organ prelude................ wffer Anthemn-"'OBreadi cf Life",................ .Casser Fraulc Offertory-Interlude .......... Wgner Boo--"Peace 1 Leave Wlth Tou ........ ...... MacDermid. * mise Ames At the church service thiis week the *services'cf Holy Communion viii 'be celebratei.. The Spriug dinner and aannuel meet- ing of the church w111 be helti et the Kenilwcrth 'club Wednesdey eventng, Mayil1. Pleese reserve the date! .1 The Boy Scouts willi meet Monday evening at the churcli. The Spokes of thie Woman's soc lety wili . meet Tuesday as follows: No. 1 with Mrs. Harold S. Condit,,614 Laurel avenue, at 1 oclock, Mrs. .Henry, Lust-. garten assistant hostesa; No. 2 with Mrs. David Moreton, 431 Laurel avenue, for 12 -.30 o'ciock luncheon; No. 6 at 820 Greenwood avenue for 1 'l.'lock dessert luncheon, Mis. Il. 0. Von der Hoff and Mrs.- C. A. Keller hostesses; No. 7 with Mrs. B. M. Colvin,,1601 Highland ave- nue at 1 o'ciock; No. 10 with'iMrs. Wai- ter -Kraft, 410 Maple avenue at 1 o'ciocék; No. 12 *with Mis. P'. P. -Tantis, 1156 Mohawk roed. The midweek service will be hield Wednesday eveningat,.g o'clock ln the al 1The chapter for, oui dévotions andVstudy wlll .be John 16. AWe Invité- you to be with. us. The Girl, Scouts Wiil meet et the ohurch Wednesday evening.ý This Friday, April 22, Spoke No. 6 wiii give a tee. at the home of Mra. R. J. Bennett, 1033 Ashland avenue, f roui 3 to 5 o'clock, lu honor of the new members and. frienis -of the church. Motho('ig'.tChtrch Wilmette avenue at Lake avenue Amos Thornburg, minister Thei minister wiil be ln the puipit ett the Il o'clock woruhlp service Sunday mornlng, April 24. 'Te service begins with the organ prelude et 10:.45 o'clocýk, and the Introit Is sung juat before 11. Miss Marie Briei. organist-director, has plenued the following special music far tht. service: OranPrelude: "In the Cat hedral".................Perné "Ave Maria" :................. Bossi Introt: "Pather of X.Ihtoe . .......... ..Scott-Gatty Authem: "Festival Tel)»euK" .. . .Bucic Ofertor3r Aotbem: "0 Morn of Beuty * ...A....... ...Sibelius OranPstud:"Allua"...Bossi T~he Church sohool will meet Sunday mownlng et 9:30 o1clock. New enroli- meute may be madie et any time. The Inteemedeate Epworth league vili meet Sunday at 5 ü'clock. The High School league meetse t 6 o'clock Sunday eveninga. Theta Upsilon Rbo, for young peo- ple of college and post-college ege, wili meet et 5:30 o'ciock Sunday evening. 3à:45«p.mn.; Brownle Pack i-Weasu- deys at 8:30 p.im.; Boy Scout Tfroop 3- Tuesdays at 7:30 paii. English Lutheran Scventh street at ý Greenleaf "*A, HOUSE 0F WORSHIP", The Rev. David R. «Kebele, pastor -UDYSE.IkVICES Church schoopl.........9:45 a.m., Morning worship .............il11,a.m. Junior Luther league............ 3 pe.m. SenioirLuther league ......... 