cali. This Ô-hurch sponsors the following Scout troops for boys and girls: Girl Scout TroÔp 2-Thuradays at 3.:45 p.wn. G'irl Scout Troop 4-Tuesdays at 3:45 p.m. Brownie Pack 1-Wednesdays at 3 :30 p.m. Boy,.Scout Troop 3-Tues- day's at 7 :30 p.M. KenlwothUnion i)r. Herbert L. Willett, mhinister Dr. Willett's subJect for Sunday, May 1, will be "The Transient and the Abpiding." Thechurch service is at* il o'clock. The muaic for the ohurch service wll be as follows: Organ Prelude--Mountain Peaks lu the Starlight ............Coy Anthem---:-God la a Spirit 4 ... Kopyloft Ofertory-WInd in the Pine Trees... Solo-Love Neyer Faileth....... Root (Mr. -Glahn) A cordial invitation, is extended ta aIl who are not, members elsewhere ta corne and.worship with us. This is a Union Church. Its mernbersship Includes. people of variaus denominations. It pro- cdaims the essential1 truths of the.Chris- tdan religion. It deÉires ta provide for the community the. service ,of worshi,, religiaus educatton and social fellow's*ip. it %velcomes the cooperation of all peu- ple of good will who wish to prornùte the welfare of the nelghborhood, tVie realization of effective methods of phil- anthroipy and the extension of 't4e Chris- tian message thro.ughout the world. Trhe 'Spring dinner and annui - net- ing of the church will be 'hel at the Kenilworth club Wednes<Iay e-vening, ial1. Please reserve Lie CjaaL', rhe Sunday school will meet at 9~:4a. F There art, classes for children butween the ages o! 1kindergartefl and the hligh Women Voters Back City Manager Bill Mrs. George G. Bogert, president nil thé Illinois League of Womeil VToters, senit a telegrai to. Governor Horner this week on behaif, of the Illinois league, asking that he. include ili the caljý.for a' special 5essioni of the general assenibly the matter of a city manager: enlabling ect. ..The 'League asks this," says Mrs. Bogert, "even though it appreciates fully the-uitmfe lim'itationis in a special For the first tirne » twenty-six S-carsç, Dr. Frederick Stock (above), Ainlsical director, has taken Per- sonal charge of1 rehearsals for thée Evanton. MsicFestivpal. Jn or-* der to injunre a perfect performance, Dr. Stock and lus associate dirlce- for, Hans Lange, have corne to E-vasion every *week Mflce 4arl3' in Ian uary Io perso>îally, direct, coach 'ald the foned festivael chorits. Fezv. if any' orgaiii3àaioi-s 1 li or near Chicago, other !hau, the CiaoSvmtipho;ny orchestra, haie had hiscontisued personai>i vler- est takcii by the entinent co,!ductor. Sitîce 1905 Dr. Stock bas been the conductor of the Chicago Syniplîony or- chestrp, and since 1909 lie lias con- ducted the aniual' iVay Festivals: in Evanston in which the Chicago Syni- phony orchestra took part. 'Folinded by the late Peter C. Lutkin, the festival chorus and A Cappella choir were. lus specilal care. Reviveci last year, afte.r a lapse of four years, the chorus and pro- grains fel to the lot of Hans Lange tu direct and conduct due to the illniess of Dr. Stock. In inîproved healith this season. Dr. Stock has taken ff111 charge of' chorus rehearsals, coaching tito. mcm- bers of the group ini the Honcgger "Klung David- and f anued Brahîn's Re- dîuieuhî. - t- LAMB, ROAST. BONELESS ROLLED. BEF Yo îlenjoy the delicio sqaiy ofthis TINDERUTff.S$ genuine spring lamnb 2 j l. No bone. no waste, lb ..... 4 MI ' 3* OAST of ElF POT ROAST Standing. The finest of choice prime PieBe-hietqaiy beef. ThoroDughly aged, in, our, own sci'- Pie ef-hietqai entific coolers. A' tender, lusclous 'and very tender, juicy and succu- juicy roast you *Ill enjoy Imnenseiy, lent. Al Selected, fth and 7th rîbs, SC.,cCuts, lb......... lb ........... ....... ............. ________2_______ CORNED, SEEF Bonele.s Briket. Tender, prime beef ' deliciously sugar cured the fani nus Palace way,> lb....... Iaboxyaeaer. Freih..... 2 ibs. 39c FRYING. CHICKENS, Fine, selected milk-fed quality. Plump, tender, flavorsomie; fançy dry picked. 3 lbs. avg., lb.JJc HALIBUT STEAK 2 Fresh- Cut to order.......l.32 2RU.Fes aih to 4 lbs. avg...... ..... lb.25 TUNA PISR Genuine 4No. , s ail white finer pack ......4 tins I SCOT TISSUE ~"u ~ TOILET PAPER henI~ 10 rUa79c SCOT TOWELS 6 £6 9c For kitchen or Bath ros TOWN CRIER FLOUR 50e Uecipe Book FREE wvith79 24-1. bau .... .79 JAMES RIVER Brand Saiulwleh Sî,read. Made -in "Oie Virglnny" from peanut fed2 27 hogs .......2. 7 EACH 15e Visit I"Taste Demonstratlon" ln Store (A -Ne w Varety.) Not to be confuqed with ordinary pluma: a tree-ripened, delicate and lus- clous plumi. No. .2% .n. . . . . .. . . . . . 39 c Your Party CIjx WMhen you Serve TritX Cheese-Toasted2 23 Corn Bubbles.. 2-k,,.23 IOXOL I was repoUi LV. k111s wVVAx, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Bironlg of peare's birthday. is just 1536 Central avenue are moving Sat- museum is displaying Mis: urday with their children, Mary Jane, Wilson's copy of an early jack, Tomnmy, and *Betty Anti, to' Plays, and pictures., conni 'Niles ,Center. 'bis life. rig ...doz.39 Sun-kist.........doz., ci w I I Celery 3 to bui rg f or behti-