poevery large, master bedrm. wltih 2 closets, 2 other bedrms. and bath., garage, on wooded lot, near trans. an-] school. $85 a month. Also for sale.. BAUMANN-%fOK 553 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 3450 133LTN50ý-.lt ENGLISH B RIC K.N EA R LAKE, transpQrtation and schools. 5 bed- rooms, 3 baths, 011 heat, 'oïl hot water heater. .2-car attached garage. Other furnîshed and unfurnished rentais along the Noirthý Shore. ANN IMORELAND 663 Vernioli- Ave. Glencoe 305 133LTN50-lte BeALTTIFUL, BRAND NEW, NOR- .. maàn-Frenceh Castle style; thoroughly insulated; gas heated; air conditioned; six. rooms. unusual arrangement; I1ý baths,; attached garage; Sun deck; 1233 Cleveland Street, Wilmette; one block south of. Indian 11111 Golf, Course, ne.ar West end; $100 per month. 133LTN50-ltp ONIY $100 A'MONTH! FOR THIS EAST KENILWORTII A b*ed., 1 b. Col. ! See SEA-ýRS'REAL ESrATE 421 Richmnôrd Road Kenilworth O8 133LTN50-ltc MODERN GLENCOE BRICK COL- onial. 3 bedrooms, 21/ baths; heated .un and sleeping porches; breakfast roomi; near schtools and trains. Offer of $100! Heinsen Realty, Agents, Winnetka 254 13.3LTN50-1tc GOOD SUBSTANTIAL 7 ROOM HOME. nicely cleaned & decorated. Car.: good lawn. large trees, near *'L," and lake. Sacrifice price, $75. KROLL &SMITH 424 tLinden Ave. WVilmete 500 133LTN50-ltc 5-ROOM BUNGALOWV OIL HEAT. 3-CAR GARAGE. CON- VENIENT LOCATION. WINNETKA 269. 133LTN50-Itp, 803 CHERRY, WINNETKA. 5 rooms, $65. My1 F. Pa,,-ik, Jr. (B. 50%) Ken'l worth 2016 A33LTN50O4tp 510 OAKDALE, AVE., GLENCOE 6 ROOMS-$60l Odh Realty Co. Winnetka 115 133LTN50-ltp 12 ROOM HOUSE, 3 BATHS, 2 FIRE-, OTHERS $85 AND UP. E. s. WISDOM & Co. 526 Green Bay Rd. Wntk 38 1 34LTN50-ltp 1114 ASHLAND AVE., WILM BT. Good. location. Average house. Ph. owner Wilmet 1619 or agent. *134L5-ltp apartnient for 2 or 3 months. Imimediate occupancy. Wllmette 1115, 136LTN5t-lic 137 WTD. TO UENT-FUR4. NOUBs» SUMMER RENTALS. HAVE MANY CALLS FOR, FUR.N- - she4 stimer rentaIs. List your.home with. me. 2Mrs. Wldet. Winnetka 2700- Winnetka 89 137LTN50-ltc Smiall HouseWanted MAY 1-JUNE 15 Winnetka 2587 13 7LTN50-l.p. WANTýEDý FURN. HOUSE FOR June, July, AuguSt. 3. bedroomns. Youn eopleWith 'infant. Gentiles. ,Write B-152, Box 60, Wilmnette, Ill. 139 WANTED TO RENTr-GARArES EITHER A TWrO-CAR GARAGE O 1two onièecar garages in vicinity of lO0th and Lînden in Wilmette. Phone Winnetka, 3951., after 6 p. ni. 139LTN50-ltp 140 FOR RENT-STORES & OPPICES 11 STORE FOR R&NT Excellent light store, 14 ft. x 58 ft. w.th wlde front window, lav. and private office. Fine loc. at "L" terminal. Write B-153, Box 60, Wlmette, Ill' '14OLTNS0-Itc NEW MODERN OFFICES SINGLE, OR EN SUITE From $20 Up. 740 EL'M ST. WINNETKA 626 140LTN50-1te EXCLUSIVE INDIAN HILL SECTION. Modern stores sultable for Retail business, studio or office Wlnnetka 1800. 140L50-Itp EXCELLENTLY ELOCATED WINNETKA STORE Ayres Boal, 122 S. MitŽIL, Harrison 1043 140LTN47-4tp VERT De3SIRABLE ÔOFFICE AND store space 1n central Wilmette; also studio space. Call Wilmette 2399 or 2427. 140LTN48-4tp POU SALE-NOUBES .'820 Greenleaf, Glencoe OWNER QPEN TO ANY REASON- able offer-for sale or rent on his un-' usuàlly attractive brick and storle, 5 bed.. 3',ý b., 2 pch.. home. Key at t'utr office. 