UI'UIIWIORPLATWALLJI PRMWgaL Y2 gai. $1.60 Quarts &Sc The. vitalized oil paint ---staYs alive and last- ing lindefinitely. Doesý 46t fflp, peel oir blister. Washable. [n 1ild e a i satin finish, for walis and ceiling. Pittaqburgh Pitcair n Floor ond'Tri,,, VARNISU s79 Made, to seil fdr $2.75 a, gallin. Guaranteed flot tô turn yellow. tsburgh Pitcairn Linoleum VA«RNISII Ifade to .sell for $1 a qüart. Pre- Serves the finish and makes :washing easier. Take advantage of -this spectacîllar -sale price. 79e 1 PITTSBUWGH PAINTS: :8 25Je coupon crpedited onI 8,any Pittsburgh paints, enamel-or a à varnishes, Onfly during tÏhîs sale. * ~ ,n unscoupon Quaft $1.» % Pit Sec Pant Soc3% plat 3»C Bringaone day painting to woodwlvork and furniture ln one coat. Works smoothly and dries ln 4 hours. Lasts longer than, ordinary enamel. Y2 gai. $2 Quarts $11 Lasta longer. and Baves moneY. Sunproof la es- pecally made to wtth- tad extreme temper- atUrle. Covers 20%, more a Ur f ace lper gallon. Laata one. to t hr e Yeamr longer than poor paint.. In 24 beatiful Sunproot colora. 5 . 1b . For washing ail painted' Or varnished surfaces. Will 'fot mar gloss, finishes. l4x3i7 4 dmww. Reg. $7m9 14x24z837 4 drawer Reg. $US5 14x3Sx45Ç 5 drawr Reg. $" 8695 S$4.9.5 7.5ý Sturdily built, sanded smooth, modern in design. These deep drawer cb.ests are Hardwood WILMETTE 1100 APRIL 21, 1938 L 4ý5flLWAUWMEnuR::1 Sherwiui ,Williis I ON DAVIS ST.