Aise 5wl $êo yar lans wi$h annuel [ô0c if. ans amo6rfizd, wthh 2quarm.l py.ns GrussPo" intG dens LANDSCAPE a, MAINTENANCE ATrees Evergreens Shrabs - Perennials A-lIarge varîity of FRUIT TREES a nd HA RDY: R»SES. new - residence andth re orner tor a porch addition to the resiclence of, A. C." King, 411 Linden street, were issueti in Winnetka during the past week. The cost of the new residence is $12,000, and that of the porch ad- dition $350. Permit for the residence was taken out by Mr. and Mrs. George May. The. improvement Will, be at 344 Locust road. . It is to be a two-story house, of brick and cinder concrete bljock co n stru ction 'and, ,comprising seven. rooms andi buiît-in, one car garage. William B. Betts, of 15 No rth Sheridan road, Highland Park, is the 'arcbitect, .and Boilini and Grandi,' 656 Deerfield ..avenue, High- land Park, builders. Pet e Schaefer Wn KiteMFlying Events The annual kite flying contest 0 the Wilmette pflayground andi rec-. reatiozn board was held at the vilage. green last Friday afternoon.. The weather, which was colti, did not stop the enthusiasm of the boys and over 15 were. on hanti with their kites. The kite which attracted most at- tention andi which eventually won frst place in both the 600 ft. dash and message contest was matie by * Pete Schaefer. The kite was about 12 inches long andi 8 iuches. witie. PLAN4 DEFORE YOU PLANT Wben a man builds a bouse, he doesn't hire an architeet and a build- ing* contractor and start in. First of., ail, he 'plans. Andin gardening, as well as in building bhouses,,so un d planning always pays big dividenhds. If I were you, the first thing I'd do ini planning a graden would be to make a scale ýmap, of it. And I'd be particularly ,careful >not to overlook any'scrap of space that could, possibly contribute to the, beauty of mny gar- dlen. Op my map I'd locate the -per- mnanenttins like trees, shrubbery, rocks, that are too, big to mnove, and the house. Then I'd start planning the layout -of the V'arious flower, beds. Cftalogs cave-,G0Od Advce. And here's a pointer 'on choosing flowers. The best way I've found is to spend a, f ew hours poring ovýer seed catalogs. They'll give yo'u a good idea ,a te iviicit 1*wesf*are Ob..t 8uited to your climate andi soul. They'11 tell you when to plant. Andi they'll tell you when you can expect each variety of blossom. When I reati seed catalogs, I make. a note of each flower and plant what appeals to me, especially new ones. In that way 1 discover new frientis whom 1 haven't known before. And' every year's garden is a surprise and a de- Five building permits; three for new residences anid two for private ga- rages, were issued in Wilmette dur- ing the past week. Total cost of the iniprovements is .$38,300. Quie of the residences. is being built, by ;W. C. Huggins, at 910 Cbippewa, lane, at an estimated cost of $1 790 It is of brick veneer construction and comprises ten rôoms ýand, attached two-car garage. E. J. Barrett, 1150 Wilmette avenue, is ethe..architect. A six-room brick,,veneer residence, with attached garage,. is being built for Rober t J. Meythaler at 128 Third street, at an estimateti cost of $11,000. Munclie, Jensen, Bourke and Havens, of' Chicago, are the architects, and Bruce Gordon,' 245 Greenleaf -ave- nue, Wilt 'nette, is the contractor. W.* H. Koeing is building a two-. story frame residence at 1519 Wal- nut street, costing $9,000. Gilman B 'Young, of Chicago, is the architect. .The two private garages, each cost- ing $200, are being built by F. Krase and W. A. Kolie, the former at 2508 Thornwood avenue, andi the latter at 700 Laurel avenue. Death Sentence Once 1 Rug Beating Penalty- In olden days in the Orient when a slave was found beatiug bis master's priceless rugs he would be sentenced. to death with scant ceremony. accord- ing to S. K. Jorjorian of Wilmette, feati of S. K Trinrian al'IndmDanv. wuicn was made Dy LGeorge r<vckland, cupy. T. ens wnen you bIave to40 abaseball donated by Wol-ff and member that some flowers are short- Wattharware On theteiticket, er anti shoulti be infrn of tetl donateti by the Wilmette theater ones. Anti, of course, you should ar- *anti the Stadiuui theater, was given range it s0 that each bal will bave to each boy that entered the con- some flowers in bloom at ahl times test. during the sumnmer. UFeedPP Your Gardon CRUISE TO HONOLULU Then about your soil. It's import- M-rs. Fred P. Hfeitrnan, 212 Green- ant to reniember that your fiowers de- leaf avenue, her son, Fred, and her pend on it for eleven differeut food sister, Miss Florence Swanson of Ev- elements. every one of which is es- v4ZU ueu Dve 4a uaUIIImeII,- Air. jor- jorian points out. "'But we do realize' the necessity of proper care ini cleauing and the folly of rough handling whichi breaks down fabrics andi shortens the life of fine floor coverings." S. K. Jorjorian andi company, 607 Davis street, Evanston, oriental mug experts on the north sbore for -the. past 35 years, bave establisheti a repu-' tation for the correct cleaning anti re- pairing of rugs. la Berande of the Mac's Confec- ýry hati high game, 170. ndings: W. L. sConfectionery .......... 44 25 E & watt Hardware....... 41 28 ams Service Station ...29 40 Ltte Bowling~ AlleY..... 25 44 Mr. and M rs. Gordon J. Diltz of 128 Dupee place are moving the end of the month to the house at 1720 Washingtonl avegue. OIi.r et Coivuapondiagly L.w Rat«u Evauslem Office 9 5ý1,Shumm.Av. . Uni. 2600.