each89 l3b. DELICIOUS ROAST LESG0' LAMB IL.31c ...... L16c 3 to 4-1b. average . ý L34c w "oiT'S THE EXTRA EGGS" S Made wIth samùe.h 10m. ey quallty ingredients you'd use-plenty of eggs-f-lnest flour-..blended accord- log to famous oki recipe. More tender, more tasty.i * Marer Nos. * more deliclol2s! COFFEE 2 or19 1l.glass jar 2I 3.lb. glass jar Mrs. Grass' GenUine Egg Noodles. are served stýeltu or eatiand rec9rmendedby Mrs. Sarah D. Kriebel. "The World's Finest Coffee". . that's the reputation Manor House bas earned be-* cause of its superior blend and flavor. Lead- ing hotels and fine res- taurants use it exclu- sively., NATIONAL BABY WEEK- May 1 to 7. .. an opportunly to remid of the necessity of a bal cd diet for cbil ILb.29c FR EAttractive rubb.r kitchem po.rg 5 FREval. witm parclase of a quart or 2 plats of pintl3cQ.ats 23 c il 27e ns27,c APRIL 28, 1938 BRILERS PRIM& RÉEF POT ROAST FOR REAL ECONOMY HMSHANKS FRESH SONED PIKE .. eau