zzwauusec l858e57r For the third successive year the luxuriolis liner will f ulfili an itinerary' whch, covers the coast of Western Europe from Portugal to Norway, de- voting rnuch of its time to the, scenic coast of. the. latter country. The irst i two ,ports are Ponta Delgada 'in thec Azores and' Funchal in' Madeira, These two îslands,- Portuguese pos- ,> sessions, ýare, followed by a cail at ý Lisbon. Next cornes Brittany witht stops at, St. Nazaire and Brest . Ire-1 land offers Cobh, Glengarriff and Dunv Laoghaire, port for, Dublin, afterîi which' cornes Wales with a cail att1 Holyhead.. Rounding Scoiland the 1 ship wilI stop at Oban and Edinburgh.4 Fromn there- it will proceed . to thei three ýScandinavian capitals, Copen- hagen, Stockholm, which is reached frorn Nynasharnn, and Oslo. Next cornes Bergen, Norway's second city and after that the rnost spectacular of the famous fjords, Stor Fjord, Jorund Fjord with a cail at Oie, Slyngs Fjord, Sunelvs Fjord andi Geiranger Fjord with a cati at Merok. Passengers rnay leave the cruise at either. Havre or Southampton after a cali at Rotterdam in Holtand. Iut.resting Events According to Mr. Robinson the cruise is tirned so as to allow passengerS to witness severat inter- esting features of the European sumn- HONOR 1FRATERNITY For oùtstand.ing scholarship. during th eir f reshman year in the University ,f Illinois .two students 'frorn Wil-ý Mette are eligib.le to membership ini Phi Eta Sigma,, freshrnan scholastic- honorr fraterniity, it was announced whi wek. The Wilmettè scholars are Richard P. Kent,2U Ninth street, who hada scholastic average of 4.88, in the College of Engineering, and Milton j.* Shapiro, 231 Greenleaf ave- nue, wbo. had a scholastic a-verage of 4.71 in the Collège of 'Engineering., 4-6-8 and 10. wek erocsCi C. F. VANCE Assistant FP. For B oys and Girls- 6 to 12 ~ July lst-August 2&Wh Directors LETTIE L. JOU1NSTON We Ha»Hd SHd.sid Coupon i -P f or Boys : Prmi ffortaSmn tblI Cochi a#N. U. 313 Kedde $tr..t, e OB*- Rihs mer in Oslo. The cruise is of 32 datys duration from New York to Havre and wil sait 9,250 miles. Mr. Robinson will make the cruise himsetf as a rep- resentative of RaymnondýWh itcomfb. The Sprague Camps (MiliQcqua and Clearwater numnber of skills so that hlin others will be a joyr, to assist th, make an important place for. selves in the' Camp Commnrun' which they live. Camp Mdinocqua o ff ers a '2ly in_ Vilag&Farm Schol' 717 Greenwood Avenue Glencoe Phone Gloncoe 928 ob!ffl