5:30 p.ni. The mrusic for >.the seBrvice of worship ,next Suntiay niorning ls as follows - *Organ Prélude-Prayer ...... Shubert Antheif-I Heard, the Voice of Jesus Say ......Selneeker. SThe- Senior choir Solo-MHe Shall Feed His Flock............... Handel * Mrs. J. H., Hopp Postlude-March, of the Priests......... edlsh Victoria McLeod-Ministry of Music The Wornan "0 society Wili meet on Thursday afternoon of this week at 2 o'clQç4%- at the borne of Mis. Scott Smith, 25Lake avenue, 'Wtbntte. * The Senior choir wili rehearse on Thursdey evening at 7:30 o'clock. The Junior choir wil rehea,.rs' ýon, Sattirday moruiug at 10 o'clock. Church school couveese on Sunday morulng et 9 :45 o'clock. There ar e classes for aIl ages beginning with the Nursery class for children four years 4,f age. Coine and learn with 'us la ouar Church sohool. Attend oui worah-ip service next Sutn- day morning at il o'clock. The young people's organlzetions wfll ineet on Sunay afternoon and evening. The Juniior Luther league' for the high foheol age at 3 clock and the Senior Luther league at 5:30 o'clock. The Carthage college A Cappella choir wiiI present, a program of sacred music et Orchestra hall on Thursday evening, April 28, et 8:15 p.m. Tickets rnay be secured by phoning Wilmette- 4279.. >The Wen'5 Missionary society of the Chicago Confereuce wiii meét. In conference Tuesday, April 26, et Wicker ,Park Lutheran church, LeMoyne street and Hoyne avenue, Chicago. Sesslois begin et 10 'a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Attend churcli regflarly! Firsi ' ongregational, Rev. John 0. Hîndiicy, ininister 9:30 a.m. Church schooL. 10:50 a.m. Beginners and Primaie4. 11:00 am.Mor-ning vorsiip. 5:30 p.m., Kappa Pi Phi.' The sermon for, the mornlng worship) hour la "The Triangle of Life.!ý .The mornlng music la8 as follows: Organ Prelude- Cantabile ...... ;.......Cesar Franck Duet--Power Eternal....Rossini Offertoire Anthem-"IWhen Thou, Comeat" ..... _ .....Rossini organ'.Postlude-Ailegro ....Battiste ýCALENDAR PORIL HE WBEE Thursday, April 21- 6 :30--Church dinner-"Yýought Night", 7 :45-Kappa Pl Phi, Players present two 'PlaysË-"lThe Whoie 'Truth" and "When.the Sun Rises" Frlday, April 22- baàkesîde circle Northwest circie Monday,.April 25- North -End circle 7:30 p.mh.-Board of IR#-lgious Edue-ý tloùi 3:80 p.m.-Brownles East End circle 7:30 p.m.-Boy Scout.-S Troop 1 Tuesday, April 26-- 7:30 p.m.-Camp Fire <Jiis at the home!> of Dr. Ilemel M. Hotiges, 901 Forest avenue. Wednesday, Aprl27- 7:30 p.m.-Boy Scouts, Troop Il Thursday, April 28- 3:30 p.m.--Girls' choir rehearsal 4:00 p.m.-Boys' choir rehe arsai 7:15 p.m.--Senior choir rehearsal.> BOARD OF UELIGIOUi4 IbUCATION The regular montlily meeting of the Board of Religious Education wiii be )ield >fonday, April 25, at 7:30 ô'eiock, in the pestor's studY. YOIYTH NIGÛT & CH17RCH DINNER Tonlght et 6:30, dinner wîli be served to mem)bers and friends of the chureh by a special conimittee of the Women',q Culd. At 7:45, the Kappa Pi Phi Players wiII present two one-act plays, "The Whole Truth" anti "When the Sun Rises." Parents, members, and' friends of the churcli are urged to be present et this evening of drama. Reser-. vations for the dinner ma. be made by calling the church office. THE WOMENWS GUILI) The'Lekeside cliche viii ineet et the home of Mrs A. B.Tuker. 1357fGreen-, JUMW vcburch wil cars for the chli- 4g*w1.g g'themoraIng worshlp service. .4%m» por wait Steps for the New be hweh' choir wlll meet P lai' time-5l~f y te the Ev- scboolerg .are, £-uuu

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