il fnest camping t yeam. is another sport which to the camp program mtage, of its ideal art of some of the WITH LIT HUII Sce the>new.ways of the Old'World unfôlded in an, educationil tour thst will combine accomplisbrnent with, fun .- romance - adventure. Get al informa./' tion now* for this wonderful personally -conàducted tour - sailinig June L2lstý on The Frencëh Lile. CLADYS ,HIGIIT ~-at famous smxart olti- stèrs and iyuuu.cseuare £cvvuun i inwarA u u and balmy, invigorating air. Corne and juin theru Play golf on two championsbip~ courses in perfect tournament condition. Dance to the swing-coyxiting rhythma of Jules Dulce's broadcasting orchestra. Hlear Glenn Paxtonat the Hammond organ. Luxuri- ate aimd superb service. Enjoy the famous food of Winnetlca, nas Deen aml nw editor. Miss Clough and Miss Roche have been very active on the Shimer campus in such widely diversified ac- tivities as dancing, riing, acting, and writing. Both have beén elected to membership in, Phi Theta Kappa, na- tional honôrary socicty.for scholastic ability. They ýwere classmates, with Miss 'Constance Clough, at New Trier,..and after graduating there last summe r en rolled at .Shimer together. Mishi Mokwa I Organized with a definite purpose based on long .experience, Mishi Mfokwa Woodcraft camp will be opened again for the summer season, June 20, it was.announced 'this week, by Harry Worth Hart, dîrector. XVith both day time and full time camping for bôth boys and girls, the camps are located north of Wheeling. The camp entrance is off Milwaukee avenue, a mile south of Deerfield road. The day camp provides the. best in camping facilities along with all'real camping experiences dear to the hearts of every American boy, and girl. "It -is especially good for chul- dren' too young to send away and for those whose parents want them home at night," M.r. Hart stated. LUvaqult v.a - o- --- Iwho want their child in, a place where he is safe and happy. The full time camp affords north woods experience near home where frequent visits may r be madie by parents. f Six, Kenilworth frientis made up aparty Which cruised- to- Bermuda I lduring the Easter holidays. In the party were Mr. andi Mms. johin L. ~Wilds, 244 Oxford road, andi their miniature railroad on the camp grounds and work is progressing with such rapidity that the first mun of the train is expected to be made within a week or so. The railroad, to .,be known as the Hastings Lake and Northern Illinois will. be an exact copy of a real road, in miniature , form. There will bc four. or five bundred yards of track- to. start,, with bridges, tunnels, .switches, stations and everything else to thrill and delightthe young- sters hearts. R.creataonal, Feature. ---,The road is designed specifically to. add to the enjoyment and rec- reational .possibilities of the camp, and knowing the natural attracion of railroads for big and little boys and girls,' the Y. M. C. A. fully expects the railroad to be one of -its most popular features. Not only are littie. boys excited over the prospect, but big boys ,as well. As a matter of fact, "the:big- ger they are,,-the harder they fali," and the bIusiness andi prof essional leaders of the Irving Park district who belong to the Y. M. C. A. andi local men's clubs, have taken over the road as a hobby,, many of them contributing' a wvelcome subsidy to- wards its constructiont.for the priv- ilege of being on its board of di- rectors. The board, and list of 'officers reatis like a social register of the commun- ty, containing naines of most of the, prominent , men in the district, andi every one of them is having the time of bis life planning his duties .as a prospective railroader this summer. Though. the railroad has been de- signed exclusively for the pleasure of the littie folks, as 1a- protectivie measure a strict ule wilil be in effect barring the use 'of the train except when an aduit charge.. Very slightly behind the railiroad .as a..means for fun, is the fine stable of horses and ponies at Camp Hast- ings. Well stocked* with. trained animaIs, the camp provides a' rare opportunity for children to learn. horsemnanship at no cost ýand in the ni tUins l U,~id IuIIpLpIJoaUidjabl Instructor. Miriamt H. Wilson 4702 Klmbark Ave., C1'Iego Wln10ta.88W7 ALL IEXPINSE TOUIE ARROAD or wr;te t. [ik e ýwioe '. . ce.for