534 Essex Road. Kenilwnrth TO CLOqE Aýý ES' properties: Very at 2 bath brick Col. on 7 ROOM STUCI Two 50-ft. lotj;. Al w owner. B160, BOX60 E VANS, in Lir rm.; 7( $12,500, ci .A g PRAME HOME Irms.; 27-ft. liv. 'ai value under Winnetka: 19 Warwick Rd. Attîr. home in best Zast location; nr. schools, and trans.; wooded lot, beau. lndscp.; radlcally *reducedl toý $22,500, open Sunday, 2-6, April 24. EVANSTO.X: '522 -Davis st. Greenleaf 1855 Hollecfoirt IS55 WINNETKA:- 7.90 EmSi. Winxietka 2700 Briarga~e 1;55 HIGHLA'ND PARK: 5 S. St. Johns Si. Winnetka 1802 Highland Park SX 1ý47LTN'-50-i tc Sonething Différent! OU T -O0F - THE 'ORDINARY, this artist-owned frame Col- î onial combines. unusual color and charm, with excèedingly fine heating plant, construction, and insulation. 6 rms., 2% baths, sun room,- delightful screened p oréch overlooking beauti fully wooded* lot fand. gar- den.ý In fine Glenc 'oe ffèighbor- hood. $14.500. 0.YIII INC. Exclusive Agents 594 Linicoln A1%'enue Winnetka 177 WILMETTE Brand New Georgian 1931 THORNWOOD AVE. Reduced for Qulck Sale to $18,750 7 LARGE ROOMS.--4 BEDROOMS-2 COLQRED TILE BAfI-S- Lavator- ies. Powder Room--reakfast Roomi- XRecreation Room. Air. cond. Gao, 2- car garage. Inspect any afternoon. WM. H. WRIGHT & CO. 921 Main St. GRE. 4880 147LTN50-1t-tlt EAST KENILWORTH CHARMING WHITE PRAME -8 rooma attractively ar- ranged, 3 batha. Smnartý stone. terrace. Excellent for Kenil-, Worth tachoolis. $16,500. QUEI&EM1fy. INC. neclusive 584 Lincoln Avenue 1 1 u-tnder-$2 rite I128 IWanner, 1 k. 177 . Oneredast Francés J.' Exclusive 414 Linden. Me. Agent Wlnnetka 1267 SHORE NORTH- TOWNS - SHORE OFFER HOMES EAST XINNETKA. A *REAL LIVABLE SH-INGLE ÇCOL.- onial home on.,a'beautiful, large lot. Sevenro coms, 2 % baths,. 2 »porches. PrIce $16,500, subjeet ta offer., ENGLISH BRICK, With a slate roof. Nine rooms, -2 baths, 12 porches, on well wooded lot 75x186. Liquidated.by closed'bank for $22,601). SHORE TOWNS, REALTY CORPORATION 1903 Chicago Avenue, Evranston Gre. 2700* WiI. 6Q8 Rog. Pk., £ 636 147LTN&0-1Uý ONE ACRE CITY- COUNTRY HOME ON DUND1~EE IOAD NEAR GOLF course. Six room, one bath- modern brick home wtth atta.ehed garage. Pull basment. Beautifully I a n dsa p groUinds wlth many evergreens and rock garden. Poultry houa.. Owner leaving city. Wili sacrifice for $6,500. ,Mr. Uly *SOUTH EVANSTON 5 room brick 'bungalow at $5,500. VACANT INDIAN HILLU VACANT AT sacrifice.price. The Northwestern Co. -- 516 Davlp« St., Evanaton Uni. 9500' 14 7LTN50.r1tc MODERN BRICK'HOME IN THE COUNTRY ON A LOT 804l38, PIVE. roonis, two large bedrooms on second floor and tile, bath. Not far froni tranis, portation and aecessib?é to Wllmette schools. Owner lias priced this out-ol-the-> ordinary p r o p e r t:Y at* $10,750 for quilk -, saWe louse is new. modem 'and very attractive. M".G.' RUGGLES &CO. 517 Davis St.,, Evanston U'ni. 6$86 HoI. 6886 - Wil. 16 -147LTNiVO-lie drin., 2 bath. home . on favine lot, 7541t. ronta1ge;, ir Co., 513--4th St 2 large bedrin.. oil ht., att. 147LTN50-ltp Ig., wo.burning fire ace, ln E. KENILWORTH Starne& '~ Me. Lot 78x160 f t. - -j PTTTF RT LTYAnc ýsart Road ,S R ALT C La.Salle. Sta. 511 1 520 D vi t.W lm t1 4 147eiT5*-ltp 17T5-t