Leslie Gaies gyuûasium, Iid i Hill. student officiais h so oipteyatlhcepoeour Iu." A record crowd attended and saw a handled tbe affair. Especially. was Russ dlay of this week to a mulot' auto- show well worth its time. Monroe praised 'for bis work on the mobile blaze at Sheridan road and Ail indoor sports regùlarly part;ci- track. His job was difficuit but exe- Chestnut avenue. pated in at the scbool wered.ix cuted well. Bud Carey. publicity. and strated, principally by 'intramural :th- .Fred Hensche.general. hainuan, w(êr e wTirS detH t letes. cmeddfrýhîrwoèýére n Vôlleyball occupied. a proiniient 1 for w nElgi'nMotor, Accident place on the evenig's schedule.. Ken- Gordon Laugbead, a student at nèth Funkha'UWSe advisor roor m n CENTRELLA BOWLING , New Trier Township High school and sntched tWo of three <iglLmlmsfrm 1H131 ThTr. a resident, of Glencoe,- sustained ryC Pf's 5-2 1-5, 51 on e tntemtg-severe fbead injuries, Sunday morn- serior cîss pa . J no iner 1as ened its :dcaim on first, place in the. nn , bie idng yis moor yce ea George Edward's over Roland Wher's ae o technPinhpiteE- Elgin.« A Chi cago motorist disre- '54,14-5. Inï two straight games. Ed- anston-North Shore Centrella bowling gr dasft tpsgi a e gar Jacks'lads topped,Rôhertleague by tiaking. 3 games fromn Scot re asft to in i a e Reams toa 1512, 5-6 une.Towels wbile Wilson Ideals adminis- pread rse nobm h tered a 3 to O W hitewashtol the Kr-aft- injured student was taken to the Ch.* rFoinkt Sherman hospital in Elgin. Cloâelyý foueit was the freshman! Pheulix Cheese teain._________________ batie lthAnhurW. anDeUsef's Everything depends on the nex. om.h rcJ.Rpol aiehm ond for -Kraft-Phenix to stay in.th~e Mondav,. Mav 16,,the final.battie of the la front in the one-lap rtn with 119.1 figbt forth championsbip *of the csen. iecOndu timàe. H. 'Reiuwald estabi ished leu. They must take 3games f rom Tem Won Los a. record Of 19 feet 3 inc4ies In the Od Mokswhleib ITwnCrer lor........a s3 îiint broad Jump; then lhe polished it the Slipping l ht h onCirFoý_5 ,3 offi by leaplng Sfeet inches in thé î leaders meet ,te'warts Coffee tearn. aSt Erîat Phenix' Cheese ........:.53 401 h18h JWup CYeven.bard teamn to set down. 'Poe*" Magee Boosýters ........o 43 John Davis, galped to a 5.9 Qecjndi Peacock *'400 Club-'.... ...... 50 43, vie-tory In the freshînan-sophomore 50 ýIipredictions fluW truc't o ioIIU 411 e bhardt's Ea9l1cs .. .....4S 45 ,.%-rd dash. whule the sinilar junior- iiext round will see a tie for first hon- Linco Products................ 48 4'5 senir ee-n wastakn b Brmner Brus ................4.6 4- esmor ven ws tkenbyR.. McCaflors, Town Crier and Kraft-Phenix I,~ I at 58. WlsonIdeals................ 44 449 Rifle Team-No. 10 66 6 6666 going into the -home round- neck andStewart-, Coffee........ ....... 44 .49, The girls» rifle team wa out over neck. 56 games won and 40 lost. Skot Towels................._42 511 the boys. 503 to 4à9. A 35-point handi-! next round on miay 9 10 bied Hydrox Beverage............. 34 54 cap-ws given the feminine artists but, Due to Central Grocers banquet and.ý Old Monks ..............38 55ý tUila proved unneceaeary as everts turu- sce1id palring orNxtRo1 ed ou ar oMy .theageLinco Produets vs. Gebhardt's Eagles! ClIRf Joh.nson wILs the winner in the wilI not roll next Mondav evening but (-Id 11onks vs. Kraft-Ph'enix table tennis ultil Lawrence Masn oio ody a ,àn.fnS tewaris Coffetr, vs. Town Crier, fillig secnd B" _1cot Toweis vs. Breminer Bros. <ding ~coudSPot. a~-Iar r -o' the last round on W\ednesday. May I lsnIei ."PpMae -B- team took the mesure of cGordon .witb the anntual sweepstakes posted for Hydrox Beverage vs. Peacock 400 Club the voice. of the Son of God: .and they that hear shall live" (John 5 :25>. Among the citations which com- prised the lesson-sermon was the foi- lowing froxn the Bible: "Blessed be the God and. Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,, 'which according to hj's abundant mercy bath begotten Us again unito a lively hope by the res- u *rrection of jesu s Christ from the' dead. To an inheritance incorrupt- ie.and unidefiled,.gndthalt-fadetih flot. away. reserved in heaven for vou. Who are ýkept Iby the power oi. God 'through faith unto, salvation readv to be revealed in the last tirne" (I. Peter 1:3-5). The lesson-sermon also inciuded the following. passages from, the Christian Science teXtbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip-' tures,".by Mary B.aker Eddy: "Jesus' uncbanged physical condition after what seemed. to be deatb was follow- cd by bis exhaltation above,,all ma- terial conditions, and this exaltation explained bis, ascension,, and revealed unmistakably a probationary and progressive state beyonid the grave" ('p. 46). M.and 'Mrs. Boris Emmnet and ,thecir two sons, Richard and Robert, moyed here Saturday f rom Evanston to '769 Michigan ave .nue., Mr. and I Mrs. J. Edward Liess, who formerly lived îhere, moved to Evanston. Hall t/w Sporfling, Season With Street FIoor N onDAVIS MT antd FVeit c WiInmett. 1100 ~cta on i fi [fi titi ni l tri flittiti si 111111111 m tri Il el ïlltilliilitil 1 Il m fil m m I m m liq i m m i il fitit tri fil 1 m il ri If i m i i tir ml f il fi-'