Committee Enter- tains Educatôrs,. The heads of private prepara- tory schools in the- Chicago area~ and the pri ncipals of a few of the'largest high schools, including Matthew P.,.'Gaffnt.y of ýNewTrier High school, hbave been inVited to attend a lunch- eon: at the Arts club in Chicago at 12'.:30. oclock Satuirday,;April' 30i in'honor of,.Dr. Roswell1 Gray' Ham,, the. new president of Mount Holyo'ke college.' Dr. Ham will lead an. informai open discussion on "The Relaionship Beteenthe Prepaî atory'School- and the College." In charge of the arrangements for the luncheon, which will be given by th liaison t6iittée of thé Chicago Mount Holyoke club, are Mrs. G;eorge Spaulding of Glencoe, the chairman of the committee; Miss M Florence fluth, the. president of the club; Mrs. James J. Forstall of Win- a netka, an alumna trustée of the col- U lege, and Miss Helen Mônchow, vice- prc 'sident of the national alumnae as- sociation., President Ham is coming to Chu- cazo. for a dinnçr meeting of the Wi Carlos Photos Two members of t/he North Shmore chapter of Gammia Phi Reta Alumnue !re auaistin>i wiîh thse tea, w/sic/s, zwth a s>ring'musicale> oeil! take place eriday afternoon, 4pril 22> ait/the C/sajter house ai Northwestern unizrersity ý2:30 o>clock. Tmey are Mrs. Russell H. Maîtthias of Wùsnetka, at the kift, .4d Mrs. Charies ' E. Swann of Gtencoe. Thse tea and pré gram zoeil be the onihly meeting of t/se ,sorih shore alumae. grouP. and Recorciing Is Kappa Projleci The Chicago, Intercollegiate Alumnae association of -Kappa Kappa. Gammtaý fraternity is. sponso ring a dessert: benefit bridge party Friday, May 6, at Shawnee, Country 'club. An addedfeature ofthe afternoon, will be a style .show with fash-,, ions for children -and forwo- en displayed. The mannequins, ali 'members of the association, will be Mesdames Edwin Davies, Leslie Jones, L. D. Wilson, Richard Keck, F C. Mal- c.Iomson,. Merrili Buffington, and' Amos Watts. Mrs. Theodore Hansen, a graduate of Northwestern university school of, speech, will present a play reacling for thosé who do siot pIay eards. Mrs. George Bollenbacher of Ev- anston is chairman of the party as- sisted by Mesdames Morris B. Ash- ton, Lewis D. Wilson, Renneth Lai- son', Richard Keck, C. C. Sutru, Mer- ril Buffingtoii, and Donald Town- send. Mrs. John. H. Hattstaedt, president of the association,. is in charge of tiwea at the close of the college's one hundredth year, -af ter nearly 37 years of service. President Ham is a native of Cali- fornia, and was associate prof essor of English at Yale university before he accepted the presidency of tiol- yoke. In 1926 h. was elected to the, Elizabethan club at Yale, and in 1926- '27-was awarded the Sterling f ellow- ship. He chose to use the. fellowship for research study in England and room of the Minmette k'arish Meth- odist church on Monday, April 25, at 10:30 o'clock in the .morning. Mrs. Ernest Lynn Waldorf will lead thé devotions and Mrs. John Thomp son of Oak Park will preside over the business session following. Luncheon will be served. by the Fourth division of the Woman's guild, of which Mrs. Raymond Lake is o'clock., Mrs. Clyde A. Horn of Ev- anston is to be co-hostess. Mrs. John R. Montgomery wiIlI give a summary of the February alumnae meeting in Northampton, at which she represented this club. FoI- lowing her talk, a recording will be heard of the Varsity broadcast given by students of Smith last December. The annual election of the club will include the Hearthstone fund, the Rose McGill fund,, used to assist needy Kappas, the Student Aid fund, which provides scholarships for any worthy student, and the Kappa Klampships. These Kampships afford, a-camp vacation for high school girls chosen through the Girls' Reserve and the Y. W. C. A. ro. E aster Iestivîi tary ,school. s:nelci at Culver of Birthday Coebration ar- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Wiese of ed 523 Abbottsfc>rd road, Kenilworth, id., celebrating Mn. Wiese's birthday Fr1- aY day evening with a cocktail Party for iiabout forty-five guests before the din- ner-dance at the Kenilworth club. WILMETTB LIFE iy om region, a [o ther sec- dininer in