DOGS COATS, 84 1 need conditionsng -StriPPigs - L and trintmmng -about *everyr J, fourth month. $tripping elim. nates dead, coat and permit. R.gutered1 thé new coat to grow. Trim- ..c Ming evens the 'new coat and brnp out the truc contour of the dog. terriers, particularly-mScottîsh, Wire Haired, Irish, Airdole, Xcerry ,Bine and Welsh arc noticeably improvd. by expert conditloning.ý t Black Hall- you may have your dog beauti- flily conditiôoned. This new, modern kennel also providea exceptional hoardink faciliies for do$a *i reasontible rates.. DiacleHall s bon Valier Road, Northbrooh, 11.. one mnile west o thep Norihbrpolc treflec light ai lVaukeiran. Road. About 15 minut'es trom the aorth sAéré. Toleplion. Northbroolk 881 Patironisze. .Our Advertîsers 00Ar @O? MB IB STtlma with the loveIy new tints ii PARTY ENSEMBLES PLACE CARDS TALLIES end SCORES. 172 4 Orrinmgton. Avenu. the. iSanSs-Missouri border in tue Civil War era.'The -town of, Provost, where so, mucb of the action of, The Dark Command occurs, ïs tmodelIled on the actual settiemenit of Lawrence, raided and burntd by.Quantrili'sguerillas. To- day if ýis an important commercial city of. some 14,000 inhabitants and :the seat of the Univers ity of Kansas. Man>s Courage, josephi Voge's nove1 of life in a small American city during the lean years, bas been purchâsed for IEngiish 'publication. "I bave r arely encountered anyone wbo bas set down West Indian speech better,"9 said John Vandercook, weli- known autbority on-Caribbean life and author of Black Majesty. He bad just read Run Masked,' Robb Wbite's new novel.* "Mr. Wbite," be continued,' "bas a good ear and a good eye. Any'writer so 6td4bwed is worth listening to-and -wortb watcbing." STill Pot atoes Grow on Trees, is a collection of stories by Emma L. Brock -witb the -à-utbor's own illustrations- stories about John, wbo made a snow man and a poem; about Mary, who was as lively as a goat and no safer; about Paul, who scrubbed his pigs witb strong soap. Miss Brock, wbo bas served in the art department of the Minnie- apolis Public iibrary and in the Chul- dret's room of the New . York Public our times, and of thle lite of the womian -who had written if in h er youth-a woman wbose living brougbt ber iiot *the fulfiliment of the rainbow dreams of ber giribood, but a deep and lasfing bappiness wifb tbe man sbe loved. Mr. Bullett is well known as the author of The Jury, and Thte Histor of Egg Papidervil. -Horses and Fnglish bowns supply *the material for Anne Sfafford's Fîvc Charles Allen Smart, a former teacher, is now a Iarmer-philoso- pher and an author. In "R. P. D.,"' pubUshed by W. W. Norton & Co., he tells how. he and:hi: Peggy "re- turned to the soil" in Ross Counity, Ohio. Everyoiie who yearpis for the sanie experientre vwil find thé book a gold mine. Fanny Burney Lived in Dr. Johnson's England A new biography of Fanny Burney wbich involves every pnajor personage of Dr. Johnson's England, bas just been published by Hougbton Mifflin com- pany undèr the ýtitie Be Loved No More. since gone., and even that fanie which bier contribution f0 the growth of the Engiish novel. so deservedly won, for her was faded by the.later sun of Jane Austen's renown. Indeed, Time the De- stroyer, echoed after bier ail througb. ler life- the conmand, Be Loved No More-by relatives that had died and friends wbo had gone and a world wbich had forgotteni." N. Y. Money and clotbes, two of mankind's eternal crying needs, provide subjects for two books recently brought ouf by Random House-Pashion Is SPinach by Elizabeth Hawes, and The Promises Men Live By whose author is *.Harry Scherman., Elizabeth Hawes is one ýof the best- known and successful designers- of smart women's clothes An America,. and the leader of the small: group of *American. designers wbho have cballentgd the style supremacy of',Paris. Her book embraces every phase of the women's clotbing industry, the sec- ond largest business, in the Unitel States. Hep' appreticeship'-in Paris, ber first small -sbopy ber columns for the New Yorker and other smart magazines, -ber work for'thebiggest department' stores in America and leading dress bouses on Seventh avenue and.berý final leadersbhip-in sbifting'.the center of the fashion industry f rom Paris to New York, make a story that will appeal not QJly to, but to the millions of women who don't care a tbing about fasion-and to their bus- bands. Her book may infuriate figures in the' world of fashion, but wiIl delight any- body wbo just wears clothes, looks at clothes, works at clothes, or simpiy pays tbe bis for someone else's ciothes. The Promnises Men Live By' is a book on economic events, and particulariy money inatters, for the puzzled citizen. Mr. Schertnan analyzes tbe varions Private debf s, mortgages, insutranice, pot ijes, bank deposits, and finiaily in- ternai and international. goven-muent debts, are sfudied as parts-of the tan- gled interweaving of the 1ong and short term promises of mankind. Finally, in the A B C's of literary- style Mr. ýScherman shows the reasons why the system periodically breaks down.