LU CN26c. TAKYOU PÉARS 2 LG. CANS 25C. Adair Photo Some of the' members. of the girls' tvintmieto teamt at New Trierf-f igh scisool, which took second placé, recently, in a. stateý-wie simmig ee, cond ucted in the individutal Pools .01 various schools wtith resuits, and .times ent into a, central station, are shioi above. Le! t to ri qht: Janann» Fleming, Frantccs Bickham, Mary Lou Kreibel, A-drienine Kazaitaitqh Virginia Som- mers, Nancy Bercau>, SaUly Royal, Frances .Veilson. Observe Play Day at N.C.E. May 3 Play Day, the annual fun day for students and faculty at the National College of Educ4tion, will be observed Tuesdsay, May 3, witb the dismissal of cassand a general exodus to the atbletic field and playgrounds on the campnus. TOWELS B CONDOR COFFEE FINE GrmNULATED SUCAR, . O-.BCLOTH BAC 49c.Il. SUCAR . . ~LB... CLOTH GG5 a. é** 0 a CAN SiC PET.' IORDEN'S or CARNATION MULK . 3 CANS 20c )ay will be climaxed this year c4k.fry at the outdoor fireplace the campus Iast fall. Two of the faculty, Viggo Bovb- George Wilson, are to be the g on1 resions te student committees le for the-,success of CHOICE AGED STANDING -RISROAST 5-r«.G6THo& 7-ri.' C. ALL 4HOICE CUTS. Ib.2 CHOICE CUTS POTROAST . . B19C r. ..- < g~ TEMPLE SPEA KERj TOMATO JWICE.. e e *e e e. e with a ste buit on members jerg and chefs. Workie, that -are ,i ne at the g g 2.5c,