Mathew Francis Photo Mathew Francis Photo 'Asistinag wtth -Plans for thé annisal lisncheoit of'the Woman's gutild of the First Congregationol church of Wifimette on, May 13, tll be Mes. Glen S. Roberts, 1135 Lake aeenue, (le ft) aitd Mrs.: Howard S. Daeidson,(rh) 1605 Highland avenue. Mrs. Roberts, the social chairinan, has arranged 10 hold the luencheon at the' Illinois Coliiitry,.cluib. Mrs. Davidson is iii charge 0f the' progronz. this event lias become a well knowný tradition on the North Shore. The junior auxiliary bas member- ship in the Illinois Federation of, Women's Clubs of the Tenth District and lias just voted to become a men-, ber of the state federation. The charter members of that first "Junior Woman's Club of Wilmette" can well be proud of the progress that bas been made over the last ten years by the junior auxiliary of the Woman's Club of Wilmette, and it is te those wbo laid the ground worlc, who had the flrst ideas, 'Who did the original planning and hoping that we' do h or at this Tçnth Anniversary meetinig.-A. H. .Màke Telp. by Plâne Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Rye of Montclair, N. Jl. ef t New York Wed- nesday of.ý last week by plane for Houston, Texas, te visit their son,. *Robert P. Rye in Port Arthur. They then flew f rorn Houston to Chicago to spend Monday and Tuesday with another son and his family, the Fred S. Ryrés of Wilmettei and left by plane Tuesday for New York. Recent Vis ifors The C. J. Nylunds of 1634 Forest avenue, have had several visitors in their home recently. Miss JuUiet Nicholson of New Yorkc City, niece of Mt. Nylund, returned east Mon- day 'after being ini Wilmette M.r Raster. On Easter Monday, Mrs. Vernon Ascher and children of In-. dianapolis, and Mrs. A. F.. Lifvendahl of Chicago, were luncheon gtaests at the Nylund home. Melvin Nylund bas returned te bis home after spending part of Easter week with lhis grand- mother, Mrs. S. E. Bowcli«fe, in Met- vin, 111. Week-End Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Swaim of Buffalo,, N.* Y., --and Col. Carlislèe Allen of, Montgomery, MAl.,, were week-end guests of. Mr. Swaim's *mteMrs. Robert Swaim of 701 Laurel avenue. con b. a gay advcntiflc. Lu2Im furniture of Malay cane, for sun terraces, comas with spmart mod beguiling colons. Chi~osc your color schenos oactly asyou would choose them :for, indoor, Selccting thinga im"MedItY assrasyouma=ngthem ready =hen rosiout-doo weather ar-, rives so that'you need lois Rot a monment. of the enj oyment of. summer. I * lu Aft ter Easter Il C learance. Bradley ýKnizs. SPORTSNVEAR 704 Chuirch St., mevnton Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Russ inoved çarly this week te 1466 Lake avenue. They had been living,\ at 504 Fifth Street.. D.esigns illusrted-4in.vyor wunny copper--shoe 6.75,.I,.g 3.00