rm Progra'm for Circle Meeting A program by daughters and sons of some of themenmbers of the East End:circle or-the, Con- gregational cburch will be,'giveti. when that organization meets Monday, April 25, at the home of Mrs. H. E Holdoway, 723 Forest avenue. 'A forum on'the circle project will be another, part of the afternoon's plans. Mrs. J..W. Fisher, Jr., wiil conduct the interesting discussion on the circle's project to discover what other churches throughout the.country are. doing in tbe various departments of the many churches. Questionnaires. have been sent -out by- the members and the answers will be read arnd discussed. The usuai program, tii. musicale, by the sons and daughters of mem- bers, will consist of three groups: 1 First-vocal duet by Donald and Nýancy Berblinger; a violin solo, by. Bruce Smith, and a vocal solo byr Jean Frances Miller, witb the at- companist for the three selections,, Mrs. Willis A. Berbiinge.r. Second-Vioiin solo, by Peggy -,Pierson, with Nancy' Pierson the ac- compani st. Third-Accordion solo, by Mary Another year for the philanthrc departmnent of the Woman's Club Wilmette terminates with the day sewing-meeting Friday, April at the. clubhouse, a meeting to wli ail village women are invited, wheti club members or flot. The Mart Washington, Homefor Crippled. CI d4ren is the beneficiary. Mrs. Harrison A. Stormns is., che mani of the work committee. Assisti her are, Mrs. Grant Chandler,. M Carl A. Gode, Mrs. Edward. J. Ho' Man, M rs. Allahn Rossman, -Mrs. G. Walk,, Mrs. H. N. Gantzel, Mv Thomas S. S.- Hardwick, Mrs. A. Klunfder, Mrs.. R'. D . Taylor, IM Lloyd, Yost. Mrs. R. H. Palenske, is Iunche chairman. During this meeting, as :at ail Pr ceding ones, work on comforters ' be done 'under the chairmransbip. Mrs. Juius H. Kiel. Sewing is started at 10 in the.mor ing, At noon a.hot 1uncheon i& serve and, usually, a short program is give Sewing completes- the afternoon. T wo-in-a-Day Parties- Sixfh Division Projeci A few reservations are stîli for the salad bridge at 1 o'cloi the afternoon and the dessert b ,opy *of 22, ich ber -tha hil- air- [rs. off- [rs. eon re- Mrs. Burt A. Crowe, 234 'Raleighi road, Kenilworth, entertained the United Thank Offering chairmen and the presi- dents of the eight guilds of the Woman's auxiliary of the Churlch of the Hot!'y Comforter at lunicheon. at ber home on Wednesday. Following luncheon t here was a taik on.the purpose and meaning of this department' of, service in, the church given by Mrs. Walter C., Rattray of River Forest, the United Thank Offer- ing custodian of the' Chicago diocese. This is one of the most important.pieces of work ýcarried on by the women of the' Episcopal. church throuighout the world Mrs. Rattray gave also a report on the great, United Thank 'Offering serv- ice beld at the triennial convention of the Episcopal church in Cincinnati last to Have Spring Luncheon May 3 The members of the Woffian's Catholic Cl1ub of Wilmette will get together again Tuesday, Ma ,'the date of the annua spring luncheon and c'ard.party, at Shawnee Country club, at 12:30 o'clock. The luncheon marks the close of the club year. The' retiring officers wiIi be feted, and thé new, ones iustalled. The guest list'includes rnany namnes-from nieigh- boring Tenth district clubs. The de- sire of the club is that members in- vite their friends to.join them on this gala occasion. yull October. Active in plans for the, eVent are Of Mrs. Ciifton P. Walker, social chair- man and ber commiïttee, who wili be ru -£pr~g Ru m.q.in the receiving line. They are Mrs.' ed, SpigRm ff aei. W. Dienhart, Mrs. Franik Donners- en. Th berger, Mrs. Dennis Harrison, Mrs. Tespring ruinmage sale of the Edward A. Hoffman, Mrs. Max J. Woman!s guild of the Wiimette Par- Kelling, Mrs. William D. Leary, Mrs. ish Methodist church will be held inl George F. Lundy, Mrs. G.' Wallace the church basement on May '19-20. Moore, Mrs. Samuel H ' Moore,' Mrs., Mrs. Horace Young is inr charge I John J. Tracey, n r.HnyE this sale, with Mrs. C. Roilin Smithn WickernrytE assisting. Ail divisions have separate lmebroftecu wi e c h a i r m e n wiio are cooperating. i ebr ftecu iib enFriends are urged to sort their cloth-* cailed by telephone by the social uing and household articles now and committee and asked to make res- tin wllb ale o he e rvations for themselves andi friends. hequested. Mrs. Harrv L. R2rkr, rog chairman, bas charge of the card CIe party andi prizes. ÇLalaries: J.'Bsrougbton. Juniors WiiI Visit Park Ridge Schlio Sunday, May 1, the junior auxiliar y of the Woman's Club of Wilmette wili take a May day tour of the Park man, t ion. vent, invites ail mem- rds to this get-ac-, 1. Mrs. W. J. Chap- will furni.sh informa- Mrs. W. D. Endres, 112 Dupee place, is entertaining twelve or fourteen chul dren at a birthday party on Saturday afternoon in honor of ber daugbter, Judy. Judy.will be three.years oid. Make Arrangements for $pring Luacheon Episcopal G'uilds Plan Salad Bridge April 26- A spring card party, a salad bridge, Will :bel sponso red under auspices of the Womeu's'.Associated guilds of St. Augustitne's Episcopal *church Tues- day afternoon, Aprîl 26, at the Par- Iish Hôuse at 1 o'clock. In charge_ of the party is the newly formed ways and means committee, whose ýrc 01 lee uridge ana prises. ý, and ot ber maternai its, are numbered among early'residents. SJ. T. ? .1 Us i. WILMfBTT-B LIFE.