- Pl *UgscnPTiON: $ 2 PER Yu&mR Ali communicationls and contributions, intended for publi- Cadiou Mst ber the* noainsd addreus of the author, not neoeauaily for publication, but for our fits. Sudi material. mtni ech the editor by Truesday noom to b. lu turne for diecuienttmoue. TrHE PEOPLE CHIOOSEý in a. page advertisement in last week's issue of this news-magazin1e, the -directors of. New Trier Sunday EUvening club, formerly: the ýWiI- me tte Sundayr Evening club, requested the people, of New Trier to participate, in, formulatiflg its, program for the season of> 1938-1939 by. checking and returning ten. out of a. list of fifty-eight Thie is. the very essence of the spirit of democ- rcand reveals a commendable desireo th- *part of the directors of the. club to give its petrou the k ind of enteirtainment they. want. The response. te the request shoulci be prompt anud ij suffiot numbir e t give the directors reai help in making up the season's programis. With the,. lirited financial support accorded in recent, years it bas been difficuit enough for those chargç-d with the responsibility to keep the pro- grams up to the high standard that bas given the club 'a nation-wide reputation for outstanding entertaiflifent. The' coming season will be the club's silver anniversary, marking twenty-five' years of an, *unusual community service that has contributed - -.1-. d- l.. ..ire but teié the i'ducational spite of ail these the progress has been steacly and achievements great. Perhaps it woul be -unfair to mention any when se many have been, .concerned in the arduous work and heavy re- :sponsibilities of the club over a quarter century of' time, but it would bc decidedly unfair not, to mention andi give special credit to W. Frank McClure, "father of the Sunday IEvening club,", -whose loyalty te its, interests throughout its exc- istence, and through it te the communiy, canniot 'bc too -bighiy -praisei.- . possible. It' is noted that if not paid wlthinta * specified tirne a very smal'interest charge is added, and that the bills do not become de- liquent until. somte future date. iForgotten is the fact that by paying the bis to the township col- * lector promptly the money fiows more quickly into the coffers. of the. local taxing bodies, insur- mug. tht there will be no %interruption of the NATIONAL BABY WEEK DUring the week, of Màv 1-7, designated by, the Infant Welf are Society of Chicago as, Baby Week,. the' thouight and attention of adul.ts will be focused on1 the needs of babies in- familles in the lower economic brackets, and the splendid %vork the societ.y is doing in meeting thoseý needs. New Trier villages, through local Infant Wel- f are. societies, are 1p laying an important, part in thi gratwork by sustaining.the Infant. Welf are Centers in Chicago, where the actual health pro-, gramns for the c are and dire ction of un derpriv- ileged cbildreén are carried on., These stations' are complete ly, equipped foi the highly' specializedý service they are designed. to renlder, and the per- sonnel, fr om, physicians, 'nutritionists, and nurses to the less important attendants, are tboroughly trained in their respective functions. The service which is rendered toliterally hun'. dreds of mothers and babies. includes prenatai counsel antd care andl constant .supervision ýover the diet and health activities of the child until the age of six. In the homes nurses and nutri- tionists direct the tnothers how to feed and clothe the babies, how to keep the home sanitary, how to budget their incomes, however small, what foods to buy and bow to prepare them in order to se- cure the greatest nutritive value,: bow to estab- lish and maintain a healthful routine of living, and how to train cbildren in good habits. The theory, which bas now passed the theoreticai stage and become a demonstrated fact, is that It i s only througb large group. supervision that so extensive a service can be rendered to children, over s0 long a perioti, and the New Trier societies' who have contributed so much to the work have just reason to take pride in thebody and char-. acter-building programs whicb they have so gen-. erously supported., MORE WATBR, OR LiEss? Attacking Dr. Dafoe for misharidling the Dionne quintuplets is much. like attackng General Grant for misconduct of the Civil war. Grant won the war, did he not? And the, quiints are alive and thriving, are they not? chicken. stolen ra lining that it thirty-two yea 0f course there are different ways Of looking at almost any prop)osition,' but a North Shore. yv1illage r mu$t. be awarded the. patim for ingenuity of logic. on a question that is causing village.offi- ciais quite a bit Of bother. The. village r. in qu es- tion, being advised thatthe regulations require that dogs be confined on the owner's property. and permittedon the street-only on leasb, went to 'the authorities to learn the: reason for such a ridiculous order. In response to bis inquiry lie was,told that the, practicc. of permitting dogs to run aà larg had- resulted in many persons beingý bitten; that numbers of coniplaints were received fromn householders that their sbrub-, bery, gardens -and flowers were destroyed by the animaIs; that store fronts were being poliuted ,and discolored, and that do gs running ini packs constitute a serious danger to children and aduits alike. With ill-concealed 'indignation the' villager asserted his opposition to the regulation, Coniclud-, ing' with: "What' do 1 payt a ôg lilcense fôr"' "Well," replied the officiai, "you certainiy do flot pay it for the privilege o-t-ailowing your dog to destroy a neighbor's valuable prôperty, or to bite his chiid, or to join a pack and become a menace to everyone on the street. There is nothing ini your license that gives you the right to do any of these things. It simply gives you ,the right to keep a dog, flQt to impose it upon others.". The villager's arguments were remninis- cent of those employed when it became neces- sary to prohibit cows, horses, goats and pigs --from running at large. And flot a bit more' reas- onable.** There is just no telling how far so me of those independent members of Congress may go. 'Why, they are even talking, of putting a padlock on Secretary Ickes' mouth before giving him any more, of the taxpayers' mnoney to spend. The very idea!*** Those two pbilanthropic iChicagolades h e up an establishment for training housemaids and finding jobs for them, are not the first to ovei- look the important factor of human nature. After equipping the place with fancy china, rare linens, 'The "*back to nature" movement may have its advantages, but there is danger of overdoing it. Take, for instance, the California couple who were married in bathing suits, with ail attendants smilarly attired,' only the preacher weàring a bathrobe. That's getting pretty ls o Paue *we'd say. THZ PHANIOM, RxpoORÏZa