--Martha Guild, next Thursday, a p.m.; Bible study, 4:00; supper, 6:00. In the absence of the pastor, the Rev. 0. C. 'raee of Arlilngton Helghts Wll conduct the services,'next Sunda.y. The order of service aC Il o'clock wlll In-ý clude the followlng: Prelùde--Andàtnte .............. Reger, Introt-"Sing Aloud Unto God: Our Strength'-. ........... Schmnack Sl..............Mrs. H. Robrmnann offertorY-Reverle .......... Mendelssohn The Sermon-*"The First Appearance of thé:Risen Lord"...John 20:419-31i Postlude-Postlude..... ....Regef Today, at 1 o'clocki the, Social circle of the 'Ladies' Aid soclety. le servlng an Easter luncheon, folowed by a pro- gram of entertainment. Tuesday, .April 26, the youxig people are. observlng the twentleth anniversary. of -their society as a Wather Làeague soclety. 'The International Wather League consista of 2;183 young people a socleties ln the, United States. and Canada, and le -aftllated wfth similar groÙpe ln Australia,, South America, and Europe. The Leaguera ot St. John's will çelebrate wilh a tellowship dinner at 6,30, o wh ch al formr mem1b6rs of the 'socle ty as well as present niembers are Ilnited: Reservations muet bc made with i4 Dorothy Mevets et Wilrnette 4912. Four Are Injured in Crash on Skokie BI. An automobile accident in wbiclh several persons were injured occur- red about 9 o'clock Sunday evening on Skokie boulevard near Lake ave- nue. Walter Nowak. 5618. S. WVood lec Iost control of the car, whicli plunged across the four-lane higb-' way, turned complctely over twicc an(d lande d on its four wheels ina pratice golf course 100 feet east. 1 'owak sustaitied,àabrokeix shoulderý and severe cuts-oi! head and face. His,'Wife, Lifian, received lacerations of face and body. Both were taken to Evanston hospital. Alexander ,\,as- clck, 66, and bis wife, Anna, 60, of the South Wood street address, rid- be îoulowea îmmediately DY One Of, Miss. Waterman's demonstration of teachîng procedures ini rhythms. Children from tht ýfourthi,'fifth, and sixth grades of *the Hubbard Woods scbool will assist. This school year,* marks thé third season of the teaching. of such pro- cedures in the North, Short school S. Miss 'Waterméan, whose 'rhythm book is knoWn- and used throughout the country, ,believes that this type of training lays a broad: foundation dur-. ing tht 'survçy. stage througb which every child passes early in childhood. She believes' in including ail the arts in such training makes for, normal* de- velopment in creative and. con- structive processes of tht child's if e. Miss, Waterman adheres closely to tht medium ofi movement in her training, aAd stresses tht importance of experierice ix~n ovment-terms of the rhytbmic elements which the chjld can understand andc, which underlie aIl of these foi-ms" in con- trast to the accustomed attitude of so many teachers and parents that 'early rhytbmic experience. should bc toward expertness ini the dance, mu- sic, painting or sculpture. Broad Experi-emo. Miss Waterman's broad experience. and concentrated research in -his icai education, pre-scnooi, îcînder- II garten, and elementary and primary education. L Members of the Northwestern chapter of Phi Mu Gamma will be hostesses that evening. As special NE guests Phi Mu Gamma bas invited For members of, the honorary dance or- )Oil ganization, Orchesis. *Evelyn Van -ac Vactor McClay is in charge of ar- a rangements. Mi-her, of*hé N oth Share: RIB ROAS! 0F BIEF.- Standing. The finest of prime choice bcdf fully aged. A roast at once juicy, tender and'mouth-waterîng 6th and 7th Ribs, lb..................... .... Fir'st,5 Ribs, lb. 33 RIB ROAST 0F SRIF3 Boneless Rolled14o boneè, no waste. lb .................. FRYNG HICENS FPaci dres-sed, meatyi, milk-fed, deliciously flavorsome. 3 lhs. Avg., lb.............. JI POT ÉCorT Choice Prime,:'Beef. Tender, juicy, succulent and iflexpensive, lb. Seete utlb. .23C... CORNIU BIEF. Boneless Brisket. Sugar éured.' It's delicious. Lb. . ... .. . . .. . .... PORK and VEAU. STEAKS. . Boneiess. IEFTENDIRITTIS. Cut fromn, the finest prime -beflb...................4 G»uilo arF 2 ib.. 39c CIIOP 8t2TmEAT 1 b. 29tc Fregh Owouam 29 MEAT LOAF l......... 9 HILLS MOS. P1RUNES. Jumnho 2 s> Santa Clara Swetueaîà Ibg GHETTI or MACARONI. t ttyle. 1-lb. blue er rou ..... 2for 1*9c, EW OTAT&lOES. )r cjreaming or iwith 9 -kets on lbs. 25C fISH Ivory Dey etU àught ..... l - b. PT STEAK. corn to thetitn ....F'Wb ýJohnon. GU-Cf Specll 1 GaDon GLO-COAT; 1 KLEW PJ..OOR DUSTER- 1 GLO-COAT $2 5 APPLIER. All for..$ e9 I REVERAGE SALE RtaggeclWv4nn Giger.Aie-Pale Dry or Goldeîn-Root Beer, Urne Rlickey, Sarsapar-llia, Creamn Soda, Club Soda, Sparkllng Water - i tals- for I FLE cooking ........2Zfor 1 c i APE ____________________ ~Wlne.ap. for eatlmg. SVery criup and juloy. Weli.bleached 2- h. 32.5 lb.. I - 1b. " -,Plr- . -- >d avenue, who were alsc at the. Sovereign aPart- For hahSàg. 5 v».. ne stoppii nents.