Magsc Ait ntetlmene Furmbihed et Y..r PryBnqeChburch or Lodge --'he North ÈShoe'a Magicien Higbland Pk. 2554 GRE. 9066 Whlch.v.r To. Prof or! 110TTLED or CANNED BE-ER Yen aoiebamipuupl 1 &Dfreseul "w yolue o SEN ERUCKSON- wamtte 4092 John Howard have stolen a box John Barrymore' ens the suspense. Howard is, flic .ace member of. the staff of Scot- land Yard. This timne be's seen in. a mhysterious c h-a s e ,through, the fo g-Ia d e r streets, of Lon- don With an« in- ternational gang Of crooks who Of highexplosive s. ight banter. light:- *Ch'e ck e xs (2th. Century-Fox.) Cast: Jane Withers, Stuart E~rwin, Una Merkcl,. An- drew Tomibes.- This is the story of horse race t ha t jeopardizes the romance of Uuýa Merkel and S tu ar t Erwin. Stuart and Jane '~Witbers o w iia horse and they go from track to track , while Una faits for the woo' ing of Tombes. -- .- .~ Then to make mat- One of Ginger Rogers' bi.q scenes in RKO-Radio's "Stage Door" occurs itthe bachelor partinents of Adophe Menjou, who, as a Brodwazy ima- pressario, has picked her out of a Cabaret act. He allouts her to Win $50,000. Opera#@e àPOP-O Popoorn Agency. Sl tisi dehlous po>pped corn to Yoaar frends. Ifs fun end easy. Write NOW for d.aaUs-h@w te make up to $10-00 a w*ý selng POP-O popcom. Be the. Sist lni your ciy. POP-OProducfsInce, 1717 W. Persing Rd.. Chicago E-werybody Sing. (MGM.) Dinected by Edwin S. Marin. Cast: Allen Jones, Fanriy Brice, Jutdy Garland,. Reginald Owen, Billie Burke. Plenty of good fun and a wealth of goodl music, and clean, wholesome atmos- phere combine to make this story of, stage and musical people an enter-- taining family film. The story con- draulic mining anu wIetiarm.ing111. following the gold rush of 1849, is the. theme of this histgrical romance put-* ting forth some of the principles of social justice. The film, ini techicolor, 'ij highly recommended for f anily showing. Goldwyn Follies. (Samnuel Goldwyn- United Artists.) Directed by George Marshall. Cast: Adolphe Menjou'11, E~ t h e 1 Merjual, C es a re Romero. The old-fashioned charm and skating ability of Sonja Henie carnies this fascinating story along smoothly. A forced landing brings a band leader and bis manager to Non- way, where they meet the, cham- and ac- of. outstanding Rob.rt Taylor significan ce: fiirst, the eniergence of Taylor froni the, "pretty boy" roles to an actor of first rank; andc second, the comnbination of American and British talents to make pictures of international interest. P hon. OUM" 1 "àe