<TY, Imc. 529 Davis St., mvnton WE BELIEVE TrE 15 A SPLENDID OP- lmortuntyforome famlly to make an exceptional *b3 ~lr prop- .rty it_ 147 Chestnut St. Ideally ui3tusted'in the Hill Rd. Oection of <Wlnnetka. Or you may rent *lth option to purchase If desired. Key .SMART& G-EE, mc.ý 156 4 Shermnan Ave. Wlmette 2486 1028 PAWNEE ROAD. Indian Hill Estates, East WILMETTE Ope n Sunday 2 :30 -to 6 NEWý EARLYý AMERICAN RESI- S dence, 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 3%,bathi,, br. rrn., rec. rm., 2-cSr att. -gar. Auto. heat, humidifIed, 65-foot frontage. .Architecttlrally planned and supervise&. Decorated ln excellent tante. May aise be seen at other times by ealling Mr. Dail7. Uni. 7777. 147LTNSO-lte DOOR-YARD WITH PICKET FENCE. Attractive new house, architect built. fleady Ma.y 1. Air conditiofled 'n' evèry- thing. (Such as overhead doors to thre attached 2-car garage, and latest kitchen gadgets.) 4 bedrooms, screened porch looks over adjacant acreage estates. Lot 8oxl90xl7O. Walktng. dis- tance of Bkokie and Horace Mann sehools and Eim St. station. $22,.500. FPULLER & ]PICKARD 76Elnr St. Winir. 3603, Uni. 7444 147L11NG-itC *T rL'i 'Y TTJ/_ CI~' sacrificing l'or quick sale. The chance of a lifetime I <Phone Winnetka, 213. 147ILTN50-I té The Smartest Location In Glencoe 5 MASTER BEDROOMS, 3 BATHS,. 2 servant', 1 bath; oil' heat; ý4-car garage; lot 2U0x210. Price $35,000., 1 ANN MORELAND 663 Vernon Ave. alohcoe 305 i 47LTM6N0-ltc Threre la a nice reurn iro annual. sale of pulp woed. il roorn red brick housedesigned by Thomas Jefferson and 'now thoroughly moderniséd. Watet from flowing spriflg, steamf. vacuum' heating plant; care- taker's'cottage and necessary. out-buildinigs. Owner's invest- ment leis iecess of $60,000o but since his businéesnecessi- tates change. to Chicago, ho wfl conshlor offer, of about $37,00. Photographs a n d complète, Information »may be obtalned trmm Mr. N. X. Hokanson & Jenks, Inc. Emxclusive Agents' 513 Davis Streqt Greenleaf 1617 162LTN5O4tc Wooded Country HoMesite IN BANNOCKBURN, LAKE COUNTY. Restricted tracts of 75 acres or more lni forest of fine trees.' If you're look- ing for the best, let us show you Ban- nockbuirn. Lewis T.. Dodds *Nortlifield Village Hall~ Willow at Skokie Winntka 1111 Greenleaf 2738 162L"rN50-ltc 164 POIL SALU--FAUNSa SouthwstBa rrington 173ACRS0F ROLLING, les RaAL VITATE OLD VIR INIA HOMES IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY AWAIT, your inspection. Upon requost we Will giadly send you an Illusirated bro- chure of homes, farme and estaies. Stevens & Barlèy, Realtors Charlotiaville, Virginia 166LTN50-2tlp 169 FOR UALE--CRMEITERY LT IIUST SELL 3 GRAVES, MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY. Glencoe f105. 11T5- BEAUTIFUL FURN.: lo-PIEC4E ENO - Slish din.. set. 2-pieco do*n liv., rau. set, Colonial sofa, o11 paintings, bronzes, crystai chandeliers, Oriental and dom>tes- tic rugs, bric-ae-brac, "ý"Easy" wash. machine, etc.ý Wilmette 3023, befüre, 9:30 a. m. after.4 p. mn. 171LTNbt)-11p M&OVING -, NO DEALER ,»Very low .prices, Chineso blue & white scatter rugs, embr. pieces, 2. guitars, 2 vAey rare..Cameo brooches, Paisley shawi, wai. Marquetry mulid. bedrmn. suite,; twin beds, drosser, chiffonier,.. nght tbl.,, and other misc. litems furn. J3y appt. Rog. Pi. 0270. 171LN5-ltp FINE KITCHEN STOVE, SCOTCH, Mangle, extension laddor. Garden, lin- plomnents. Wilinette 1514, 171LTN60-ltp SHOP <CLEAN-OUT O0F ýANTIQUES and used furniture. Chairs, foot stools, emalltatbles, beds, sofas, -chest of. drawers, etc. Ail at lbargain pricès. John Odh, 933 Lhrde-i Ave. Hub. Wds. 171LTN50-ltp VANITY AND BENCH-, $8. D)ES,- like new, dark finish oak, turned leg, 50x26, $18. Coi, $2. Victrola, $5. Glencoe 1307 171LTN50-1te MOVING OUT-OF-TOWN. WL sacrifice entîre furnishingil of seveir room house. 1306 Gregory Ave. Wilmette 2584. $25;- 6 dfning chairs, $5 eacn; one dresser, $5; other goods. 948 Spanish Ct., Wilmette -4113 171LTN50, COMPLIOTE Hoùsehold Furnishing. (7heap. 123 Broadway, Wilmeit 1004-6 Eeso t. vanstoil Uni. 01-8 m. BERtG 1llI pay top] prices for yrour used furni- ture,, bric-à-brac, houmehold, articles, books and mnen's ciothing. Winnetka 1522. 112LTN47-4tp SET 0F TWIN BEDS, COMPLETE and late model gas range. Cil Win- netka 1040. 17ËLTN5O4Ltp PUR COAT7,.$5. TOPCOAT, FOX FUR, $.Wriniger,, folding buggy, mag. stand, telephofle stand and stool, tea- cart, wicker chaise longue, maple pen and pad. Winnetka 3838.> GREY ENGLISH CAB FOR SALE.- GOOD CONDITIOle. Kenilworth 5574. 173LTN50-Iti) GIRL'S BICYCLE 20-INCH SIZE. LUCE NEW. Wilmette 2683 173LTN.-tiItp GIRL'S BLUE2, PUR T RIMMED spring coat, size 14. Elec. lathe, saw, màotor. Portable victrola. Elc. trains. Ail very cheap. Winnetka 1904. 173LTN5-ltp LIV. ROOM FURN., MIRROR, LAMPS. sofa, drapes, fernery, desk set, bed- spreads, auto trunk. Infant's clothes (new>, ladies' dresses. Winiretka 1157. 173LTN50-ltp Adut's Wheel Chair USED ONLY FEW TIMES. Price $15. Glencoe 1338. 1'l3LTN50-1tc ~ r~cVr XT, HO1SÊ1 2 DOL THREE SETS EXQUISITE crystal chandeliers witb 4 bracicets to match; silVer 1 new. Wilmeite 3023. -i llà IUTft1 UYMU ifuÏiTv cash. LARGE MrITHEN) T set,; - e ietdek Todi 0-hp longue. Gloncoe .1128. I n BRNWIK CANE I turcs, hairs, dig ,l arils inn tk 143 eouà ý-pI