layersof Ff Sls .......... PACKAE Mai.tb* eCv.., 22c $aider-Cooelrq Alphabetlc card-punch o pe r ator, ,260 a yoir.. I '1 Junior auditor, Ineome Tax Untitu- mal revenue agent),.$2,000 a year, aveau -ot Internai Revenues, Treauury ~patmet. hisexaindton. lsopen ly to .persons .wlth,.*pelfled experl- te Ipredoiribed ln the announeemient, lD 0 followlngbranches: Flour aming;$ surance; umber milling and marnu- aturlng -. meat . packIng; petroleumS eduction anid reflning; Public utili- 3s; textile nianuiacturixr;' tobacco ocessinr and manufattirlng. Pull information may .bc obtaiÜed om. the. Secretary of. the U. S. Civil rylce oard of ~aiv~ at the, cal post office. AnnutwngNw Maàgeent. DIONS BEAUTY SALON Formrtly LA CARITA BBAUTY SALON Nor ousel and operaUed b ' Mr. O. C. Dioit Wi]ýMBTTE 4500W- 41o Lnden Ave. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Tenth Street and Central Avenue WILMETrR, ILLfIOIS stAif Photo Mona, AI 11, n'as the 50th-wedding amswverfary -ofp Mr.*aud -Mrs. Jlin W. Beinlih. -The ent n'asobserved with-aonal-day celebrotio and Jamily reunion at the .Parental Be inlich -homte, 1190 Hohler rod, Glencoe, Wednestdoy -of- thisweek. Julius W. Beialich and Miss 1Eisa- eth Stipe were ma rried at St. Mary's hurch, Highland P a rk, April 11, W8, the late Rev. 'Carl Bachus officiat- g. Mrs.,,Beinlich is a daugbter of tbe te Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Stipe, ioneer residents of Ravinia, now High- nd Park, where Mrs. Beinlich was orn, March 2, 186. -Mr. *Beinlichi is a, son of. the late ,r. and Mr$. Attgust Beinlich. who APRIL 24, 1938 Subjeci: PROBATION APTER DEATH READING ROOM-si 33 Central Avenue Open Daily (except Wednesday) 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45 P.M. Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 PM. IVite Dietrich home. It ýwas here that Julius W. Beinlicb was born, on Feb- ruary 5, 1863. Here Mr. and Mrs. Beinlicb and bis family continued to reside until 1893, when they moved to the present bomne site, originally enibrac- ing 10 acres. Later, homes were buiît by.two of the chuljdren, on sites of the same tract. Large Family Four sons and three 4auoeters were fatj 1 homne1 y spentat i'ensacoia. their I IN PLAY