Wieboldt's "Scoops" the Town'! The biggest refrigerator bargains Evanston. Prices slashed - Special'Ter,,ms"-Eýamous 14akes, EVERYTHING to make it EASY TO OWN a fine'têfrigerator at rnuc1h Ieïss han thie usual cost. Truly a GIGANTIC EVENT. ýBigger- values than ever beforel Corne. in-see them ail beforeyou choose! See,,how YOU-CAN SAVEt tWiebolidt's. OnIy. 12,Floor« SamMpes and$75 Dem onstrators No, ,vi.sible f rst accumulationà, lifetime. current saver unit,.3 fast freezing* shelves, interior. of acid r e s i s t i n. g porcelain. enamel. Low operating cost. Compare With Ref rugaeras at $15,15!1 RKefrigerator $229.50 6 MJany Otlwr Special Vaines! 1, Reg. $1 59.75 Special at 4 .FREE PARKING.- ~I W' S ILMETTE 1100