ÇtU h i1*è~ iîi ]FLORIS PERFUME BT LE GALLTON Heaveely scents to suit each Indtîrldual Mo0ther-ý 1W jeweled top bottie .......... ...........1 PERFUME DOTTLES bBeautlfullY eut crystal bottles If She's femniine and loves things on ber dressing table........ si PURE LINEN ILANflEECHIEFS Sheer, lovely hankies to delight aey type. 411 handmade, some with appeezell. Reg. $1 ... . 79c HAND-MADE HANDKECHIEFS Pure linen with spoking. appenzell, or filigree work. 50e value, now 35e or ........... 3 for Sl LUCIEN LE LONG I>DISCRET PERFUME Give her somethlflg "scent-imneftal" .. . If She's .oaptlvatlngly feminifle..........85. S7.50. Sl 0 MAKE-UP KIT By Charles of thé Ritz. Complete with 6 items. Perfect for a week-end' jaunt ,................. S6 TRAVELING BAG Rubber lined a.nd~ fitted wlth two bottles and two~ jars for creanis, lotions. Very servicea1ble, $1 .59 LORD'S SPECIAL CREPE UOSIERY Serviceable--yet sheer-the klnd Mother likes to recelve. 4-thread chiffon $1.00 or 3 prs. .S. 2.S Chiffon and service weights at 79e or 3 prs, S2.11 FLOWERS SheIl wear these nwst. anywhere in ber ward- robe. Violets, gardenias, daisies, carnations. and boutonnieres ....................... 39c to $1 BLOUSES R layon crepe blouses in a number of new styles. Very smnart wlth a spring suit. Also le cotte», linen, batiste, and organdy. Sizes 32 to 40, S2.95 CONSOLE SET 0f Fostoria is enough_ to thrill any Mother. FOTrY h aI h iig omYthav enough for porchÏ use. Fabrtc, shade ..... A sPeciaj purehase for EMother's Day and a wonl- derful buy. Not ail sizes and lengths. Pure dye silk................................ 39 Smnart styles In the envelope, top handie. or swagger model. An Ideai glft! lni navy, black, rhaudron ................................ ï WASTE BASKETS Buy Her sonietblflg for her homie. Tbese waste, baskets are washable with pastel print designs.' A $1.50 value ........................... 9 PEARL NECKLACE The crowning touch of dclgnity ... every womanB loves pearls! These are exceptionaJiy lovly, 2 and ;-strand. Shflulated. Regully $2 . ... 81,59 O1LDD14PICE SET A grand glft! Complete wtth talcum bath salte, and soap. She'Il get real enjoymeut out of thls, Sl 6-BUTTON SLIP-ON GLOVU In a' fabrie that thrlves on soap and water. Hand sewn, double woven. In~ white, chamisOl, beige. A pair .......................... 81i.25 ITALIAN POTTERY SomethiKig new__that every Mother would like. Perfect for. garden flowers . lei designe that blend into any color scheme........... 82La2. TORTE PLATE Beautiful Fostorla. glass makes this plMat ex.- ceptionally lovely one. Adaptable for almoat anv kind of servig. 14 Inch ........ 1.7S tO S3 ... .. .o . . I 95 49: APRIL .28, 1938 . âýJýý 1 1 , -