Mvr. anda By Ray Scnig * Travel Io the Northt'est for Dutde Ranch vacations is rapidly growzing to thte pro portions of a migration. Judging from last sun- nzers reports, there are very few Apitcricans -yoting or old -who * have outgrown the urge to swing inlothte saddle and gallop back haif a century into thte advncititrousc days ofte old West. you. Dudes are simnply non-ranchers- guests, if you please, and they're. as wel- corne as the flowers ini May. Everybody on the ranch, from the "top" wrangler to the cook's youngest helper bas just ùne aimi in mind: to see. that. the dudes have the time of their lives!1 And the duldes never disappoint themn, for it's, practicaily impossible not to0 have .a grand time. ini this glorious mountai'i country. l.UFÇV monins s iaj- the Duce f amily will again visit Ms Zimmùerman for a f ew days, bfr returning to,,South America., Eamp iEDlc Camp Glenloch at, Pentwater, Mich., is preparing to -open its 1Sth season. This is a camp 'for girls over 5, years of age, operat.ed u4der expert supervision and off ering a comfplet e camp ptograrn. The camp bas, a beautiful beach, and offers. among other special f ea- tures, instruction in horseback riding with an instructoIr of' wîde reputation. Camp informati on is pr o vided by Mirian HÉ. Wilson, 5702 Kimbark avenue, Chicago. STUDENTS, TOUR 0F EUROPE Seven Weeks--AII Expnses-New York to New York- 4 5 "..Do" Engla&'nd, Holland,,Germany. Austria, Italy, Swîizerland. andý France *Sevqen glorlous interest-paàcked weeks -ocean crossings ona luxurlous liner, a Ielsurely tour of Europe, visiting, seven forelgn landÉ, ail under expert guidance, and at. a cost of scarcely that of, a vacation at a hlh grade. summer camp. Truly, a dream vacation, corne true -a PAUL 6. DELAPORTE mnarvelous opportunîty for. NEW TRIER HIGH SOHOOL the lucky and Ilmlted .Winnotka, Illinois (Phone 2400) or group of, students who 1209 Sh.rWi'Avenue. Chicalgo can be accommodated!, Briargêate 43.00 A NORTHWO:OrýDS CAýMP BR.OUGHT .CLOSE TO -HOMEL MAJOR CAMP ACTIVITIES; INCLUDE Cou.. Building H.rseinuuip .Arobatêics I*xing Head Crofts : Camper Crofti Indiern Loi' *Archery Torget Sk..ting Cr.ollve Art SSpecial art teacher .NORTH SHOREOS-OWN DAY CAMP FOR'BOYS ANDG-IRUlSý