for Program fo This Turning ..backward for as much as a hundred years, meim- bers of the Womaný's Club of Wilmette and their guests wilI: be lentertained fromh the pages of time, on Wedne sday,. April 27, at their annual luncheon and programn at Shawnee Countrv club at 12:-30 o'clock. Mrs. Nor-, ma -Harrison 'Throwver and Mrs.. Marie. Simmelink Kraft wil corne from Cleveland to step frorn the pages of, the 'far- famed Godey's "Lady's Book,"' and impersonate some*.of the characters appearing therein. Thev Niill wýxear.,costumes of the time. Arnong the characters to be pre- sented will be the first wornan edit- ress of Godey's book, Sara Josepha Hale, wb'o for almost flfty years' served on the staff of the publication. and was called a female genius of the Victorian era. Jenny Lind wil alsQ be presented as she first ap- peared wben flrst brought to Amer- ica by Barnum. Mrs. Thrower and Mrs. Kraft will wear authentic cos- tumnes, 'many of original 'models, Crodey Presents- 15 a graduate and pçost-graduate of the school of speech, Nortbwestern university, a former facultyMiember of the department of, theater arts, the State University of -Iowa, and now connected with 'The Pelayhoùse, Cleveland, wbere she is a member of the board of trustees, and has played rnany, leading roles. Among productions in wbich 'Mrs. Thrower bas appeared are: The club of' WIlintte..and 'theIr guests assembled at 'S'hawnee Country club neZ Wednesdayý at'12:30 o"clock for the apnuai spring luincheon, 'the finale of the ciurrent clu<b seaso n. Sara Josepha Hlie was. cailed "a feinale geu jus of thé Victoriaiz cra." Jenny iiInd, and other characters of the Godce' books, iii costumnes' of tire period. will be brou ut' to if e in a pro gram., "Mi'. Godc3 Prescett,*'h ,Iichi is being introduced to titis area for the llrst timfe. Mr.s Throw-aeruil ive tht' dramatic portion; of tirc prograW. Marie Sinini.l Kraft presents tire musical portiopi. WiiI Mary Camneron, 'Clver Lecture- Rocifalist to 64ve Unusual Pro. gram on "Humnor in Musi" On AIlonday, April 25, the an- liil nmeting. of the, North shiore. Conigregat ion Israel Sis- tcrliôod will1 take place. Fol- lo.wing >the business meeting and election of offilcers, àaluncheon %vill be serveld which been arrangcd t)>'. Mrs. M. B. Mervis of Kenilworth, chairmnan of the- social cornmnittee., Reservations for lunch are to be made to Mrs. N. B. Bederman, 221 1Es se x road, Winnetka, as soon as possible. During the course of the' day there will be an exhibition and. sale of the work of the Victory Workshop, -an' organization which promotes the sale of' articles manufactured by the hard of hearing in Chicago. The beautiful things made 'for this purpose are moderately priced, and 'it is suggested that'some time be spentat the booth. at which they will be displayed. 'Folowngthe lunicheon, a program has been arranged by Miss Maryý Cameron. It will be ini the forni of. a' lecture-recital, and she 'will discuss "Humor in Music." Miss Cameron is a most stimulating personalitv, and lier audience is anticipating a' talk fi lied with interes.ting facts. Miss Cameron bas gained for, ber- leself a unique position amnong 'mu- s sicians, supplementing her 'technical 7t ability as a pianist with a genlus for e critical analysis and witty presenta- e tion which have led ber fromn concert il programs into the lecture-recital field. Y. fier musical. training included study in America jwith- Percy Grainger, and k' several years1 abroad with Leschetiz- ky and Josef Lhevinne. Her tech- nique has been ' acclaimed for its vir- ility, her interpretations for their freshness and clelicacy, and ber pro- grains over a wide range froin the JesV .111 t* "nhe latest fad. for daytime par- pearancë in this area. 'tics is to entertain with croquet or Mrs. George B. Williams, program a qanwbem ysocI Ver>' fashionable chairman, will present the artistsý. tulips: ooring- a nuc.t Soff set nlawn. t.plicity of 'riches, so much Lm its miusicality, dramaticaly: âS4 contraputitally, than any s1*a shows, that the audience&merg frorn.laughter, delight, snd, v ous applause.", WILMTTELIFE