W,"t:bextra size, extra comf or*¶, and striking beauty, toda y's De Luxe Ford cars take you right > 1.40et thb hgher style fild...in everything. but cost! :1k - 2 Tail Lights 2 Matched Ele4tHo Air Hors 2Sun vison I in closed cars il sN~~HeadlightI FoFot ontroiI (wýith dash in- dic*tor light> De Luxe Steer- 9 ing WheeI f DE WXuTU Diagonal 1 partm« met INe fied of owpricd cam there is notbing to compare with this De Luxe Ford V-8. It is la biga ... to look at, to sit in, big even in its, 1uggage space. P..es DEL1VERED UN DETROIT, $1292! Uou i P m EN T INCLUDED A ut horized Ford-Lincoln Ze>hyr Dealers 435 GREEN. BAY ROAD APRIL 289 1938 EDAM.. 112-kwh wlrnelbase, 123-kwhb sprJngbase, 85 ý o! front seat back g*ives easj, access Io rear ... Luggal from ootsde... Mohair or broadctoth ujholstery. WTLMETTE 535